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Relaxing rules on non EU migrants was a political choice that Johnson made....which he admits to in his autobiography, but he blames the business lobby and if I remember rightly the treasury....he admits it went too far.The ECHR does not prevent such people from being deported.. I suspect every country In the EU and us have policies in place to enable deportation of criminals. What the Convention prescribes is a procedure to ensure due process is properly followed to sift genuine asylum seekers from the rest. And to legally characterise those deemed persona non grata.
And there's the rub. Without an efficient system and resources we are stuck with criminals and that is government not the law.
I know we have someone who worked for Border Control but I also know someone who worked Heathrow. A whole plain from Jamaica came in. Could have been Albania Vietnam or Nigeria. The boss waived the whole lot through without a check as they did not have the manpower.
Removing the ECHR is a populist gymic that will have zero impact on the issue. It is akin to voting Leave to address the problem. All that did was check literate and critical European workers with no impact at all on non EU migrants.
However, as with lockdowns the PM is responsible for the advice he decides to listen to and agree with....the buck stops with him.
He blames everyone except himself of course.....when the reality is that he was supporting non EU immigration from years before the EU referendum was a thing. Only people taking notice would have been aware that Johnson was going to betray the main reason most people voted leave.....I wasn't taking notice so I feel very betrayed.
That doesn't leave me feeling ok with the rich gravy train neoliberal elites poorly managing European decline in the EU......Everytime I see them it just annoys me.