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The new government – good accomplishments and bad?

Harold Wilson said the Labour Party is "a moral crusade or it is nothing." - Keir Starmer.

So he did Sir Keir only your new administration does not seem to be getting it.

Remember when John McDonnell said

‘’I want to be in a situation where no Tory MP, no coalition minister, can travel anywhere in the country, or show their face anywhere in public, without being challenged, without direct action.’’

Turns out its happening to Labour MP's.
It’s not the number of hours! It’s the role.

No MP, from any party, should have a platform of this type.

Fringe parties generally do better in local elections. The LibDems the living proof of that. Low turnouts and the inconsequential nature of the result encourage protest votes.

The bluster is entirely yours. Enjoy it. It won’t come to anything.

It’s what happens to the Tories which is important.
But they are ok to present LBC for 3 hours.
Reform are far from a fringe party.
They are not the BNP, brexit party or UKIP.
They have 5 seats so far. It will be more after may unless 2TK finds a way to prevent reform from running.
The tories are labour lite so atm they are not a viable option for many and air time will be limited between now and may. They had their chance and lost my vote. I doubt I’m in a small group either!
One plane to Rwanda and they would be hmg. They dropped the ball and got wiped. Admittedly under suspicious means of not showing to be bothered.
Our fault as usual. We discourage the brightest and best, select unsuitable candidates to run and then vote for them. We're beyond help.it isn’t our fault. It’s the fault of the current system not being improved by those now in it.
It isn’t our fault. It’s the fault of the system not being updated by our current representatives.
But they are ok to present LBC for 3 hours.
Reform are far from a fringe party.
They are not the BNP, brexit party or UKIP.
They have 5 seats so far. It will be more after may unless 2TK finds a way to prevent reform from running.
The tories are labour lite so atm they are not a viable option for many and air time will be limited between now and may. They had their chance and lost my vote. I doubt I’m in a small group either!
One plane to Rwanda and they would be hmg. They dropped the ball and got wiped. Admittedly under suspicious means of not showing to be bothered.
They aren’t ok to broadcast anywhere as presenters whilst still MPs, in my opinion.

Reform are just a fringe party at the moment. I cannot see that changing. Their appeal is strictly limited. Don’t be fooled by attitudes here. They are the successors to UKIP and the Brexit Party with an obvious thread that links them. They will never be mainstream. Our people are not either truly left or right. Most are centralist, social democrats.

Where they end up who knows. If the Tories stay central themselves, as I believe they will and must if they are to survive, then there will likely be a few who leave and join Reform. The right deserve a voice. So they may end up with a few more.
They aren’t ok to broadcast anywhere as presenters whilst still MPs, in my opinion.

Reform are just a fringe party at the moment. I cannot see that changing. Their appeal is strictly limited. Don’t be fooled by attitudes here. They are the successors to UKIP and the Brexit Party with an obvious thread that links them. They will never be mainstream. Our people are not either truly left or right. Most are centralist, social democrats.

Where they end up who knows. If the Tories stay central themselves, as I believe they will and must if they are to survive, then there will likely be a few who leave and join Reform. The right deserve a voice. So they may end up with a few more.
The tories could be centre left atm and still be further right that labour.
The point is they need to be right or at least centre right. They won’t though as to be right in this day and age is illegal apparently. I mean having an opinion against certain things is also illegal.
2TK want us all to be the 3 monkeys but he might be shocked after his budget come October.
The tories could be centre left atm and still be further right that labour.
The point is they need to be right or at least centre right. They won’t though as to be right in this day and age is illegal apparently. I mean having an opinion against certain things is also illegal.
2TK want us all to be the 3 monkeys but he might be shocked after his budget come October.
What planet are you on?

The current Labour Party are not very far left at all. No mainstream party can afford to stray too far from the centre. They are centre left, whilst the Tories are indeed centre right.

You can hold as many right leaning views as you wish. That’s not and never will be illegal. Holding opinions are not illegal. Only doing things can be illegal.

The budget will be tough. It needs to be. You cannot hide from the reality that the public finances are in a mess and kicking the problems into the long grass is what the last government did. No doubt in the hope that Labour will catch the blame so that the Tories can take over again in 5 years. Which they will just so long as they stay on the centre ground.