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The new government – good accomplishments and bad?

I'll lock the topic after the first 100 days of the new government or this thread will go on forever. Going back to the original post about good things and bad the government has done so far... I'll make a start on a summary, feel free to add. Do we have a list of anything good?

Scrapping winter fuel payments
Two-tier criminal charges and sentencing
Blowing the limited money available on public sector workers and train drivers
Cronyism: Party donor buys role in civil service
I'll lock the topic after the first 100 days of the new government or this thread will go on forever. Going back to the original post about good things and bad the government has done so far... I'll make a start on a summary, feel free to add. Do we have a list of anything good?

Scrapping winter fuel payments
Two-tier criminal charges and sentencing
Blowing the limited money available on public sector workers and train drivers
Cronyism: Party donor buys role in civil service
No, don’t lock it. The bad management of the country is going to go on for the full 5 years unless there’s a vote of no confidence. You just know it.

Er, erm, er…
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2TK looking at this thinking ‘ that’s it, a lockdown in may, happy days’ , “oi reevsy it’s about that budget, have you got a minute !”

But Starmer’s gone from one extreme to the other. In opposition wanting the government to spend hundreds of billions of pounds to save everyone so that future generations will be repaying it forever, to then willing to risk 4,000 OAP’s to save £1.4 billion to look strong because the economy could crash if they don’t. Could he then swing back to the former extreme? Now that would make these bizarre times even more extraordinary.

Being honest about the state of the public finances.
Having the courage to do something about it.
Being determined, resolute and swift in stamping out the rioting.
Putting country above party and accepting unpopularity as a consequence.
Winding up the right.


Too early to determine for most things.
Over settling long running pay disputes may prove to be an error.
Not yet reversed Brexit, even if the initial steps have been taken.

Being honest about the state of the public finances.
Having the courage to do something about it.

Being determined, resolute and swift in stamping out the rioting.
Putting country above party and accepting unpopularity as a consequence.
Winding up the right.


Too early to determine for most things.
Over settling long running pay disputes may prove to be an error.
Not yet reversed Brexit, even if the initial steps have been taken.
More like:

Adding to the state of the public finances to the tune of £9 billion, then lying about it, claiming a ‘black hole’ they knew nothing about, only they would have, is £22 billion and the fault of the Tories. They use the strategy of say it enough times and it’ll stick. It’s a political choice and they’re all lying about that, yet you claim he has courage?

Two tier policing on display for white rioters and social media posters. Old people arrested for standing somewhere in Whitehall for example. That guy with the memes I posted at the weekend. Labelling everyone who is concerned by the amount of immigration as far right, plummeting in public opinion as a result.

Making idiotic and cruel decisions that make no sense and make no difference to the public finances at £1.4 billion. If everyone who does qualify is able to claim the pension allowance does, that’s if they can manage the 243 questions, which they can’t, it would cost the same amount or more. More damage to the government’s reputation. When he was in opposition he wanted harder lockdowns to save lives, costing hundreds of billions, now he’s PM he wants to save £1.4 billion to stop the economy crashing, which is absolute nonsense, yet their own study tells them it’ll kill 4,000 pensioners. Some guy.

Winding up the right? And that’s clever? He’s also winding up British voters who are traditionally left wing but oppose our immigration policy, the main problem at the moment and for a long time. And he’s supposed to represent all of the population, not about 20% of it. And that’s highly stupid anyway. He’s the PM, not the opposition, for now anyway.

Bad? Is that it? Were you a Labour canvasser?

You left out all of the above and cash for answers and favours. He’s said he’s going to continue taking gifts from Alli by the way.

What a guy. No wonder he’s unpopular.
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Being honest about the state of the public finances.
Having the courage to do something about it.
Being determined, resolute and swift in stamping out the rioting.
Putting country above party and accepting unpopularity as a consequence.
Winding up the right.


Too early to determine for most things.
Over settling long running pay disputes may prove to be an error.
Not yet reversed Brexit, even if the initial steps have been taken.
I do not see him putting the country above party. He has a self serving agenda and is not prepared to listen to what the country thinks, i.e. locking up the rioters without addressing any of the reasons why this came about.
As for winding up the right, how can this be seen as a good thing. I believe I read in another post that you accept that the elected officials are there to serve all persons in their constituencies, therefore, how is winding up the right serving them?

Being honest about the state of the public finances.
Having the courage to do something about it.
Being determined, resolute and swift in stamping out the rioting.
Putting country above party and accepting unpopularity as a consequence.
Winding up the right.


Too early to determine for most things.
Over settling long running pay disputes may prove to be an error.
Not yet reversed Brexit, even if the initial steps have been taken.
Before the election Labour were critical of the financial ‘ black hole”. Post election they claimed not to know about it 🤔.

They have been asked to provide evidence that it was £22b, a fact disputed, but are refusing to do so. Honesty eh!
Winding up the right is putting country before party? Not only is that infantile , it most certainly not putting country first.
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You have a very, very short memory
No. We still remember Tony Blair.

This government has already shown exactly what it is about. I could have, and actually did, tell everyone exactly what would happen if we elected this bunch of weirdos into office.

The darkest days are upon us. Our freedoms and way of life are now seriously threatened.
No. We still remember Tony Blair.

This government has already shown exactly what it is about. I could have, and actually did, tell everyone exactly what would happen if we elected this bunch of weirdos into office.

The darkest days are upon us. Our freedoms and way of life are now seriously threatened.
Right on bruvver. If they take away my buss pass I'm outta here. Where else can I keep warm now they're stopping our WFP?