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Sentences too harsh!

You already have US states backtracking on sexual equality legislation and pushing to limit the rights of half of the population, how far do you think they’d go given the chance?
‘The spread of equality' is largely a left-wing delusion by the way.’ Denying people equal rights is a right wing wet dream, always the same whether they’re Muslim, Jewish or Christian.
George, no matter how much you promote your Christian Nationalist ideology they’re never going to give you a Handmaid.
Under his eye.
I have no idea what the slogan ‘sexual equality’ means, or the slogan ‘equal rights’ for that matter.
Was not aware that I had a ‘Christian Nationalist ideology’ – no idea what that means either.
I’m a great admirer of Margaret Atwood and have read most of her books, only watched a couple of episodes of the TV adaptation, didn’t think it was all that good. Would recommend Alias Grace, Surfacing and The Robber Bride if you are a reader.
Sadly the RazGriz guy on X underneath the video, answering this absurd question from Tom Swarbrick, would never get past the producer’s screening…

I don’t get the point you are trying to make!

It’s obviously impossible to state a number. It’s a stupid question.

If you are arguing that the type of immigration we are experiencing is having damaging effects on our culture that’s an entirely different argument to simply wanting to reduce the headcount. It’s a question which demands different answers.
I don’t get the point you are trying to make!

It’s obviously impossible to state a number. It’s a stupid question.

If you are arguing that the type of immigration we are experiencing is having damaging effects on our culture that’s an entirely different argument to simply wanting to reduce the headcount. It’s a question which demands different answers.
Why not start and end your reply with your second sentence ?
Some of the leftist commentary on this thread stands as a digital monument to anti white working class ideology.

It's been cited but once against I feel the need to state that the BLM riots had 27 injured Police officers, considerable public property damage and yet if you look to see how many rioters were prosecuted it's difficult. In fact more anti BLM protestors seem to have been arrested than BLM......I'm only aware of two.

Both light sentences in comparison to the reaction by recent woke judiciary's
sentences. The guy who tried to set alight the cenotaph's union flag wasn't even sent to jail being given a fine and a two year conditional discharge.

How the state can claim there is no two tier Policing is beyond me. They are straight out lying. They have different unwritten rules for different groups.

Then look at how Kier Starmer treated the BLM riots in his statements and how he's treated these white working class riots. It's as two tier as you can get.....he even kneeled for BLM, while officers were in hospital. He wrote a letter to Trump telling him to protect the black community.

However, the white working class who had eight of its little girls stabbed were given no assurances of protection nor even recognition that they had a right to act as a group.

A honeymoon period is meant to last about six months......his has been more like a month.

As for the Tories....well, let's just say that the red wall Labour voters after being insulted and alienated by Starmer have seen a shift to Reform rather than the Tories as Starmer's approval ratings have dropped significantly.
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'Having an article with intent to damage/destroy property', possibly with people inside.

You qualify for the Biden dementia award.

Lucky not to get considerably more.

'Having an article with intent to damage/destroy property', possibly with people inside.

You qualify for the Biden dementia award.

Lucky not to get considerably more.

IF that's what he intended. How does the Judge know what he was doing to do? I'm not defending him but this sounds a lot like the sus law.
'Having an article with intent to damage/destroy property', possibly with people inside.

You qualify for the Biden dementia award.

Lucky not to get considerably more.

How very Minority Report.....I and I suspect most of the working class you long since betrayed would disagree with you.

Regardless, two tier policing as stated.
Once again we see posters here referring to the “white” working class and a “white” lad being punished. There are no such things. There are people, some of whom are working class.

Attempting to divide people into categories solely on their skin colour is racism.

The BLM riots happened in the USA. What happened here were demonstrations showing sympathy with the root cause of them, the George Floyd murder, not for the rioting. Look at the picture in this analysis. A wide mixture of people were involved:-

This summarises the events. Again look at the picture:-

To try to suggest that the recent rioting can be compared to the BLM protests is completely nonsensical. Different motivations, different behaviour and different scale. It’s unsurprising there were different outcomes.
'Having an article with intent to damage/destroy property', possibly with people inside.

You qualify for the Biden dementia award.

Lucky not to get considerably more.

Of course, it the defendant had not been white and/or had been involved in one of the many disturbances carried by the various far-left groups that flourish in the country these days, you would have been banging on about the wickedness of our government and courts.
Once again we see posters here referring to the “white” working class and a “white” lad being punished. There are no such things. There are people, some of whom are working class.

Attempting to divide people into categories solely on their skin colour is racism.

The BLM riots happened in the USA. What happened here were demonstrations showing sympathy with the root cause of them, the George Floyd murder, not for the rioting. Look at the picture in this analysis. A wide mixture of people were involved:-

This summarises the events. Again look at the picture:-

To try to suggest that the recent rioting can be compared to the BLM protests is completely nonsensical. Different motivations, different behaviour and different scale. It’s unsurprising there were different outcomes.
Gender is a social construct and the white working class doesn't exist.
Once again we see posters here referring to the “white” working class and a “white” lad being punished. There are no such things. There are people, some of whom are working class.

Attempting to divide people into categories solely on their skin colour is racism.

The BLM riots happened in the USA. What happened here were demonstrations showing sympathy with the root cause of them, the George Floyd murder, not for the rioting. Look at the picture in this analysis. A wide mixture of people were involved:-

This summarises the events. Again look at the picture:-

To try to suggest that the recent rioting can be compared to the BLM protests is completely nonsensical. Different motivations, different behaviour and different scale. It’s unsurprising there were different outcomes.
The police don’t send the horses into the BLM incidents because they’re peacefully protesting. Do you remember the horse being assaulted and the rider being chucked off?
Gender is a social construct and the white working class doesn't exist.
The left-wing's insane and incomprehensible insistence that gender and racial differences are social constructs is purely based on their worship of the concept of ‘equality’. In order for them to eliminate, what is for them, the evil of ‘inequality’, they have to pretend that the differences are not real otherwise their aim would be to change fundamental reality which is of course impossible and nonsensical. Meanwhile among the left-wing there are numerous pressure groups dedicated to promote the various racial and sexual interests of the very people that they say don’t exist.
Once again we see posters here referring to the “white” working class and a “white” lad being punished. There are no such things. There are people, some of whom are working class.

Attempting to divide people into categories solely on their skin colour is racism.

The BLM riots happened in the USA. What happened here were demonstrations showing sympathy with the root cause of them, the George Floyd murder, not for the rioting. Look at the picture in this analysis. A wide mixture of people were involved:-

This summarises the events. Again look at the picture:-

To try to suggest that the recent rioting can be compared to the BLM protests is completely nonsensical. Different motivations, different behaviour and different scale. It’s unsurprising there were different outcomes.
So there was no racism shown by any person taking part in the BLM demos?