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Tory Leadership Race

It's ironic you should say it like that.

The Tories are working up a plan to take back that 40% from Reform by putting in a hard right (for them) genuine Brexiteer. However, all they are doing is scrapping over that 40%. Meanwhile, they are ignoring and continuing to alienate the other 60%. A pity as that is fertile ground given many of those are already thinking they made a horrible mistake.

That is the point. Tugenhat would have taken a sizeable chunk of that 60% while retaining much of the 40%. The polls confirmed it. I am not saying he would have won. He might have. However, I am pretty confident (all things being equal) that, at worse, he would have wiped out the Libs, returned the Tories to a centrist and successful party with a much reduced Labour lead, and thereafter operated as an effective opposition.

I am more than aware that this is anathema to you and many who post on here, but I am talking electoral success, not policies you like.
But why do you assume that the public don't like these policies. I heard these comments when Thatcher became PM that people would not vote for her because of her policies, well they did.

Good politicians move the agenda, poor ones fight over the middle ground and so you get the uniparty.

The Tories need to stop being Labour lite they must offer a real difference.
It's ironic you should say it like that.

The Tories are working up a plan to take back that 40% from Reform by putting in a hard right (for them) genuine Brexiteer. However, all they are doing is scrapping over that 40%. Meanwhile, they are ignoring and continuing to alienate the other 60%. A pity as that is fertile ground given many of those are already thinking they made a horrible mistake.

That is the point. Tugenhat would have taken a sizeable chunk of that 60% while retaining much of the 40%. The polls confirmed it. I am not saying he would have won. He might have. However, I am pretty confident (all things being equal) that, at worse, he would have wiped out the Libs, returned the Tories to a centrist and successful party with a much reduced Labour lead, and thereafter operated as an effective opposition.

I am more than aware that this is anathema to you and many who post on here, but I am talking electoral success, not policies you like.
To disfigure Mark 8:36: 'What doth it profit a party, to gain the whole world, and lose its own soul?'

Tugenhat can go tug on his toy action man as far as I'm concerned......Everytime I see him I'm reminded that he's that so called 'Tory' who sacked Sir Roger Scruton....Scruton being a conservative who actually believed in conservativism rather than wearing it like a skinsuit.

If the country wants to continue to destroy itself with neoliberalism and pseudo commies like Starmer then I'd rather watch that freak show.....Why should I cheer on another 'reduction in the speed limit' like Tugenhat, till we hit the eventual economic and cohesion brick wall.

Whoever wins, bring on the clowns....All tragedies need a bit of light relief.
This response is to you and Badger11

There is little point in having policies you like and integrity if no one votes for you.

Realpolitik involves selling part of your soul to scrape along in the middle lane with the outside chance of making a barely detectable positive difference.

We have tried various forms of revolutionary change and all have failed causing appalling suffering and damage lasting generations.

You may consider government to be too big but actually it is miniscule beside that which it is engaged to govern.
Audible gasps, a former minister calls it a 'death certificate'.

Apparently Tory MPs who were voting for their preferred *second* candidate in final two - all were working on basis Cleverly was safe.

“The most sophisticated electorate in the world”.
Audible gasps, a former minister calls it a 'death certificate'.

Apparently Tory MPs who were voting for their preferred *second* candidate in final two - all were working on basis Cleverly was safe.

“The most sophisticated electorate in the world”.
And the most duplicitous according to one journalist I heard yesterday. Come to think of it, perhaps they're the same thing.
I suspect that 'Oddschecker' had James Cleverly as firm favourite to progress through to the membership vote after his tally in the previous round.
Gasps of surprise all around as the vote was announced.
The left did not want Cleverly,the other two will ensure the tories slide downwards at the next election.
He was more centerist and reaches across to middle ground voters.The other two are reformist clones not worthy of interest.
On Brexit, about a third were unchangeable Leave, a third were unchangeable Remain, and the other third were uncertain and/or clueless.

Brexit won by winning more of that nebulous third.

The same applies now. The Tories tactic is to battle the third of those who vote with Reform, while neglecting the other two thirds. Of that huge chunk of voters, one third they will never conquer. The other third.... well, we'll never know now, will we?
On Brexit, about a third were unchangeable Leave, a third were unchangeable Remain, and the other third were uncertain and/or clueless.

Brexit won by winning more of that nebulous third.

The same applies now. The Tories tactic is to battle the third of those who vote with Reform, while neglecting the other two thirds. Of that huge chunk of voters, one third they will never conquer. The other third.... well, we'll never know now, will we?
We can't trust politicians to do anything other than serve themselves.

The voter has to vote against what they dont want. It is the only way to manipulate politicians into doing what the majority of people actually want.

We voted for Brexit because the majority didn't want to be increasingly ruled from Brussels.
We voted against the Conservatives because they stopped being conservative.
We will likely vote out Labour next time because they will tax us, waste the money and pander to minorities.

The majority of the White majority want greatly reduced immigration, because it causes cultural erosion, housing shortages, pressure on services, more crime and reduced living standards.
A virtual end to illegal migration.
More emphasis on British 'Christian' values and less irrational wokery.
Stricter law and order where it is actually needed and not for hurty words and political purposes.
Freedom of speech restored in our institutions.

We have already got the Tories going to the right, in tone at least.

A sensible voter next time would vote only for Tory Leavers and those who are right leaning, or the Reform candidate where they have a chance of winning a seat. That is democracy in action.

Labour are in charge with a pitiful percentage of the population voting for them. A load of those were minorities.

People have to get out and vote next time, and with purpose.
On Brexit, about a third were unchangeable Leave, a third were unchangeable Remain, and the other third were uncertain and/or clueless.

Brexit won by winning more of that nebulous third.

The same applies now. The Tories tactic is to battle the third of those who vote with Reform, while neglecting the other two thirds. Of that huge chunk of voters, one third they will never conquer. The other third.... well, we'll never know now, will we?
I think you view this picture very much in the short term, as in the next election rather than how some like myself see this going. I don't know if you're a boomer age wise or not but I tend to find this kind of thinking centres very much on the short term.

You think the Tory's best bet was a centrist like old Tugboat, whereas I say, look at who is voting Tory today.....it's house price boomers....fifties and up who own their homes and obsess over anything negative happening in their own area. I'm saying you are thinking that the future of conservative voters will look much the same as the past and I'm saying it's already changing. I'm saying look at the trends, the future for those younger people likely to be right wing is just radically different......like all politics it's just going to get more sectarian.

So that's my position.....I just think this perspective that the Torys will succeed by trying to win left wing votes is outdated and parochial.....the point about Thatcher was well made. She came to power because the left made a mess of the country and only an optimist would think it's going to be any different.

I say look at the trends apparent all over Europe. When you look at the ages of who is voting Reform for example, just as you look at who is voting Freedom Party and AfD in Austria and Germany it's the younger demographic. It's not just the Germanosphere either it's happening in the Scandinavian countries as well and no one needs to be informed of how well Le Penn is doing in France. The penny is dropping with the younger European demographic who don't like the future the left/neoliberals are offering....frankly I don't blame them, they have mismanaged it very badly.

Let's be frank.....the problem with the Conservative party is that they are whores for power and full of Blairite careerists who will sell out every conservative principle so that boomers can worry less about their house prices.

I say the only way back to actual conservativism is to let the progressives rule. The right only come back if a figure like Thatcher is there who stands against everything progressivism pushes....that's how she won power and now is the ideal time for a figure like that to emerge. Over these next few years everyone is going to see the double standards, authoritarianism, social and cohesion degeneration, economic failure and all the rest of it that is inevitable with progressivism.

People voted for Starmer, they deserve a taste of having the Owen Jones types in power. My sister voted for him and she already regrets it.....it wasn't as though I didn't tell her.

Someone like Cleverly or Tugboat in charge of the Tories won't actually work.....In fact I don't think any of the Tory candidates will work. It's 'speed limit' decline and younger people are going to increasingly turn to stronger answers as they have on the continent, they aren't going to own their own homes and suddenly turn into Tory boomers.

That's gone me old china.

Reform and the Tories emerging by the time of the next election with an actual blue in tooth and claw Conservative figure is what the left and Labour truly fear and the only real chance of the Tories surviving to see power.

That would never happen with old Tuggers.
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Having been out of the country for a week it’s disappointing to see that my fear for the future of the Tories is about to come true as they are about to commit suicide.
The News & Politics Forum has been a revelation this past week. I have thoroughly enjoyed not having you ruin every thread / topic with your patronising, self entitled posts.
The News & Politics Forum has been a revelation this past week. I have thoroughly enjoyed not having you ruin every thread / topic with your patronising, self entitled posts.
The wonderful block function, only need to use it a couple of times and the HOL experience is so much better. Have to make sure you log in before you read any posts
People like Jennick and Badenoch can talk a good game on the Tory party all they like but they were a major part of allowing this country to have insitutions that do this.....they never changed laws and never kept out highly liberal judges.

In fact they did the exact opposite because they were scared of going against the highly liberal civil service's recommendations. They spent their time bending over to the left on pretty much everything.

I bring the example up a few times but never let it be forgotten that it was so called Tory Amber Rudd, who installed Cressida Dick as Met chief......amid a load of 'you go girl' feminist waffle. The Tories waste twenty five percent of the security budget on the so called 'far right', most of which would have supported a good deal of the Tory party's policies just twenty years ago.

That's what the so called Tory party is and I doubt you can put lipstick on a pig and call it pretty.