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US Politics

The Democrats are starting the blame game, Clooney is first up into the barrel no doubt others will follow.

Some people hear but do not listen. The Democrats own pollsters told them time and time again what the public was concerned about and they did not listen. They were more concerned about their pet woke issues and simply did not understand why the voters weren't of a like mind.

It didn't help that many leading democrat voices labelled and belittled the people they were trying to win over branding voters racists, bigots and stupid etc. That may not be the best way to win someone vote.

Bill Clinton once said "It's the economy stupid". Of course he was right (about a different election) I would add that immigration was the other key factor.

I'm not sure the right for bearded men to use female changing rooms was high on the list of priorities for the average American.

If I was a Democrat I would be concerned that so many Latino's voted for Trump, this shows they can no longer rely on that block vote. Even amongst the blacks whilst still solidly behind Kamala there was a significant increase in Trump support.

Anyway the Dems will go away and lick their wounds and probably still not pay attention to the polling experts.
It's been mooted that the Latino vote has been miscalculated since many arriving in America have left countries with left-wing governments and aren't such staunch Democrats as has been assumed - Cubans in Florida for example.
Johnson and Trump both to some extent fall into the curious category of those who most just accept no matter what they do or say. There are some whose public persona is virtually bulletproof - Jack Nicholson, Jimmy White, Keith Richards, George Best (there will be more current examples but I don't know who they are) and a few others can, or could, do virtually anything without anyone caring.

Charisma. That special gravy that you cannot bottle. And mattering, as much as for worse than better, far more in life than people want to actually admit to. Also I suspect that those on what is labelled as the 'Right' are far more drawn to it rather than the Left who, on a mixture of grounds, are repelled/resentful of it because it many ways just the very notion of its existence is the very opposite of concepts such as equality etc. It is not always lacking in people of a left-wing persuasion (for I guess you could argue Tony Blair had it whilst accepting that many who proclaim themselves as 'true' socialists despise him as much as anybody on the Right) but I suspect it is far less than the right. Within the Trade Union movement you see people with it but they are not conventional politicians anyway and again, they are their to promote the interests of a very narrow group of people rather than represent the masses.
Charisma. That special gravy that you cannot bottle. And mattering, as much as for worse than better, far more in life than people want to actually admit to. Also I suspect that those on what is labelled as the 'Right' are far more drawn to it rather than the Left who, on a mixture of grounds, are repelled/resentful of it because it many ways just the very notion of its existence is the very opposite of concepts such as equality etc. It is not always lacking in people of a left-wing persuasion (for I guess you could argue Tony Blair had it whilst accepting that many who proclaim themselves as 'true' socialists despise him as much as anybody on the Right) but I suspect it is far less than the right. Within the Trade Union movement you see people with it but they are not conventional politicians anyway and again, they are their to promote the interests of a very narrow group of people rather than represent the masses.

Indeed. JFK is still highly regarded and he was hardly a paragon of virtue.
Indeed. JFK is still highly regarded and he was hardly a paragon of virtue.

Well quite. And look at Bill Clinton. Imagine if Trump had been caught sticking cigars up some young interns private parts in the actual Oval Office? Let alone DNA tests showing whatever on her dress.

And yet the man is still looked up to by many on the Left.

He has the magic sauce (in more ways than most in old Billy boys case).
The Democrats are starting the blame game, Clooney is first up into the barrel no doubt others will follow.

Some people hear but do not listen. The Democrats own pollsters told them time and time again what the public was concerned about and they did not listen. They were more concerned about their pet woke issues and simply did not understand why the voters weren't of a like mind.

It didn't help that many leading democrat voices labelled and belittled the people they were trying to win over branding voters racists, bigots and stupid etc. That may not be the best way to win someone vote.

Bill Clinton once said "It's the economy stupid". Of course he was right (about a different election) I would add that immigration was the other key factor.

I'm not sure the right for bearded men to use female changing rooms was high on the list of priorities for the average American.

If I was a Democrat I would be concerned that so many Latino's voted for Trump, this shows they can no longer rely on that block vote. Even amongst the blacks whilst still solidly behind Kamala there was a significant increase in Trump support.

Anyway the Dems will go away and lick their wounds and probably still not pay attention to the polling experts.
‘George Clooney – who cares?’ Did celebrity endorsements actually harm Kamala Harris? interesting article on celebrity endorsement.
Well quite. And look at Bill Clinton. Imagine if Trump had been caught sticking cigars up some young interns private parts in the actual Oval Office? Let alone DNA tests showing whatever on her dress.

And yet the man is still looked up to by many on the Left.

He has the magic sauce (in more ways than most in old Billy boys case).

He'd get vilified for smoking a cigar let alone...
Is it true the Democrats won every state that doesn’t require voter ID and not a state that requires it? 🤔
.....'It's the economy stupid'.
Winning elections is hardly a secret to any of us. Keep the cost of essentials for life relative to income as cheap as possible

And the Kamala supporters....?..........she seemed to only appeal to the wallets of Single mothers on the dole ( with deadbeat unemployed runaway dads )

- University Feminists
- Soy Boys
- Antifa

- Socialists/ Commies /
- LGBTQ activists
- climate-change bores
- The investors of the Military-Industrial Complex

.......and precious little other supporters for Kamala.
Last edited:
On foreign policy Biden probably the worst president ever, so why did Harris align with it? Even after defeat a man you woudn't send out for a loaf of bread in case he started WW3, incapable of change.

'How genocide cost Kamala and Trump's muslim victory'.

It's people like his counterparts in the US with his same views, who really need to look into the mirror when it comes to blame for Trump winning a second term.

Trump is such a marmite character, it's quite something just how badly they have done to lose.

Trump was nowhere in polling before they started going after him. They literally pulled him back in like they were trying to remake the Godfather 3.

However, one thing that always stands out with them is that they can never take accountability for why the voters reject them. It's always finger pointing at their victors and accusing them of lying when their own lies are legion.

It's quite amazing really.....Trump was so avoidable and even with their incredible stupidity in going after him if they had even been sensible they would have beaten him.

But that's the nature of the modern left, all or nothing and no compromise......So really they can't complain when they pull defeat from the jaws of easy victory.
It has been hilarious today listening to BBC Radio 4 and 5 Live. They have been ‘analysing’ how the media could get the predicted outcome so wrong and have been discussing what went wrong for the Democrats. Their commentators decided that Kamala was the wrong person to run for the Democrats and that she didn’t deliver a very good campaign that hit home with the voters. Hang on a minute, they’ve been saying she was ahead in the polls for the last 3 weeks! 😂

As for the media being so out of touch…it was stated that they were blindsided by the younger voters and social media and that it was difficult to track the influence that was having. Also they hugely underestimated the Latino vote for Trump and the fact that the Economy mattered much more to most than they had predicted and not subjects such as abortion rights.

I found it interesting that there was no mention of the media predictions of a Harris victory being SO wrong because in actual fact it was just their desired outcome and wishful thinking.
On foreign policy Biden probably the worst president ever, so why did Harris align with it? Even after defeat a man you woudn't send out for a loaf of bread in case he started WW3, incapable of change.

'How genocide cost Kamala and Trump's muslim victory'.

You know why Steely.

That lovely donor cash.....they all love the taste of that gravy.

When it comes down between a choice between donor cash and mimicking a political base's concerns, both parties will always choose the donors first.

The main reason Harris was chosen without a primary was because most of the big donors wanted her.....Same reason you had Clinton instead of Sanders.
There is plenty of time to prepare (or take evasive action) when there is a new president.

Inauguration is not until January 20th 2025.


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