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Tory Leadership Race

The right went to Reform certainly. Most loyal Tories stayed loyal. The floating votes went either to Labour or the LibDems. There are a lot of floating voters. All centralists whose votes decide who forms governments.

Reform could never form a government on their own. Now their only partner will fight them for the right and split that vote. Whoever leads the Tories will try to keep the centralists onboard with one nation rhetoric but it won’t work. The Tories are now a busted flush.

Just because the right don’t approve of progressive politics of the kind in your list, does not mean that the majority don’t. Most want to see social progress alongside sensible economic policies.
Are you sure about that? The majority in your opinion approve of :

Trans crap.. (in schools too?)
Woke police.. (useless police is progress?)
Mass immigration.. (MASS immigration!)
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As I said, you were on a boat. A spotless boat cleaned from top to bottom regularly. A sanitised environment a lot different to the streets of Croydon and South London, and indeed other parts of London and England, where you again dipped your toe in for not very long. You have no appreciation of real life near Truro and at your bowls tea lunches.
What does it matter where it was? The management was what created the environment.

If Croydon and South London need better management then campaign to ensure you get it. Moaning on a football forum achieves nothing. Get out and make it better.
I don’t use the BBS but if any of the right wing cohort here has been banned from there I can well understand why. The strict application of this site’s rules would also see them banned. That’s the difference. One site strictly applies rules. Another takes a more liberal approach. Which is somewhat ironic.
That’s almost funny.
Are you sure about that? The majority in your opinion approve of :

Trans crap.. (in schools too?)
Woke police.. (useless police progress?)
Mass immigration.. (MASS immigration!)
Those are your bigoted words. Not the reality.

Appreciation of gender dysphoria is an important social step. Everywhere, including schools.

Our police recognising the requirements of our changing world and adjusting their approach is necessary for them to fulfil their duties. To all. Not just to you.

We don’t have mass immigration. We have had a rising level of immigration since Brexit that is forecasted to moderate. Most is required to maintain our economy.

Most of us do understand these things and accept them, even if the journey sometimes feels uncomfortable. Change is often uncomfortable.
What does it matter where it was? The management was what created the environment.

If Croydon and South London need better management then campaign to ensure you get it. Moaning on a football forum achieves nothing. Get out and make it better.
The difference is the workers on the boat are there for the same purpose. To work, that is it. That is their sole purpose. In it together. That is not the case in Croydon and South London. A boat of cruise workers doesn’t have the negative issues of mass immigration.
Those are your bigoted words. Not the reality.

Appreciation of gender dysphoria is an important social step. Everywhere, including schools.

Our police recognising the requirements of our changing world and adjusting their approach is necessary for them to fulfil their duties. To all. Not just to you.

We don’t have mass immigration. We have had a rising level of immigration since Brexit that is forecasted to moderate. Most is required to maintain our economy.

Most of us do understand these things and accept them, even if the journey sometimes feels uncomfortable. Change is often uncomfortable.
Gender dysphoria is a very very rare condition. What we are seeing these days is a fad being urged on by warped idiots.

The police pander to certain demographics when they should police without fear or favour.

We are experiencing mass immigration and we don’t need it at these levels to maintain our economy. Nowhere near it.

Starmer is obviously your man. You must be over the moon at this useless t0sser running our country, only it’s not our country anymore, is it?
You are entitled to your view for all of the next five years, probably a lot longer.
Exactly right.

We have Labour until 2029 and nothing is going to stop that. By then the political landscape will look very different. I said when Sunak resigned that whoever the Tories chose was the biggest political decision this year and if they went right it would finish them. They have and it will.

We are on the road to PR and constant coalitions. When and how we rejoin the EU being a major upcoming bargaining chip.
Gender dysphoria is a very very rare condition. What we are seeing these days is a fad being urged on by warped idiots.

The police pander to certain demographics when they should police without fear or favour.

We are experiencing mass immigration and we don’t need it at these levels to maintain our economy. Nowhere near it.

Starmer is obviously your man. You must be over the moon at this useless t0sser running our country, only it’s not our country anymore, is it?
So you are a pseudo expert on gender dysphoria? I prefer real experts.

The police do their job, whilst under resourced, to keep the peace.

We are experiencing higher levels of illegal migration which has proved hard to deal with. Other than that our immigration is managed to meet our needs and fill our universities.

Starmer is not my man. He is though the PM, leading a party with a huge majority. They have 90% of their term left. Lots of time for lots of events.
So you are a pseudo expert on gender dysphoria? I prefer real experts.

The police do their job, whilst under resourced, to keep the peace.

We are experiencing higher levels of illegal migration which has proved hard to deal with. Other than that our immigration is managed to meet our needs and fill our universities.

Starmer is not my man. He is though the PM, leading a party with a huge majority. They have 90% of their term left. Lots of time for lots of events.
So you don’t think gender dysphoria is a rare condition? Just shows who we are dealing with.

The police are under resourced but don’t police when they’re fully resourced either. They ‘keep the peace’ with certain communities. Kneeling for one group, running away from another, arresting old people standing on the pavement or a member of the media in a suit from another.

Our immigration isn’t ‘managed to meet our needs’, it’s just more excuses that make you sound like Starmer’s front bench of liars. And as for ‘filling up our universities’. Yeah, we might need some in worthwhile degrees and levels to fill courses but not the amount of low grade courses around since Tony Blair.

Starmer is your man. It’s the same shyte as before, only worse.
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A Chinese term. Definition:

A liberal or progressive viewed as patronizing, hypocritical, and naive, or as being concerned only with trendy causes, political correctness, virtue signaling, etc., rather than with addressing real-world problems in a realistic way: adopted by some conservatives in American political discourse.
The debate around which electoral system is better for a country has been continuously being discussed by both academics and politicians through several years.
Of course both Reform and the Lib Dems favour Proportional Representation.
I am content with the Status Quo.
Then don't complain about representation without proportionate support.
The point about gender dysphoria, or the belief that your gender is different from your biological sex, is just that it is just that, a belief. It is the belief that you are born into "the wrong body". The requirement for this belief is that you believe in a soul apart from the body, so that there is an essence of you which is not connected with your physical self. Personally I do not believe that I have a soul apart from my body, and therefore I believe that I am my body, and therefore I do not believe in gender identity as separate from biological sex. In the same way I do not believe in religion, and am an atheist. But I am married to a catholic. I respect my wife's beliefs, just as I respect others' rights to believe in a soul, and have a belief system different from mine. But they need to respect my beliefs too, and we cannot have schools and the civil service promoting unscientific belief systems as if they are immutable truths.
Then don't complain about representation without proportionate support.
There is little doubt that the General Election was a loss for the Conservatives rather than Labour’s gain. There was no surge of enthusiasm for Labour, as there was when Tony Blair captured the mood of the country in 1997.
In just over 100 days after the election, Labour is down to a 1 point Opinion Poll Lead.
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What does it matter where it was? The management was what created the environment.

If Croydon and South London need better management then campaign to ensure you get it. Moaning on a football forum achieves nothing. Get out and make it better.
It matters because the environment created is one in which employees will be sacked if they don't meet certain criteria.

A Chinese term. Definition:

A liberal or progressive viewed as patronizing, hypocritical, and naive, or as being concerned only with trendy causes, political correctness, virtue signaling, etc., rather than with addressing real-world problems in a realistic way: adopted by some conservatives in American political discourse.
Literally means " white left ", not used in Hong Kong. The expression basically laughs at the the woke white idiots in the West inc Australasia.

Tiki Tok is banned in China including Hong Kong and Macau for the good reason it does nothing positive for kids. Chinese kids do homework and get smart.
Do you don’t think gender dysphoria is a rare condition? Just shows who we are dealing with.

The police are under resourced but don’t police when they’re fully resourced either. They ‘keep the peace’ with certain communities. Kneeling for one group, running away from another, arresting old people standing on the pavement or a member of the media in a suit from another.

Our immigration isn’t ‘managed to meet our needs’, it’s just more excuses that make you sound like Starmer’s front bench of liars. And as for ‘filling up our universities’. Yeah, we might need some in worthwhile degrees and levels to fill courses but not the amount of low grade courses around since Tony Blair.

Starmer is your man. It’s the same shyte as before, only worse.
It depends on what you mean by rare! It’s certainly not a common condition but seems to be being recognised as existing in more people than was previously thought. I leave it to the experts to determine. Experts who are not, despite the cynicism of the right, pushing people to claim they have it. Indeed quite the reverse. That is my only personal knowledge of the area as I am aware of the very lengthy and detailed assessments that are made.

The police must apply the law. They don’t make it. They need to react to different circumstances in different ways to do so. That some don’t like it is inevitable and has always been true. You don’t. I do.

Most of our immigration is managed. That you would manage it in a way that would result in even greater skill shortages gives me relief that those who think that way are not in government and extremely unlikely ever to be. The actual degree obtained is often less important than going through the process of obtaining it. Learning critical thinking is essential.

Starmer is not my man. However the concentration on the froth surrounding government continues to obscure the actual work being done. There has actually been a decent start by the new government with several initiatives that will bear fruit in time. How the voters will respond 54 months time remains to be seen.
The point about gender dysphoria, or the belief that your gender is different from your biological sex, is just that it is just that, a belief. It is the belief that you are born into "the wrong body". The requirement for this belief is that you believe in a soul apart from the body, so that there is an essence of you which is not connected with your physical self. Personally I do not believe that I have a soul apart from my body, and therefore I believe that I am my body, and therefore I do not believe in gender identity as separate from biological sex. In the same way I do not believe in religion, and am an atheist. But I am married to a catholic. I respect my wife's beliefs, just as I respect others' rights to believe in a soul, and have a belief system different from mine. But they need to respect my beliefs too, and we cannot have schools and the civil service promoting unscientific belief systems as if they are immutable truths.
I am not sure that’s true. There seems to be something beyond just the imagination involved. Something that doesn’t manifest itself physically but does emotionally. I don’t think that has anything to do with a belief in a soul that exists separately to your physical body but is possibly hormonal.

We don’t want schools or the civil service promoting anything. We do though want them respecting people’s differences.
There is little doubt that the General Election was a loss for the Conservatives rather than Labour’s gain. There was no surge of enthusiasm for Labour, as there was when Tony Blair captured the mood of the country in 1997.
In just over 100 days after the election, Labour is down to a 1 point Opinion Poll Lead.
The Party will not recover those lost by choosing a leader from the right. Badenoch is toxic to many. Jenrick is unknown. The only hope is to have another election in 12 months and put in a centralist who can retake the floaters from the LibDems and Labour. Fail to do that and the Party is simply going to fight Farage for the right, split the vote and sail into the sunset.