There’s always been a fetid underground of fascist sympathisers in western countries, maybe it’s the uniforms they have a fetish for?
At the moment they’re feeling a bit emboldened, times are hard for a lot of working people for a variety of reasons recently and for the pushing of neoliberal economic policies in the long term (thanks Ronny, Maggie et al…). Social media has allowed them to spread their divisive poison quite effectively and these riots were one of the outcomes. Fortunately, in the cold light of day, the majority of working class people see how they’ve been played by these politicians and agitators. The working class left always has the numbers, that’s why the rich elite spend so much time and effort trying to divide us and they have a lot of tools at their disposal.
Something as simple as prosecuting carers for a tiny mistake in claiming benefits for looking after elderly and severely disabled relatives is part of the attack and sucks so much energy from working class communities.
They try to blame other groups of vulnerable people, but it’s smoke and mirrors and doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny, but they have a whole range of distractions now and it’s difficult to fight multiple causes. Divide and conquer.
But we still know we have the numbers and the truth is out there somewhere and Trump making a total arse of himself is very helpful. Has Fauxrage been to Clacton since the election? I’d be amazed if he could find it again.
Here endeth the lesson.