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Not anti American at all but I am Anti MAGA .The amount of anti Americanism going around is borderline fruitcake, none of these people have anything constructive to say and is the usual lefty/socially liberal room temperature whining. It's like this is all a shock to some dimwit who can't play a move ahead in chess.
First they want to biff Putin on the nose, now they want to biff Trump on the nose.
None of them ever seem to head off to a trench though.....I mean at least the tiny number that did can be said to actually commit to their principles....even though it got some of them killed.
They are poison.
As for Putin me a favour ...pure evil .
Try your freedom of speech over there!! Yeah don't stand for election against Putin especially next to a balcony you might just lose your balance ...or better still succomb to " sudden death syndrome " pffff !