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Sentences too harsh!

Do you accept that practically every Islamic country is virulently anti-gay?
A lot of them are, it’s a little better in the slightly more democratic countries such as Turkey and Indonesia but for autocratic regimes it’s an easy marginalised group to crack down on. The common theme is that religious extremism, from all of the Abrahamic religions, supports persecution of gay people and that’s why it’s important to fight it in our own backyard.
EU Member States continue to view jihadist terrorism as the most prominent threat in the EU. Out of the 380 individuals arrested by EU Member States in 2022 for terrorism-related offences, 266 were carried out for jihadist offences.

The media however would have you believe it's "far right" white working class people who are the problem across Europe.
A lot of them are, it’s a little better in the slightly more democratic countries such as Turkey and Indonesia but for autocratic regimes it’s an easy marginalised group to crack down on. The common theme is that religious extremism, from all of the Abrahamic religions, supports persecution of gay people and that’s why it’s important to fight it in our own backyard.
Yet you said that such views are not representative of Islam.
EU Member States continue to view jihadist terrorism as the most prominent threat in the EU. Out of the 380 individuals arrested by EU Member States in 2022 for terrorism-related offences, 266 were carried out for jihadist offences.

The media however would have you believe it's "far right" white working class people who are the problem across Europe.

Most of our broadcast media are regime aligned or at the least not right wing aligned.....the only media of this type that differs is GBNews and the left and the Ofcommunists are trying their hardest to shut it down via lawfare.....because they are....well, let's be honest, evil and authoritarian at heart.

Even GBNews has socially liberal presenters on it.....I mean, their Breakfast News isn't even right wing in the slightest. But it'll make no difference in the end.

Essentially the truth isn't the most important thing to the left. When an inconvenient truth interferes with their ideology, they will find an excuse and look to shut down another other opinion with their regime words of 'hatred', 'white supremacy' or 'racism'.

You saw it here just a few posts ago when 'racism' was used to intimidate anyone criticizing followers of a religion.
Yet you said that such views are not representative of Islam.

do please point us to a published Authoritative holy book that has Deleted all the violent hateful AntiSemitic homophobic stuff ? thanks

and toward the preachers that have now given that book Pride of Place at the centre of their preachings.
More stabbings across the country today. You're not allowed to talk about it though.

just type 'stab' into Google News, and use Tools to limit the hits to the last 24 hours.

its like a bloody war out there. All the soap opera of the horror story

Luton.............fatal stabbing
Chessington.......double stabbing

Gorton, Manchester....triple stabbing.

Leicester Square, the 11 year old girl, the story unfolds with her going to a Taylor Swift concert.

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just type 'stab' into Google News, and use Tools to limit the hits to the last 24 hours.

its like a bloody war out there.

Luton.............fatal stabbing
Chessington.......double stabbing

Gorton, Manchester....triple stabbing.

Leicester Square, the 11 year old girl, the story unfolds with her going to a Taylor Swift concert.

At least the government is taking measures to tackle this epidemic...! 😒
Yet you said that such views are not representative of Islam.
No, I said extremism isn’t representative of mainstream religion and authoritarian regimes use it to help keep their population in line. I bet there’s a lot of false allegations of ‘homosexual activity’ used to sideline political activists that the rulers want out of the way.
It’s a fact that in many countries draconian penalties for homosexuality were introduced under colonial rule during the Victorian era. As I’ve already pointed out, the UK only completed repealing these laws 20 years ago, other regimes find it useful to leave them on the statute for the time being. Large parts of Indonesia (currently the most populous Islamic country) are broadly tolerant of homosexuality but offset by more rural conservative areas, similar to Turkey. But this is all stuff you can google yourself, sometimes there’s progress and sometimes a few steps back, often linked to economic development and changes in regimes.
It’s great that you’re concerned about the rights of gay people in the Islamic world and we should do everything we can to support them. Maybe make a donation to hidayahlgbt.com anything you can do to help the spread of equality will be greatly appreciated I’m sure.
Whatever the percentage of fundamentalists or just badly behaved Muslims who don’t respect women and children and the law of the land, it isn’t worth it. And there are far too many with a warped view of the world that doesn’t belong anywhere, let alone a desert 1,300 years ago. I can’t believe we’re allowing this and encouraging it in. We’re a soft joke to plenty of the world, first world and third world.
What makes you think we are allowing it, let alone encouraging it?

The law in the UK applies to all.
You said: "Just because England has an Established Church doesn’t make it a Christian country. It was once, but is no longer."

This is false because it IS "set in stone" as I stated. Charles can say what he likes about other faiths.

You were specifically talking about today and, when challenged, are moving the goal posts speculating "what can be" and "history a moving object"!
Nothing is ever set in stone. We became a Christian country, dominated by the Church of Rome, but rejected that. Now we have an Established Church but it could change again, if that is the will of the people. I wasn’t talking about today either. Changes like these always take decades to materialise, so I will never see it. I am just seeing the acorn sprouting. Not the oak tree.
Nothing is ever set in stone. We became a Christian country, dominated by the Church of Rome, but rejected that. Now we have an Established Church but it could change again, if that is the will of the people. I wasn’t talking about today either. Changes like these always take decades to materialise, so I will never see it. I am just seeing the acorn sprouting. Not the oak tree.
As it stands today, is Britain a Christian country? A simple yes or no.
Nothing is ever set in stone. We became a Christian country, dominated by the Church of Rome, but rejected that. Now we have an Established Church but it could change again, if that is the will of the people. I wasn’t talking about today either. Changes like these always take decades to materialise, so I will never see it. I am just seeing the acorn sprouting. Not the oak tree.
Sounds like you wouldn’t mind Islam replacing Christianity in England. How progressive. And if you won’t live to see it, the consequences won’t matter.
No, I said extremism isn’t representative of mainstream religion and authoritarian regimes use it to help keep their population in line. I bet there’s a lot of false allegations of ‘homosexual activity’ used to sideline political activists that the rulers want out of the way.
It’s a fact that in many countries draconian penalties for homosexuality were introduced under colonial rule during the Victorian era. As I’ve already pointed out, the UK only completed repealing these laws 20 years ago, other regimes find it useful to leave them on the statute for the time being. Large parts of Indonesia (currently the most populous Islamic country) are broadly tolerant of homosexuality but offset by more rural conservative areas, similar to Turkey. But this is all stuff you can google yourself, sometimes there’s progress and sometimes a few steps back, often linked to economic development and changes in regimes.
It’s great that you’re concerned about the rights of gay people in the Islamic world and we should do everything we can to support them. Maybe make a donation to hidayahlgbt.com anything you can do to help the spread of equality will be greatly appreciated I’m sure.
What you said was: Some of the anti-homosexual agenda in Africa has been pushed very hard and funded by evangelical Christian groups based in the US. Obviously these groups don’t represent all Christians as extreme Islamists and Jewish settlers don’t represent the majority of their religions. Just because some people are very loud doesn’t make them representative.

My point was that the views of the Islamic religion on homosexuality does indeed represent the vast majority of that religion as is manifested in the harsh laws against it in Islamic states. Such laws do not exist in the majority of Christian states and the Jewish state of Israel. My current donations to charities does not include any gay rights organisations, how much do you donate to Hi-de-Hi? 'The spread of equality' is largely a left-wing delusion by the way.
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As it stands today, is Britain a Christian country? A simple yes or no.
The simple answer is no. But simple answers are never enough because whilst I think it’s no I have little doubt you think it’s yes, just because we have an “Established Church”.

I think it’s no because there are now more non believers in Britain than believers, with the trend moving ever stronger that way. Tick boxes in census returns being no guide to reality.

just type 'stab' into Google News, and use Tools to limit the hits to the last 24 hours.

its like a bloody war out there. All the soap opera of the horror story

Luton.............fatal stabbing
Chessington.......double stabbing

Gorton, Manchester....triple stabbing.

Leicester Square, the 11 year old girl, the story unfolds with her going to a Taylor Swift concert.

I attempted to do what you suggested and found the stories. Whilst not wishing to downplay the importance of any such incident, or suggest that knife crime isn’t a serious problem, I do think avoiding a sensationalist response is essential. Describing it as a “war” or “soap opera” is to sensationalise it.

What you said was: Some of the anti-homosexual agenda in Africa has been pushed very hard and funded by evangelical Christian groups based in the US. Obviously these groups don’t represent all Christians as extreme Islamists and Jewish settlers don’t represent the majority of their religions. Just because some people are very loud doesn’t make them representative.

My point was that the views of the Islamic religion on homosexuality does indeed represent the vast majority of that religion as is manifested in the harsh laws against it in Islamic states. Such laws do not exist in the majority of Christian states and the Jewish state of Israel. My current donations to charities does not include any gay rights organisations, how much do you donate to Hi-de-Hi? 'The spread of equality' is largely a left-wing delusion by the way.
You already have US states backtracking on sexual equality legislation and pushing to limit the rights of half of the population, how far do you think they’d go given the chance?
‘The spread of equality' is largely a left-wing delusion by the way.’ Denying people equal rights is a right wing wet dream, always the same whether they’re Muslim, Jewish or Christian.
George, no matter how much you promote your Christian Nationalist ideology they’re never going to give you a Handmaid.
Under his eye.
What makes you think we are allowing it, let alone encouraging it?

The law in the UK applies to all.
Firstly we’re allowing people in we have no idea who they are. Not only that but we’re now encouraging more after already increasing it. How long did it take us to imprison Anjam Choudhry? A decade? There’s a clear 2 tier approach to law and punishment to any honest person.
The simple answer is no. But simple answers are never enough because whilst I think it’s no I have little doubt you think it’s yes, just because we have an “Established Church”.

I think it’s no because there are now more non believers in Britain than believers, with the trend moving ever stronger that way. Tick boxes in census returns being no guide to reality.

You don't base this on Census results. 🤣

Apart from the Bible shaping Britain and Western civilisation, the Church of England is the state church and the monarch is its Supreme Governor. Parliament is opened with a Christian service, MPs swear into Parliament on the Bible. Christian holidays are recognised as national holidays, we have Christian patron saints, which are represented in the national flag. Culturally, prominent British literature, music and art has Christian themes, there are many landmark churches and cathedrals. The religion is intertwined with the state and population. I know you don't like it, but fewer people going to church doesn't change that.