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I'll like the post purely because what you are presenting is the attitude on race that was sold to Europeans from the sixties onwards. Essentially what you are saying is the Martin Luther King Jnr, 'I have a dream' idealism (King was a type of communist in real life).The only reason for my defence was because the person doing it was known for accusations of others and they need calling out for hypocrisy. Personally I just believe that 'racism' is a defence trait ingrained into all humans as a matter of survival, a broad distrust of strangers because strangers may kill you, and that is still within us (although the BBS consensus is that we've evolved past all of that, I guess because we're the educated monied west lol). TV entertainment is full of dystopian style futures where the greatest threat is.....other people. Walking Dead anyone? I think that the best way to deal with racism is to not focus on races in any way - this is true equality where everyone is consider on their personal merit, and since human beings are not different species then I struggle to see why so much emphasis is on race, pushed so hard, and that's racism in itself in my view. There are always going to be bad people, and as long as your society treats people equally then the bad people can be dealt with, but you don't deal with bad people by accusing the good ones all the time.
It's essentially the perspective of a well meaning person and in many ways I think most of us can agree on the core of the ideals in theory.
However, that liberal perspective on race opened up society for huge levels of subversion and essentially that has happened and thus led to a reversal on just about every front.
Now there is no firewall and your children and children's children will most probably be at the mercy of those who put their own ethnicities first......because laws aren't cast in stone and ideals don't trump ethnic self interests.
That only happens with liberal Europeans.
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