- Country
You can huff and puff all you want, the fact remains that EU citizens cannot elect the people that make the laws that govern them. Name any democratic country where that state of affairs exists.The EU has delegated responsibilities which when exercised then need to be implemented into national laws. National Parliaments being responsible for the implementation. The EU Parliament has an entirely different function to that of National Parliaments and to try to equate it with them is to start from the wrong place. It doesn’t work that way.
By far not everything is delegated to the EU. The principle of subsidiarity rules. Something Margaret Thatcher approved of and fought for. You only delegate matters where a common approach serves the whole better than separate ones do. In many areas each country retains full responsibility for decisions. Primarily taxation, budgets, defence and foreign policy. Deciding shoe sizes or product labelling is better done collectively.
Here is that well known, far right, Little Englander, Tony Benn, on the subject:
By the way, EU countries do not have full control of their taxation, the EU sets minimum VAT rates. Also, those that use the Euro cannot set their own interest rates – a major tool in a country’s control of its economy.
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