Charisma. That special gravy that you cannot bottle. And mattering, as much as for worse than better, far more in life than people want to actually admit to. Also I suspect that those on what is labelled as the 'Right' are far more drawn to it rather than the Left who, on a mixture of grounds, are repelled/resentful of it because it many ways just the very notion of its existence is the very opposite of concepts such as equality etc. It is not always lacking in people of a left-wing persuasion (for I guess you could argue Tony Blair had it whilst accepting that many who proclaim themselves as 'true' socialists despise him as much as anybody on the Right) but I suspect it is far less than the right. Within the Trade Union movement you see people with it but they are not conventional politicians anyway and again, they are their to promote the interests of a very narrow group of people rather than represent the masses.