- Country
Why is Putin a 'gangster'?
As opposed to us? The UK is now literally nothing more than the worlds biggest money laundry. We allow the worlds major criminals to come here and put all their wealth into British banks. The Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, the various dependencies in the Caribbean.
Any single one of us can see the evidence with our own two eyes every day by just walking down your nearest high street and counting how many empty 'Turkish' barbers there are. Or take-away restaurants with bored looking illegals behind the counter.
The UK is literally an organised crime group. That is it.
Both Russia and Ukraine are incredibly corrupt......However, we know that west Ukraine (which is mostly western influenced) wants to be a part of the 'west'. Many of us think it's all economically bad business for actual taxpayers who are getting rinsed..... but hey, since when did someone saying we shouldn't get involved was actually listened to.....this is big money for corporations.