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Tory Leadership Race

The membership are a 'Broad church', many with vast experience of life and awash with erudition. Most certainly the membership does not contain an abundance of dunderwhelps and fusty old relics.I admit many are in the dusk of life but often longevity brings with it wisdom,knowledge and intuition.
? It's the generation that have voted over decades to get us to this! Only those who opposed what was happening deserve a pass.

The state of the Tory party is of their making......they literally chose Cameron over Davies.
? It's the generation that have voted over decades to get us to this! Only those who opposed what was happening deserve a pass.

The state of the Tory party is of their making......they literally chose Cameron over Davies.
Whenever the future success of the Conservative Party is called into question, as we particularly heard before the recent General Election result, our proponents are quick to remind us that it is the most successful democratic organisations in the Western World.

Just as fall follows decline, when the Party’s fortunes have waned it reinvents itself and steps back into the spotlight with renewed energy.
Whenever the future success of the Conservative Party is called into question, as we particularly heard before the recent General Election result, our proponents are quick to remind us that it is the most successful democratic organisations in the Western World.

Just as fall follows decline, when the Party’s fortunes have waned it reinvents itself and steps back into the spotlight with renewed energy.

So basically get rid of the Brexiteers! Gotcha.
Not all of them but the strongly ideologically opposed Eurosceptics is the cohort who really belong in Reform and not the Tory party.

The internal arguments between two completely different visions have existed for as long as I can remember. It’s all very well being a “broad church” but not when two gods are being worshipped. Reform now exist and the honest thing is to acknowledge that and for all those who share their beliefs to be under their umbrella. Then we can see just how popular these ideas are.

Those Brexiteers who supported their party but who could see both sides of the argument and were persuaded at the time, whilst being uncertain, have no need to leave. Redemption is always available for those who change their mind.

In truth if a relaunched, modern, forward thinking Tory party now emerges, embracing the idea of reversing Brexit could be their salvation. They would immediately be attractive to 48% of the people which is more than enough to secure power in our system.

Distancing themselves from Johnson, Truss and Reform is the way ahead.
Nigel Farage has relinquished control of the party.
Ben Habib has criticised the ill-thought out democratisation plans and will not be attending the 'Reform UK' conference.
He has relinquished ownership by surrendering his shares, but remains in control.

In control of stupid populist headline grabbing ideas like returning illegal immigrants to France. Is it any wonder he is best mates with Trump?

It doesn't matter who wins the race, the next Tory leader will be the same centrist, globalist elite cheerfully ignoring the wishes of the party members.

Perhaps the leader after this will be the one to turn things around but quite frankly I don't care, I've had enough of Tory lies.

Best thing that can happen is the Party collapses.

This is the polar opposite of the messaging by the candidates at the Hustings on Monday but I accept the hall was awash with party members !
I recall one asserting that selection of MPs for a constituency should be the preserve of the local associations and not CCHQ 'Parachuting' someone in from some elite list.
Nigel Farage has relinquished control of the party.
Ben Habib has criticised the ill-thought out democratisation plans and will not be attending the 'Reform UK' conference.

Who is in 'control' of the Tory party? Farage is very important but it can't just be about him.

Reform has come a long way in a matter of a couple of years and the push for 'democratisation' of the party came from Habib himself.

I'd agree with the narrative that Habib is being sidelined as the new money that's come into the party doesn't seem to like him.....Whereas I'd say that Habib's opinions pretty much represent most Reform voters.

However, these are small fry problems.....at least Reform haven't been betraying their base for decades.
Who is in 'control' of the Tory party? Farage is very important but it can't just be about him.

Reform has come a long way in a matter of a couple of years and the push for 'democratisation' of the party came from Habib himself.

I'd agree with the narrative that Habib is being sidelined as the new money that's come into the party doesn't seem to like him.....Whereas I'd say that Habib's opinions pretty much represent most Reform voters.

However, these are small fry problems.....at least Reform haven't been betraying their base for decades.
'Reform UK' were only established in 2021.
It doesn't matter who wins the race, the next Tory leader will be the same centrist, globalist elite cheerfully ignoring the wishes of the party members.

Perhaps the leader after this will be the one to turn things around but quite frankly I don't care, I've had enough of Tory lies.

Best thing that can happen is the Party collapses.
Yup, and Reform will steam into power next election, I just hope it’s not too late!
Sorry Willo ,nice chap ,tories have no future full stop.
We will have to respectfully agree to disagree.

We Conservatives realise the importance of rebuilding trust with the public. Fundamentally, the reason we were rejected at the ballot box was not related to our values but because we were not seen as being a competent outfit for government.

As a party, we lost our sharpness and our edge, and we have lost our reputation as the party that gets things done. In all honesty, we lost the trust of the Great British public and the 'Brand' has been damaged.

Whilst we recognise the gargantuan challenge we face, there is optimism that we can revive our fortunes and re-establish our party as being fit for Government.
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The best weapon the Tories have come to the next election is not being Labour.
However, I'm not sure 5 years is enough for people to forget how badly let down we were by their post Brexit inaction on illegal and regular immigration. They have become more Liberal than Conservative. I can't see that changing with the left, Remainer side of the party in charge.

There has to be a deal between Tory and Reform to rid us of two tier Keir Stalin and his weirdo cabinet.
We can't have another 5 years of socialist nutcase dystopia. Unfortunately, I feel like Parliament has become increasingly detached and self serving, if that is possible, and no longer cares a hoot for public opinion. They now simply rely on telling a pack of lies around election time.

Meanwhile, our country has become a cesspit due to the complete ineptitude of our leaders.
The best weapon the Tories have come to the next election is not being Labour.
However, I'm not sure 5 years is enough for people to forget how badly let down we were by their post Brexit inaction on illegal and regular immigration. They have become more Liberal than Conservative. I can't see that changing with the left, Remainer side of the party in charge.

There has to be a deal between Tory and Reform to rid us of two tier Keir Stalin and his weirdo cabinet.
We can't have another 5 years of socialist nutcase dystopia. Unfortunately, I feel like Parliament has become increasingly detached and self serving, if that is possible, and no longer cares a hoot for public opinion. They now simply rely on telling a pack of lies around election time.

Meanwhile, our country has become a cesspit due to the complete ineptitude of our leaders.
I thought this during Farage’s speech. To be able to speak for that li g without notes or cues is very impressive. Kamala Harris can’t specify anything for 3 minutes, or even one.