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If our support was conditional upon illegal settlements or 'international law' (which is mostly myth) then we would have been against Israel for many decades.I agree with most of the recent comments. My sympathy was broadly with the Israelis, but what they are doing now is crazy. It's just stoking a situation which needs to be calmed down (however that might be achieved), and those of us in the West will undoubtedly become targets by association. Our nation's support for Israel needs to be conditional on their adherence to international law (ie no illegal settlements) and on responses which are not wildly disproportionate. To say their country is let down by Netanyahu is an understatement. But I guess it is easy for me to pronounce on this from the comfort of the Home Counties.
Netanyahu isn't that different in terms of illegal settlements than the general trend since the sixties.
The main reason the British support Israel is because we are a client state of the US and we are subject to political and financial 'special interests'. Add in the media and we get sold a continual narrative on the issue....A narrative that's suffered greatly in the modern age as video from Gaza proves.
The truth is that, like Ukraine, excepting trade, this part of the world should have nothing to do with us. We left Palestine/Israel back in the 40s when they bombed our troops (killing 56) in the King David hotel and hanged two of our sergeants to hurry us out.
We shouldn't really have a 'side'.....and if we are taking a side on a moral front personally I'd regard the state of Israel as frequently acting like a psychopath (obsessed with getting the might of the US to fight its wars), Israel gets to ignore the international norms set for others because bought and sold big brother ensures that double standard.....Why? Aside from the lobby money and media and corporate power apparently we are meant to feel responsible for Hitler (who we defeated...well mostly the soviets defeated).