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US Politics

"American journalist, George Stephanopoulos, was found dead yesterday after an apparent fall from a hotel balcony"

No, not really ^^^ 😀
Trump doesn't seem the sort to inflict violence. I do , however, think that Mr Stephanopoulos is watching the end of his career and this was an attempt at damage limitation by his employer.
Trump will get to them when he takes power.
The guy's got a surname that sounds like a new strain of virus.
A serious political player though. Big part of Clintons team (Bill) back in the early days.

But this made me smile today...

If ever a photograph showed how much the Left are losing, then this is it....

View attachment 429

Over on the left we are seeing a battle between the progressives, corporates and the populists.

Well, I mention the corporates when in truth their real role is in deciding which wing of the party they are going to financially back.

Essentially as they know demographics is destiny the corporates have backed the identity politics inherent within progressivism (it's in left wing populism too but just less up front).

Progressivism lost hard in this election.....while to people like you and me Harris losing seemed obvious there were an awful lot of people who thought it would be close or that she'd win.

The shock waves are only just subsiding on the left as they grapple with what confronts them......which is a Trump presidency that is likely to be far more effective and powerful this time around....at least for two years. Trump seems to have learnt lessons from last time and he's putting people in charge who are going to clear out opposition.

However, for the left I think they have a clear opportunity to embrace populism instead of progressivism......Sanders instead of Clinton if you will. However, this directly goes against the direction the 'donors' want. As usual they will look to subvert the process because that's what they do.

That said, I suspect a lot of them will try to find a middle ground between progressivism and populism.....a skinsuit if you will. The money will always win over the base.

Lying and deception are their features, it's not a bug.
Wait for the antifa riots when trump officially takes office. Then come back to apologise for such a silly statement. You know it’s goner happen but this time trump and the national guard will be ready and with all the pardons for the 6 th there will be plenty of jail space .
Why would I need to do that?

I will never defend rioting, whatever its source. I doubt though whether there will be any rioting. There may be some protests by anti fascists if Trump does go ahead with some of his more outrageous ideas but they won’t have any connection to the Democrats. The Democrats will continue to use legal and political means to address the issues. Not direct action. Nor will they encourage or defend it, as Trump did and continues to do with the Jan 6th mob.

You know you’ve made it when your the biggest show in town. They can’t all be wrong in supporting trump 👍
Oh they can, but some are clearly putting personal interest above either national interest, integrity or reason.

Sleeping with the enemy has been the tactic of the unscrupulous since time began.
Oh they can, but some are clearly putting personal interest above either national interest, integrity or reason.

Sleeping with the enemy has been the tactic of the unscrupulous since time began.
77,000,000 voters who actually live in the country concerned were all wrong.
Over on the left we are seeing a battle between the progressives, corporates and the populists.

Well, I mention the corporates when in truth their real role is in deciding which wing of the party they are going to financially back.

Essentially as they know demographics is destiny the corporates have backed the identity politics inherent within progressivism (it's in left wing populism too but just less up front).

Progressivism lost hard in this election.....while to people like you and me Harris losing seemed obvious there were an awful lot of people who thought it would be close or that she'd win.

The shock waves are only just subsiding on the left as they grapple with what confronts them......which is a Trump presidency that is likely to be far more effective and powerful this time around....at least for two years. Trump seems to have learnt lessons from last time and he's putting people in charge who are going to clear out opposition.

However, for the left I think they have a clear opportunity to embrace populism instead of progressivism......Sanders instead of Clinton if you will. However, this directly goes against the direction the 'donors' want. As usual they will look to subvert the process because that's what they do.

That said, I suspect a lot of them will try to find a middle ground between progressivism and populism.....a skinsuit if you will. The money will always win over the base.

Lying and deception are their features, it's not a bug.
The issue is not and never was Harris.

The only question was and is, why Trump?

How can an electorate put someone as corrupt as him, a convicted felon who only avoided other convictions and jail by legal delaying manoeuvres, back into power?

How can a political system deliver such a manifestly illogical outcome?

No system ought have permitted him to stand, let alone succeed.

The question is not therefore one just for Democrats. It is one for everyone in the USA who believes in democracy, the law and justice.
77,000,000 voters who actually live in the country concerned were all wrong.
See my previous post.

Why enough were prepared to ignore the obvious is something that will doubtless be analysed for years. When that soul searching is done whether the mechanisms exist to ensure it isn’t repeated will be the question.
See my previous post.

Why enough were prepared to ignore the obvious is something that will doubtless be analysed for years. When that soul searching is done whether the mechanisms exist to ensure it isn’t repeated will be the question.
No thought they might actually know more about their country and vote accordingly. They are obviously all easily led idiots.
The issue is not and never was Harris.

The only question was and is, why Trump?

How can an electorate put someone as corrupt as him, a convicted felon who only avoided other convictions and jail by legal delaying manoeuvres, back into power?

How can a political system deliver such a manifestly illogical outcome?

No system ought have permitted him to stand, let alone succeed.

The question is not therefore one just for Democrats. It is one for everyone in the USA who believes in democracy, the law and justice.
Delay tactics for thee but not for me.
Plenty have done it all over the world and still are. There are 3 going on in the UK right now but TDS clearly makes him the worst one.
The entire justification for twenty years in Iraq, the justification for a similar length in Afghanistan. The justification for hundreds of our soldiers dying and thousands of Americans and god knows how many injured was to keep Al-Qaeda and Taliban types from running these countries.

I ask you, what consequences have been paid by the politicians and officials who did all they could to make those twenty years happen?

Nothing, not one consequence.....in fact most of them have been rewarded and continue to be lauded within the establishment, Blair, Bush, Campbell, the lot of them.

I believed them.....I was on these pages myself promoting this neo con policy. I thought I was doing the right thing. Later we not only found out that the justifications for the wars (the Twin Towers aside) were built upon lies, but that the elites are were willing to have our people die fighting these scum are now calling these same types 'rebels' and promoting them in Syria.

Mainly because these were mainly wars for the interests of a certain favoured country that pays for its influence.

Some may ask why all of a sudden Al-Qaeda/Taliban types who spent years killing our troops are now being called 'rebels'.....Well the reason is obvious.

Turkey, Israel and America get to depose the Assad regime....who was supported and friendly with Iran and Russia.

Really Russia, is a footnote, what really matters is Iran and weakening them.....what they really want is to create as much instability as possible and have a revolution there. None of us would care and in fact the regime losing power there would be positive.....but not at the expense of siding with Al-Qaeda/Taliban.

That's the entire thing.....all those lives, all that money spent fighting these people.....I'm talking trillions....at the end of the day you find out that all that matters is what a certain country in the middle east wants.
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The entire justification for twenty years in Iraq, the justification for a similar length in Afghanistan. The justification for hundreds of our soldiers dying and thousands of Americans and god knows how many injured was to keep Al-Qaeda and Taliban types from running these countries.

I ask you, what consequences have been paid by the politicians and officials who did all they could to make those twenty years happen?

Nothing, not one consequence.....in fact most of them have been rewarded and continue to be lauded within the establishment, Blair, Bush, Campbell, the lot of them.

I believed them.....I was on these pages myself promoting this neo con policy. I thought I was doing the right thing. Later we not only found out that the justifications for the wars (the Twin Towers aside) were built upon lies, but that the elites are were willing to have our people die fighting these scum are now calling these same types 'rebels' and promoting them in Syria.

Mainly because these were mainly wars for the interests of a certain favoured country that pays for its influence.

Some may ask why all of a sudden Al-Qaeda/Taliban types who spent years killing our troops are now being called 'rebels'.....Well the reason is obvious.

Israel and America get to depose the Assad regime....who was supported and friendly with Iran and Russia.

Russia, even a footnote, what really matters if Iran and weakening them.....what they really want is to create as much instability as possible and have a revolution there. None of us would care and in fact the regime losing power there would be positive.....but not at the expense of siding with Al-Qaeda/Taliban.

That's the entire thing.....all those lives, all that money spent fighting these people.....I'm talking trillions....at the end of the day you find out that all that matters is what a certain country in the middle east wants.
Does any part of you think: deal. Putin leaves Syria alone and stops helping Asad. We stop helping Zelensky - a deal is done there. If so, Israel are certainly in on it. Is our government? Wouldn't be sure of that.
Does any part of you think: deal. Putin leaves Syria alone and stops helping Asad. We stop helping Zelensky - a deal is done there. If so, Israel are certainly in on it. Is our government? Wouldn't be sure of that.

Trade with the US and their defence cover means that we are essentially their little b1tch. If they fart we tell them it's sweet for most things....especially anything defence or security related. So really what I'm saying is that our policy decisions aren't really independent.....haven't been since before Suez......deciding to fight WW2 destroyed us as a world power. The proof is in the eating.

I don't see a deal like the above happening, there is a huge sunken cost element now.....It's been incredibly stupid but unfortunately that's the legacy low quality elite boomers have given the west.

They get to swan off and live their incredibly rich lives (in a lot of US cases via dodgy means) while leaving everybody else poorer after fecking just about everything up.
No thought they might actually know more about their country and vote accordingly. They are obviously all easily led idiots.
As I have repeatedly said, not all. But enough are apparently prepared to ignore the very obvious reasons why Trump ought not be anywhere near the Presidency to make the difference. When others always vote along tribal lines they are enough. The real question is why. Is it just ignorance? Caused by a poor education system? Is it a lack of knowledge of anything other than the USA so that what happens there is just accepted?
Delay tactics for thee but not for me.
Plenty have done it all over the world and still are. There are 3 going on in the UK right now but TDS clearly makes him the worst one.
That clever lawyers exist everywhere might be true but nowhere has it been done to help shoehorn a criminally and morally corrupt person like Trump back into power.

TDS is a myth. Opposing this man is not the result of any derangement. To suggest it is is simply evidence of the success of Trump’s most frequently used tactic. Which is to accuse others of that you which you are yourself guilty.
Others are also pondering how this happened. This gives some possible insights which given the threat of Musk bankrolling Reform we ought to take very seriously and for our government to take appropriate action via legislation to ensure that the source of funding for our political parties is wholly and exclusively by British citizens, with the power to suspend any where doubt exists until a judicial review is completed.

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As I have repeatedly said, not all. But enough are apparently prepared to ignore the very obvious reasons why Trump ought not be anywhere near the Presidency to make the difference. When others always vote along tribal lines they are enough. The real question is why. Is it just ignorance? Caused by a poor education system? Is it a lack of knowledge of anything other than the USA so that what happens there is just accepted?
There are two ironies here. One that both H. Clinton and Harris thought they could rely on their tribal base for votes which then didn't materilise and two that their en haut de bas attitude was the reason why.
There are two ironies here. One that both H. Clinton and Harris thought they could rely on their tribal base for votes which then didn't materilise and two that their en haut de bas attitude was the reason why.
No irony at all. Not everyone votes reliably tribally. Enough were influenced sufficiently for this to have happened. The question is what caused it. You think it was simply a superiority complex that assumed people would just be able to see through Trump but I don’t. I think it was much more complicated than that.
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No irony at all. Not everyone votes reliably tribally. Enough were influenced sufficiently for this to have happened. The question is what caused it. You think it was simply a superiority complex that assumed people would just be able to see through Trump but I don’t. I think it was much more complicated than that.
So you think Trump is dislikeable - I think most can understand that. It would be good if you could accept that, in the real world (the world people actually live in without much ideology), Hilary Clinton and Kamala Harris are more dislikeable than Trump. Being openly a bit of a t*** shows what Trump is like - it's all there.

However, Clinton and Harris both have horrendous track records, nobody really rated them, nobody really liked them - except for personal gain - and yet they presented themselves as wonderful people. When any slight investigation reveals the total contradiction between what was coming out of their mouths and what the reality was. In the average, normal person's mind, that is lying.

To woke people it's called gaslighting. Both Harris and Clinton gaslighted the voters constantly and got called on it. That you refuse to see it is irrelevant. They are abhorrent people who never deserved to be candidates. Wholly unsuitable and in fact, and proven through votes, less suitable than Trump. Your continuing Trump dislike is merely highlighting this.

In short, you think Trump's bad - the majority of voters thought those two were worse. Obviously, you think you're right. It just isn't washing though is it? It just smacks of being a bad loser.

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