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Sentences too harsh!

If you knew my friends you would know how preposterous that suggestion is! I have no idea about a couple of them who are more recent additions but most predate Brexit. They are all perfectly capable of expressing themselves.

I regret voting Tory because they no longer are the party I remember. They have lost their way, but had an opportunity to find it again only to decide to compete with Reform for the hard right fringe. It’s a recipe for oblivion.
Voting for the party who offered the referendum?
If no one ever changed their mind then we would never get a change of government. That’s how democracy works. Maybe some of my circle were indeed part of the Brexit majority in 2016, but they aren’t now.

I am sure some who voted for Labour now regret it. There’s nothing revolutionary in that. It’s very usual when those previously in opposition actually have to do things. I voted Tory but looking at what they have done since in choosing Badenoch now regret that.
That's not true. Every five years there are 2.5 m people dying and younger voters becoming eligible.
Fair point. There will always be blend of younger and older voters as they move through life. That doesn’t change. What changes are the opinions they hold.
Not at all, surely age is just a social construct, to pretend otherwise would make you gerontophobic. Similarly, opinions and changes are merely social constructs.
Not at all, surely age is just a social construct, to pretend otherwise would make you gerontophobic. Similarly, opinions and changes are merely social constructs.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if age was merely a social construct! My back and hip aches would disappear as would the wrinkles. The downside being the world would have to put up with people like you for ever. I’ll stick with what we have thanks.
Well, clearly not because you thought it was ‘Two Tier Starmer’ 🥴

retired PM's often go up to the House of Lords. Two Tier Peer.

.......or Pier

British justice can be as barbaric third world ones as those still banged up years after 'indeterminate sentencing' was abolished in 2012 after being declared unlawful by the ECHR, will know.

12 years later there are still 3,000 people locked up who may have done such heinous crimes as stealing a plant pot or borrowing a laptop, 90 have committed suicide as they had no hope of ever being released.

It is utterly beyond belief, a modern disgraceful injustice, if you were to describe it to someone they would scratch their heads in disbelief, something that could not possibly happen.

A labour peer is trying to get a private bill through to re-sentence them but they are rarely adopted.

Why haven't they just done that anyway, or released them years ago?

It makes you want to weep.


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