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Tory Leadership Race

Suffice to say your comments has not met with my universal approbation, however Conservatives in general accept that the 'Brand' has been damaged and there is an acknowledgement that we did not deliver for the electorate as we had hoped.
Many of the electorate voted for other parties simply to remove us from office and there were Conservatives who choose not to vote at all.
A number of times during the campaign I heard words to the effect "I have always voted Conservatives but not this time" or "I simply do not know what the Conservatives stand for any longer". Many in this cohort asserted they would not be voting at all.

The job of the new leader is to rebuild our party whilst Labour flounders on the path of self-destruction.It is a challenging task in world of labyrinthine complexity and I wish the new leader every success in his or her efforts to revive our fortunes.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, they do not deserve your loyalty.

Loyalty is a laudable quality, but when it's only one way it becomes exploitation. Indeed, I think the Tories only take advantage of people like yourself.
The idea that the Tories can win Reform voters back just doesn't reflect the reality of the situation.

Forty percent of the Conservative voting base didn't just vote Reform....in the full knowledge that it would let in the disastrous Labour party....for a lark.

Yet when you listen to the Conservative party you have the impression that they can win these people back by remaining centralists. Even the most right wing of them is essentially a social liberal in real terms.....only economically conservative.

There is nothing I've heard said that would convince me to ditch Reform: It's fantasy politics.

The Tories only react when forced to, never out of principle. Even now you can sense the resentment, they honesty think they are the party of power. Yet their actual base have been complaining about them for many years.. Yet they just ignored it....even now they are like someone who's house is burning down only just noticing that the waste paper basket is alight.

If Corbyn can get his party started both the Tories and Labour (both sold out to special interests money) are under threat and frankly I'd support the creation of new populist choices on both left and right.

The mainstream have done nothing but transfer wealth and manage decline for the British public.....covered up by 'warm words' and lies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, they do not deserve your loyalty.

Loyalty is a laudable quality, but when it's only one way it becomes exploitation. Indeed, I think the Tories only take advantage of people like yourself.
With the greatest respect, we will have to agree to disagree on this matter.

Apropos the way forward, our mission is to win back the trust of the voters and demonstrate that we have the answers to the problems they care about. This equates to getting ahead of where Labour are likely to falter and having answers and alternatives , in addition to re-establishing with the electorate that the Conservatives can actually deliver what it promises.

To emerge victorious, the Conservatives have to be a convincing party of government with ideas and the competence to execute. The party also has to take the public along with it, reinvigorating our supporters and being in the sort of shape where Labour waverers aren’t motivated to keep us out.

The new leader has a gargantuan challenging task and I wish him or her every success in reviving our fortunes and returning us to Government.My support for the Conservative Party shall continue unabated.
With the greatest respect, we will have to agree to disagree on this matter.

Apropos the way forward, our mission is to win back the trust of the voters and demonstrate that we have the answers to the problems they care about. This equates to getting ahead of where Labour are likely to falter and having answers and alternatives , in addition to re-establishing with the electorate that the Conservatives can actually deliver what it promises.

To emerge victorious, the Conservatives have to be a convincing party of government with ideas and the competence to execute. The party also has to take the public along with it, reinvigorating our supporters and being in the sort of shape where Labour waverers aren’t motivated to keep us out.

The new leader has a gargantuan challenging task and I wish him or her every success in reviving our fortunes and returning us to Government.My support for the Conservative Party shall continue unabated.
Tut tut.
With the greatest respect, we will have to agree to disagree on this matter.

Apropos the way forward, our mission is to win back the trust of the voters and demonstrate that we have the answers to the problems they care about. This equates to getting ahead of where Labour are likely to falter and having answers and alternatives , in addition to re-establishing with the electorate that the Conservatives can actually deliver what it promises.

To emerge victorious, the Conservatives have to be a convincing party of government with ideas and the competence to execute. The party also has to take the public along with it, reinvigorating our supporters and being in the sort of shape where Labour waverers aren’t motivated to keep us out.

The new leader has a gargantuan challenging task and I wish him or her every success in reviving our fortunes and returning us to Government.My support for the Conservative Party shall continue unabated.
The Party must not imitate Reform! To do so would spell the end for the Tory Party.

It needs to bite the bullet and tell the hard right members they are no longer welcome and that there is another place available. They must mark a clearly defined division.

No major UK party can hope to gain power without control of the centre. That applies as much to Labour as it does to the Tories.

The aim must be to retain as much of the traditional base as possible but relaunch as a modern, progressive centre-right party will attitudes and policies fit for the 21st century. They need to recapture those who only voted Labour or LibDem because they felt they could no longer see a reason to vote Tory.

So they need to distance themselves from the likes of Johnson, Truss, Jacob Rees Mogg and indeed Braverman and find the integrity implicit in the likes of Heseltine, Clarke and Major. Which of the remaining candidates is best able to do that is unclear, other than it cannot be Braverman.

So I expect the MPs not to allow her to be an option. That won't please the members, but it has to be done.
Tory Leadership ? its like being offered the job of managing the Lifeboats , just after the Titanic hit the iceberg.
The tories have a lot further to sink,they truly believe a sticking plaster will do it.Their governance was far worse than the Profumo affair,they were shafting everyone and they became delusional.Starmer like most governments are hitting pot holes, the tories hit sinkholes.Reform will jostle with the Lib Dems to be the opposition.
The tories have a lot further to sink,they truly believe a sticking plaster will do it.Their governance was far worse than the Profumo affair,they were shafting everyone and they became delusional.Starmer like most governments are hitting pot holes, the tories hit sinkholes.Reform will jostle with the Lib Dems to be the opposition.
With respect,we recognise the gargantuan challenges we face on the back of a crushing electoral defeat.
We fully accept the culpability after that 80 seat majority in 2019, the Conservative 'Brand' got seriously damaged, and we need to earn the right to be listened to once again.
There is a general acceptance that the party must engage with the younger generation to attract new supporters and members and that we have to be a united party free of any in-fighting.

Apropos the Hustings on Monday, the contender who got the most rapturous support was Kemi Badenoch and some polls have revealed that she is the favourite amongst the membership.
With respect,we recognise the gargantuan challenges we face on the back of a crushing electoral defeat.
We fully accept the culpability after that 80 seat majority in 2019, the Conservative 'Brand' got seriously damaged, and we need to earn the right to be listened to once again.
There is a general acceptance that the party must engage with the younger generation to attract new supporters and members and that we have to be a united party free of any in-fighting.

Apropos the Hustings on Monday, the contender who got the most rapturous support was Kemi Badenoch and some polls have revealed that she is the favourite amongst the membership.
I wouldn't put all my eggs on Kemi Badinoch,she is very easily riled and comes across as very cocky, her constant threats of litigation are quite frankly a disgrace,surely she should be able to argue sensibly without throwing her toys everywhere. A land mine that someone will tread on.
I wouldn't put all my eggs on Kemi Badinoch,she is very easily riled and comes across as very cocky, her constant threats of litigation are quite frankly a disgrace,surely she should be able to argue sensibly without throwing her toys everywhere. A land mine that someone will tread on.
She has completely the wrong character to lead the party. She is divisive, when a healer is needed. She is a backwards facing politician and not a visionary. She might be loved by the right but that’s not going to achieve anything but rival Reform. I suspect though that if she one of the final two she will be the choice of the members, who seem to have delusions over how popular their style really is.
I wouldn't put all my eggs on Kemi Badinoch,she is very easily riled and comes across as very cocky, her constant threats of litigation are quite frankly a disgrace,surely she should be able to argue sensibly without throwing her toys everywhere. A land mine that someone will tread on.

It is by no means certain that Kemi Badenoch will make the make the final two, who of course will be the choice available to the members.

I went to the Hustings with an open mind and this remains my mindset at the present time.
Perhaps at Conference, after hearing from the candidates once more, I will have a preference.