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Sentences too harsh!

The nonsense posted here is getting even more ridiculous.

What has the current government got to do with the way the Judiciary decide individual cases?

To suggest we are now governed by a “leftish dictatorship” is farcical. It destroys any hope of such comments being taken seriously.

We have a new government that is centre left compared to the previous which was centre right.

If we ever got a truly leftist one I would be opposing it just as rigorously as I oppose the right.
Was it? Where and when did you last walk around in London?
I pointed out I don’t now drive in London, on any occasion when I visit. Which isn’t often as I avoid all big cities. My last visit was earlier this year. My next is the weekend after next, but I doubt if I will be going to the centre. I will be in the west and north western suburbs ending up at Heathrow.
I pointed out I don’t now drive in London, on any occasion when I visit. Which isn’t often as I avoid all big cities. My last visit was earlier this year. My next is the weekend after next, but I doubt if I will be going to the centre. I will be in the west and north western suburbs ending up at Heathrow.
Don't get mugged.
Sentences too harsh ?

How about for a riot ? A riot after a homeless Algerian, with a previous history of carrying a knife, goes and stabs a bunch of Primary schoolkids.

well it does seem that some of the lawbreakers will be pursued..... with great prejudice. While the stabber was previously let off from carrying a knife....with just stern talking-to.

see people #100 or 132 below. Now Try to tell me this case is being pursued with just the normal amount or urgency ?

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Unlikely. I don’t carry cash, wear jewellery or expensive watches etc. My phone would be the only target and that depends on face recognition.
There are plenty of photos of Jeremy Corbyn that they could use.
They would find out pretty quickly. My pockets contain only tissues and pens. I also don’t attract attention.
In many places attention is attracted just by being there. They might find out quickly but by that time you'd be lying on the pavement and they probably wouldn't be best pleased not to find anything worthwhile.
How do these things work in Cornwall? Someone steps out and says "Stand or Deliver" then apologises for troubling you when you explain the situation?
six and a half years of jail for burning a police car, and separately the bloke below got only 2 years jail. the violent scumbag. Or a woman gets 8 years for stabbing somebody to death.


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In many places attention is attracted just by being there. They might find out quickly but by that time you'd be lying on the pavement and they probably wouldn't be best pleased not to find anything worthwhile.
How do these things work in Cornwall? Someone steps out and says "Stand or Deliver" then apologises for troubling you when you explain the situation?
Used to be easy as the response Hello Dick would have indicated that you were a community member. I cannot give the name of the current highwayman. Sorry not being woke Highwayman / Highwaylady.
Used to be easy as the response Hello Dick would have indicated that you were a community member. I cannot give the name of the current highwayman. Sorry not being woke Highwayman / Highwaylady.
Indeed. It's actually quite amusing that rural folk are so fond of accusing "city folk" of not understanding the country ways but they think they can go to London without the first idea of city ways.

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