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US Politics

Yeah Putin was doing so badly with Biden and Harris.

America has gotten so much value for 175 billion....

Personally I'd say who'd be a happy American taxpayer with these clowns.

As for Taiwan, if or when China invades it won't be because of which US president is in power.
With Trump they know for sure the Yanks will do nothing. Help yourself Xi! Putin doing badly? Too right he is. He expected capitulation in a week and your mighty Russia is still held back losing troops by the hundreds of thousands.
Not a chance in hell.

After 4 more years of Trump can you seriously believe that the 70% + in the UK who don’t like him will be attracted to Farage as a consequence?

Trump being elected might look, at face value, to be good news for Reform, and the other hard right parties in Europe, but I suspect that with time and experience it will prove otherwise.
Well I have to say you've not been right with most of your predictions to be fair
The thing I struggle to understand about the Trump hysteria is that he never actually did anything that bad. I saw him as a MAJOR disappointment in his first term and to be fair, will not believe he will be any different until I see not only the appointments he makes but if he gets the J6 Patriots out of jail and looks to prosecute that piece of s*** who executed that poor lady inside the White House then I will start believing the hype.

But until then I suspect just more of the same really.
It's because he's more of a loose cannon than all the carefully filtered politicians that come through the system.....He's a business man who decided to play politics......for nearly all professional politicians they get to vet them, buy them (Epstein honey trap some of them) and discard any that don't play ball long before you see them at the higher levels.

They never got to do that with Trump.....He's the least controllable since Nixon and they hate that.....and they treated Nixon like the devil as well.
With Trump they know for sure the Yanks will do nothing. Help yourself Xi! Putin doing badly? Too right he is. He expected capitulation in a week and your mighty Russia is still held back losing troops by the hundreds of thousands.
Russia is being held back? Where are you getting your news from dude? It's certainly not from the front lines is it.

Russia has lost somewhere between two to five hundred thousand troops......Ukraine has lost probably over a million already.

By comparison, the Soviets....which is mostly Russia lost roughly six to seven million troops in WW2 (nearly twice what Germany lost) and something like twenty million civilians....killing a small percent of both itself.

That number of tens of millions of dead was in four years of fighting, not a few hundred thousand in two years.

You clearly don't understand, what regimes in countries like that will do if it thinks it's fighting for its existence. This war was forewarned about for over a decade before it happened....Oliver Stone even made a film about it, no doubt you never saw it.

The war was never winnable for Ukraine without Nato ground, air and equipment use...which is mainly America.....Even if you forget the cost both in lives and financial....That's WW3 because it wouldn't be limited to Nato v Russia....it would be Nato v most of Brics.

It's the most stupid war I've ever lived to see, and watching the level of delusion and denialism as it enters its probable last year is something to see.
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Well I have to say you've not been right with most of your predictions to be fair
As I rarely, if ever, make a prediction with a time limit that’s obviously untrue. I often say that patience is needed. I said I both hoped and expected Harris to win but I didn’t predict she would. With such a tight and conflicting picture no one could make a prediction with confidence.

I did though predict that Biden would withdraw before the convention. Trump hasn’t yet been prosecuted for his involvement with the Russian interference in 2016, and may never now be due to time limits and his age when his term is up, but when the evidence gathered by Mueller is unsealed we will know the truth. He has though been prosecuted for a number of crimes, including trying to overturn an election result and been found guilty on the only one he was unable to kick into the long grass. If he knew he was innocent then he would have disposed of them and positioned himself as a genuine martyr, rather than a fake one. Trump is though fake everything.
Well I have to say you've not been right with most of your predictions to be fair
In all his years of being on here the only one I can remember him getting right was that Biden would withdraw......even though in reality it was a coup under threat.

If you could bet on the opposite of what he predicts you'd probably be quite a wealthy man.
As I rarely, if ever, make a prediction with a time limit that’s obviously untrue. I often say that patience is needed. I said I both hoped and expected Harris to win but I didn’t predict she would. With such a tight and conflicting picture no one could make a prediction with confidence.

I did though predict that Biden would withdraw before the convention. Trump hasn’t yet been prosecuted for his involvement with the Russian interference in 2016, and may never now be due to time limits and his age when his term is up, but when the evidence gathered by Mueller is unsealed we will know the truth. He has though been prosecuted for a number of crimes, including trying to overturn an election result and been found guilty on the only one he was unable to kick into the long grass. If he knew he was innocent then he would have disposed of them and positioned himself as a genuine martyr, rather than a fake one. Trump is though fake everything.
And yet he still won. Sounds like your complaints should be directed toward the Democrats for managing to lose.
Anyone any idea where the 15 million extra votes Biden got in 2020 went?

Well quite. Makes me wonder why Democrats are not making more of this. Surely this surge of support for a pale, stale white male like Biden, even more popular by some margin than 'Saint' Obama, would naturally transfer over to the Harris? Afterall, they came as a joint package.

Makes this election result look very dodgy. I do hope there is a full enquiry now into why those 15 million voters did not turn out this time.
Well quite. Makes me wonder why Democrats are not making more of this. Surely this surge of support for a pale, stale white male like Biden, even more popular by some margin than 'Saint' Obama, would naturally transfer over to the Harris? Afterall, they came as a joint package.

Makes this election result look very dodgy. I do hope there is a full enquiry now into why those 15 million voters did not turn out this time.
Or maybe they didn’t actually turn out last time ? :drunk:🤣
Not a chance in hell.

After 4 more years of Trump can you seriously believe that the 70% + in the UK who don’t like him will be attracted to Farage as a consequence?

Trump being elected might look, at face value, to be good news for Reform, and the other hard right parties in Europe, but I suspect that with time and experience it will prove otherwise.
I believe, possibly because you are not thinking straight atm, you have misunderstood my comment, a clue, nothing to do with Farage
Don’t be so daft.

The dignity with which both Biden and Harris have accepted the will of the people and promised a smooth transfer of power stands in stark contrast to the way Trump behaved in 2020. He literally behaved like a spoilt kid and threw his toys out of the pram.
Interesting wasn’t it. Another interesting point was that there were millions less votes cast this time despite a population explosion 🤔
With Trump they know for sure the Yanks will do nothing. Help yourself Xi! Putin doing badly? Too right he is. He expected capitulation in a week and your mighty Russia is still held back losing troops by the hundreds of thousands.
Can I suggest you read Ouzo Dans post, this may give you a more “up to date” view of the situation
Anyone any idea where the 15 million extra votes Biden got in 2020 went?
There was major social media buy in for Democrats in 2020, both Facebook and Twitter spent a lot of money on them, both in censoring pro Trump voices and amplifying Democrat ones.....that didn't happen this time with Twitter, while not censoring, having an owner who was batting for Trump. Voices like Joe Rogan also play a role with younger men.....probably cancelling out some of the Democrat endorsements like Taylor Swift.

Some Democrat voters would have been put off by Harris being the nominee without having to contest it.....something the Democrat elites and donors seem to have decided for themselves.

In Republican and swing states the GOP put in major efforts against voter fraud much more than in 2020.

The scale in mail in ballot opportunities were less than in 2020 as covid wasn't an excuse for them.

Even so Trump's victory is a major achievement when you consider that Harris's campaign out spent him three to one.
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Some more thoughts on why Harris lost.

Harris was asked a softball question about what she would change in the Biden administration with the benefit of hindsight.

"Not a thing" was her reply. Wrong answer girl.

Through out her campaign she has bigged up her role under Biden which was a gift for Trump as he could blame her for everything.

Most former VPs complain that the job was horrible and that they were sent off to open schools and hospitals whilst the President and his aides declared war etc.

Americans know this, that the VP does not really have a proper role apart from being a heart beat from the Presidency.

So Harris could have distanced herself from the mistakes of the Biden administration and I think most Americans would have understood that. Instead she doubled down and thus took responsibility for the economy and immigration 2 of the big concerns for the voters and of course she was saying "what problem I will do the same".

The manner in which she secured the nomination will not have helped either. Having failed to even get to the first primary it became a coronation something I suspect even democrat voters didn't like.

As for the celebrity endorsements, I think they hindered rather than helped her. If you have a strong candidate who answers the tough questions then I can see the celebrity stuff at rallies as the cherry on top of the cake. However when you have a candidate who appears to be dodging the tough interviews for softball appearances on The View and SNL I think it backfires.
In all his years of being on here the only one I can remember him getting right was that Biden would withdraw......even though in reality it was a coup under threat.

If you could bet on the opposite of what he predicts you'd probably be quite a wealthy man.
I’ll make a genuine prediction, rather than just express an expectation.

That in 4 years from now you will still be here posting far right rhetoric gleaned from dubious one man, unedited sources on the internet. I don’t bet, but that’s a banker.

We live in an age where anyone with a severe mental health disorder can post an opinion on the internet and claim it’s the truth. You really don’t have to look too far to find the evidence of that.

The internet is both a wonderful tool that enables the world to communicate with ease and a stinking cess pit of lies in which truth and democracy are dying.

Until governments find ways to clean it up our future looks bleak.
Some more thoughts on why Harris lost.

Harris was asked a softball question about what she would change in the Biden administration with the benefit of hindsight.

"Not a thing" was her reply. Wrong answer girl.

Through out her campaign she has bigged up her role under Biden which was a gift for Trump as he could blame her for everything.

Most former VPs complain that the job was horrible and that they were sent off to open schools and hospitals whilst the President and his aides declared war etc.

Americans know this, that the VP does not really have a proper role apart from being a heart beat from the Presidency.

So Harris could have distanced herself from the mistakes of the Biden administration and I think most Americans would have understood that. Instead she doubled down and thus took responsibility for the economy and immigration 2 of the big concerns for the voters and of course she was saying "what problem I will do the same".

The manner in which she secured the nomination will not have helped either. Having failed to even get to the first primary it became a coronation something I suspect even democrat voters didn't like.

As for the celebrity endorsements, I think they hindered rather than helped her. If you have a strong candidate who answers the tough questions then I can see the celebrity stuff at rallies as the cherry on top of the cake. However when you have a candidate who appears to be dodging the tough interviews for softball appearances on The View and SNL I think it backfires.
It might have been politically unwise but she was being truthful. I would rather have that than someone just adopting a stance for effect. Which is all Trump ever does.

When history judges Biden’s 4 years it will be very kind to him. He has caught a lot of flack for things he had no control over and no credit for those he did.

There’s nothing I would have changed either. Sad that telling the truth is unfashionable.
Interesting wasn’t it. Another interesting point was that there were millions less votes cast this time despite a population explosion 🤔
If Trump had lost he would be claiming they were stolen.

No one yet is blaming the Russians but don’t hold your breath. I bet the security forces are looking.

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