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Sentences too harsh!

Well done to MSM and establishment for facilitating racism against white people.
This is in Alum Rock in Birmingham. If you’ve seen the state of the streets on videos you wouldn’t want to go there anyway. But I agree, there will be some white people living in or around the area and you can’t normalise this sort of thing on top of the other criminal acts that have been normalised recently.
Once again we see posters here referring to the “white” working class and a “white” lad being punished. There are no such things. There are people, some of whom are working class.

Attempting to divide people into categories solely on their skin colour is racism.

I agree with you Wisbech. Racism is a terrible bad thing.

Then an annual, planned event needs to have miscreants properly and quickly dealt with in order to deter future offenders. If that has previously happened it hasn't been effective as the figures are the same every year.
Most of us are from London and young Londoners stabbing each other concerns me more than the actions of some rioters reacting to another violent event.
I am quite sure that relatively minor offences, where the offender pleads guilty, are disposed of quickly in lower courts.

Knife crimes that cause death, bodily harm or even threaten to, are not minor offences. They cannot be dealt with quickly in any circumstances.

Dealing with the epidemic of knife crime goes well beyond one annual event. Ensuring those caught at such an event get the proper treatment, even if it takes months to come to court, is vital.
11 year old arrested in Middlesbrough ffs. So you shout at a police dog, you get a custodial sentence. You throw items at a politician, you get a suspended sentence. Two tier or not?
11 year old arrested in Middlesbrough ffs. So you shout at a police dog, you get a custodial sentence. You throw items at a politician, you get a suspended sentence. Two tier or not?
Unless we know all the circumstances, and not just the selected bits that a newspaper decides it wants to report, it’s completely impossible to reach any kind of conclusion.
It wasn’t but what she was protesting was. What does the skin colour of a farmer being attacked matter? Condemn attacks on farmers but don’t make the divisions deeper.

That must be why common assault carries six months imprisonment but a racially aggravated offence increases the maximum sentence to 2 years.
It wasn’t but what she was protesting was. What does the skin colour of a farmer being attacked matter? Condemn attacks on farmers but don’t make the divisions deeper.
Are you really stupid. The actual president yes the actual leader of the country has said it’s ok to take back white owned farms with no compo. I mean you then give it the “ it’s all farmers blah blah”
You need to get with game bud as you are out there in space !!!
11 year old arrested in Middlesbrough ffs. So you shout at a police dog, you get a custodial sentence. You throw items at a politician, you get a suspended sentence. Two tier or not?
We know what would have happened if it had been a female Labour politician.

This is what the left do, they reward their friends and punish their enemies.

It's why the conservatives are beneath contempt because when they gain power they spend their time trying to get the left to like them and moving their politics towards them. They pass the left's laws and use the left's language......As the meme goes, they became the left but just doing the speed limit.
The sentences are too harsh, yes. It is just another example of different agendas; we didn’t see this reaction or approach for the Mark Duggan or BLM riots / demonstrations.

As for the prosecutions for posting emojis or retweets on social media, I never ever imagined we would get to that.

It is appalling that our new government are trying to dictate the narrative and silence the voices of hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens who can see where things are heading.