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Make the courses more accessible for British people? Instead of universities relying on the income from foreign students - fund these particular courses centrally? I think Reform even mentioned something similar on their list of points or whatever it was called.
The income from the overseas students helps to subsidise the costs of the home students who would pay higher fees without them. Unless, of course, we changed the whole system again to bursaries rather than loans which is what you seem to be proposing.

I think you can make an argument for that for medical professionals but am not convinced that it would produce more applicants. For doctors the loans aren’t a big deal because the ultimate salaries are good. I don’t know what the answer is. We just don’t seem to have enough people prepared to put in the years of study required. For nurses bumping up the starting salary and offering bursaries would work.
Team Lowe:
Most of the DR
Ben Habib
Douglas Murray
The Tommeh crew
Elon Musk

Team Farage:
60% of Reform
Matt Goodwin
Maajid Nawaz
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Team Lowe:
Most of the DR
Ben Habib
Douglas Murray
The Tommeh crew
Elon Musk

Team Farage:
60% of Reform
Matt Goodwin
Maajid Nawaz
Julia Hartley-Brewer
Team Farage:
60% of Reform
Matt Goodwin
Maajid Nawaz
Julia Hartley-Brewer
27% of the electorate (Currently)
Last night I had the pleasure of meeting some of my Conservative cronies over a tipple or two.
The discussion gallivanted on to 'Reform' and the party were placed in the pillory and were on the receiving end of unrelenting invective.
Certainly no chance of any defectors amongst our merry band of Tories !

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