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Tory Leadership Race

That estimates vary is obvious going to be the case. They are estimates, not headcount’s. I was using official figures, produced by the ONS who have greater resources than others.

Even 1.8% is still a tiny proportion.
That tiny proportion still equates to 1 in 30 dwellings containing someone in the UK illegally.
If you look at the streets of some areas it’s only a matter of time and even The Guardian forecasts we’ll be a minority in a couple to a few decades. You’re far away in a bubble.

People born here won’t be included in the 750,000+ illegals here and your half of 750,000 estimate is a joke. I don’t care how small a percentage it is, I don’t agree with it full stop. And 750,000 is 1% of the British population. So what as well. We’ve just been corrected that’s it’s likely to between 800,000 and 1.2 million.

‘Experiencing different cultures leads to greater understanding and acceptance’ was true when numbers were smaller. Integration wasn’t really a choice or option like it is now. Besides that, numbers are too high and European cultures, traditions and identities are being cast aside. Multiculturalism is proving to be a failure now. The rise of the far right and surprisingly with young people in Europe is happening as a result. Something you detest but are willing to cause.

Your utopian dream of secularism everywhere with Islamic immigration and majorities happening in more and more communities just proves how far your head is in the sands of Cornwall. There is also very little being done on ‘clamping down on extremism’ as you put it. Anjem Choudary. Remember him? It took authorities 20 years to convict him, and this extremist and hate preacher was regularly on bbc tv.
Would you please provide the reference for your claim about the Guardian.

I would like to know who you regard as “we”. I regard all British citizens as “us”, irrespective of ethnicity, religion or skin colour. I have much more in common with many people with a different ethnicity, religion or skin colour to my own than I do with others who share mine. Especially those who continually refer to a white race. It’s them who are really different

There are many, many people who feel like that. Not just here but all over the UK. People are judged on behaviour and not on prejudices.

Traditions and identities are not being cast aside. Nor must they be. In many cases our new citizens become proud guardians of them, as they accept and absorb our culture. That some don’t is our responsibility. We must work harder to ensure they do. Indeed we must insist they do. The only thing we must not tolerate is intolerance.

The rise of the right will be resisted and defeated by better arguments. Their’s is the reasoning of failure and weakness. It’s fear overtaking optimism. Such ignorance exists everywhere but so do wiser heads. Such movements have existed many times before and have never prevailed. It won’t now.

Dealing with extremism of every stripe needs to be done vigorously and unashamedly, without fear or favour. Extremism is the enemy. Not Islam, immigrants or non white skin.
That tiny proportion still equates to 1 in 30 dwellings containing someone in the UK illegally.
I doubt it extrapolates in a straight line but everyone wishes it was nil. How to achieve that, rather than any lack of desire to, is the real issue.

How many dwellings are occupied by the lazy, feckless workshy locally born people, happy to live on benefits?
I doubt it extrapolates in a straight line but everyone wishes it was nil. How to achieve that, rather than any lack of desire to, is the real issue.

How many dwellings are occupied by the lazy, feckless workshy locally born people, happy to live on benefits?
There are 1.4 million unemployed. You can work out the percentage of them who are lazy, feckless and workshy but it's going to be a lower total than those here illegally.