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A 21st century oxymoron.

Well, I've been very critical of Reform on these pages.....I think the lies they told about Lowe and how they have treated Habib are pretty awful.

But we are stuck in a position where the Tory party decided that being right wing was 'the nasty party' and betrayed us by importing millions from the third world because we voted for Brexit. The Tories hero worshipped Blair and became him.....Listening to Hague and Hunt made me want to vomit....Sunak and his 'diversity built Britain' coin.

We have to at least try to save these isles from the 'anywheres' because their decisions have set this country onto a course that nobody sensible wants and demographically the next election represents that last chance to avoid it.

If I have to hold me nose and vote for Farage....a damn Thatcherite.....then I'll do it...So will Lowe and Habib because if it's a choice between Starmer and Farage it comes down to what's the least damaging.

I was talking to my sister yesterday and she's always been on the left and she was telling me that she'd never vote for Starmer again and she asked me who'd to vote for. I had to tell her that from her perspective that she should just ignore the whole lot of them because none of them actually give a damn about her.

I'll always vote the most right wing I can purely because I'm so angry about my country being betrayed and its heritage being demonised.
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Well, I've been very critical of Reform on these pages.....I think the lies they told about Lowe and how they have treated Habib are pretty awful.

But we are stuck in a position where the Tory party decided that being right wing was 'the nasty party' and betrayed us by importing millions from the third world because we voted for Brexit. The Tories hero worshipped Blair and became him.....Listening to Hague and Hunt made me want to vomit....Sunak and his 'diversity built Britain' coin.

We have to at least try to save these isles from the 'anywheres' because their decisions have set this country onto a course that nobody sensible wants and demographically the next election represents that last chance to avoid it.

If I have to hold me nose and vote for Farage....a damn Thatcherite.....then I'll do it...So will Lowe and Habib because if it's a choice between Starmer and Farage it comes down to what's the least damaging.

I was talking to my sister yesterday and she's always been on the left and she was telling me that she'd never vote for Starmer again and she asked me who'd to vote for. I had to tell her that from her perspective that she should just ignore the whole lot of them because none of them actually give a damn about her.

I'll always vote the most right wing I can purely because I'm so angry about my country being betrayed and its heritage being demonised.
If ever anyone wanted to read a diatribe from the right which demonstrates why they can never hold power in the UK they could not go far wrong with this.

Anyone who starts with the premise that the Tories “imported” millions in retaliation to the people voting for Brexit is so far from reality as to have destroyed their arguments before they have begun.

This type of far right thinking has always existed. It’s just noisier and more obvious these days of every man and his uncle being able to make comments that are easily accessible. It’s though no more attractive, or typical of the mainstream, than in any previous era.

So whilst they will bang drums, make claims and accusations nothing will actually change. Real problems will be addressed by real politicians. Like Starmer, Blair, Hague, Sunak, Hunt and even possibly Farage if he manages to cleanse his party of the nasty element.
Whey should we believe them?
Conservatives have to contend with the legacy which we left behind. The immigration pledge, amongst other policies, not being met means that our credibility is running low as far as the electorate are concerned. The 'Brand' has been seriously damaged and a re-set is required.
At this juncture, The Conservatives can say we would adopt a different approach to the government in key areas but the electorate will struggle to take our word for it. We have to regain their trust.

Whether Badenoch has the ability to turn around our fortunes is of course a matter for debate and I for one never voted for her in the Leadership contest.It was never a consideration.

For avoidance of doubt, I am not a centrist "One Nation" Tory, I am firmly on the 'Right'.
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If ever anyone wanted to read a diatribe from the right which demonstrates why they can never hold power in the UK they could not go far wrong with this.

Anyone who starts with the premise that the Tories “imported” millions in retaliation to the people voting for Brexit is so far from reality as to have destroyed their arguments before they have begun.

This type of far right thinking has always existed. It’s just noisier and more obvious these days of every man and his uncle being able to make comments that are easily accessible. It’s though no more attractive, or typical of the mainstream, than in any previous era.

So whilst they will bang drums, make claims and accusations nothing will actually change. Real problems will be addressed by real politicians. Like Starmer, Blair, Hague, Sunak, Hunt and even possibly Farage if he manages to cleanse his party of the nasty element.
So you admit that being against immigration is far right. Interesting !
A reform/tory govt looks quite likely as the public doesn't like the new nasty party.

But it will be a continuation of our economic and societical decline since 2008/10.

Richard Murphy on Reeves unnecessary benefit cuts how can bullying the disabled possibly make any difference, typical of the aged British political establishment.

The new conservative government in Germany is borrowing quite big to pay for increased defence spending and improved infrastructure and welfare, I know which side I would back.

The UK has learned nothing from the tory austerity years.

So you admit that being against immigration is far right. Interesting !
What on earth makes you think I said anything quite so facile?

It’s much more complicated than that.

Having a blanket ban on all immigration would be the kind of stupid proposal that some on the far right might make but very few people are “against immigration”. The discussion is about who and in what circumstances immigration is accepted.
What on earth makes you think I said anything quite so facile?

It’s much more complicated than that.

Having a blanket ban on all immigration would be the kind of stupid proposal that some on the far right might make but very few people are “against immigration”. The discussion is about who and in what circumstances immigration is accepted.
You said it back to a poster who questioned immigration! I don’t see anything about a blanket ban and anyone who can’t see a benefit to ‘some useful immigrants’ TCAP is certainly far right. Immigrants who bring something to enhance the country or at least not a net taker is more than welcome!
You said it back to a poster who questioned immigration! I don’t see anything about a blanket ban and anyone who can’t see a benefit to ‘some useful immigrants’ TCAP is certainly far right. Immigrants who bring something to enhance the country or at least not a net taker is more than welcome!
I have no recollection of saying anything like that. Perhaps you can provide the reference so it can be verified.

Suggesting that being against immigration, without qualification, means something can only mean all immigration. If you didn’t mean that then you needed to say it.

Who is TCAP?
Only 1 in 5 of the electorate bothered to vote.
The result is still valid.

Perhaps you glean from that statistic , that all the intelligent people who were going to vote for another Party, decided they were busy that day.
Or maybe they were going to vote Reform and prevented an absolute landslide.
We'll never know.
Voter apathy is prevalent, or perhaps it's just too difficult for some people to understand the process.
The result is still valid.

Perhaps you glean from that statistic , that all the intelligent people who were going to vote for another Party, decided they were busy that day.
Or maybe they were going to vote Reform and prevented an absolute landslide.
We'll never know.
Voter apathy is prevalent, or perhaps it's just too difficult for some people to understand the process.
We won’t but we can make an intelligent guess.

I suspect any hard line Reform types are pretty motivated at the moment whilst others less so. That won’t be true at a GE.

Reform, despite demonstrating their lack of cohesion in public, will undoubtedly make the running for a while. Labour have the unenviable task of actually doing things, and not just making undeliverable promises, whilst the Tories still need to decide whether they are going to compete with Reform for the right wing fringe or take on Labour for the centre.
Personally I don't think it matters that much who you vote for.....what's the old saying, 'no matter who you vote for, the government gets in'.....most of the people with the real power aren't elected and sit in the city or are in Blair Quangos and institutions.

Both mainstream parties are just holding the fort and wallying about managing decline. Doing the usual careerist stereotype.

Even Reform are increasingly uniparty and scared to be different. Farage is working in a media and class environment that is increasingly out of touch with the country's working class and thinks Thatcherism is fascism. Indeed, that's what Farage is....a Thatcherite, who's presenting a Tory 2.0 party that is kind of pointless and a bit out of touch itself. Hey it might get him elected if the Tories can't get rid of their liberalism....but in the final analysis so what? It's just a one term delay with a lot of theatrics.

I'll vote for Farage more out of amusement than anything else, I think the right.....if it has any sense....will get behind him....much as they did with Trump....because else-wise we get these absolute clowns for another five years.

Watching Starmer standing around with military guys making war-like statement all while his ideological and legal system have persecuted ex military for battlefield situations is faintly ridiculous.....He's like Stalin when he appealed to his country's nationalism....while he was killing his own generals....though I apologise for making a WW2 reference because we really should move on.

Whoever gets in it all seems to me it all ends with the same result regardless......All I see is increasing wealth balkization and ethnic and class sectarianism as the economics get worse.

Frigging hell I'm even depressing myself.....I'm off to the gym to pointlessly throw weights about.
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