It's human nature to want to pigeonhole people and ideas because it makes things easier. Just as you have done here. What you do here is link someone to a political ideology which you object to, and thus ignore/disregard the specific information presented. Now there are questions I have have with the piece Jones presents. There are some gaps in the information, for sure. But evidence is provided to support the assertions made. Communist or not, facts don't care for your prejudices.
Ironically, one of the main points in Jones' piece is that he objectively points out the misframing of the violent scenes by the BBC.
I suspect you are missing the fact that objectively, the State of Israel is actively committing what is defined, internationally, as a genocide and that, objectively, a portion of its citizens are fascists and revelling in the murder and displacement of a significant proportion of another people based on their proximity to land they wish to colonise and now, more generally (as evidenced from the chants), based on ethnicity.
Jones' supposed communism, has, objectively nothing to do with the facts as presented. That is a failing of your own objectiveness - if indeed that is something you are trying to be.
I find you position entirely unstable and incongruent as well as ambiguous without an ounce of objectivity that can be applied.
Is it your argument that because some Jews were in the UK, before WW2 it's OK for them to be here and more of them may migrate or seek asylum etc. But because fewer Muslims were in the UK, and maybe more Jews were here at this arbitrary time, then it's not ok.
So how do you feel about Hindus and Muslims from India and Pakistan coming to the country, or is there historical animosity to one another not a 'blood feud' as you put it? What defines a 'blood feud'?
This is all very unconvincing and smacks of bigotry.
Considering the UK's complicity in creating the issues people flee from. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Iraq... Palestine. You say don't bring your s*** here after the UK's meddling is often a significant part of why these people are being displaced or persecuted.
You proclaim the UK is innocent as if it has done nothing. Never broken international law. Which is objectively false. It is just hypocrisy to criticise other countries for breaking international law, when the UK has also... bad argument.
Europe is for Europeans... well maybe America is for the Native population, or Palestine is for the Palestinians not a Zionist colonial project.
Yeah, your argument here is just lazy, moronic bogitry.
View attachment 359
Here is some poll data. I cannot vouch for its reliability, but it does, anecdotally match with what I've heard reported. Happy to be corrected on if this is reasonable.
But based on this information, the vast majority of Israelis were happy with the degree of bombing and destruction as of April 2024. There have been escalations and expansion of violence to Lebanon of course now, but I'd say, Israel pretty much overwhelmingly support the genocide.
You elect leaders who spend taxes to support the Israeli regime's genocide. Displacing millions, some of whom you would say bring their 'blood feud' to the UK as refugees.
It's not a tenuous link. It's quite clear. It's quite obvious.
Zionists by their updated words. Of course, to mirror your observation, Jews existed in reasonable numbers in the region for a long time. Hamas identify the Zionist project which is one dependent on the displacement and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population for its success.
91.4% Muslim in the mid-east, 74.5% Christians in Europe by the references below. So both wrong, who gives a s***. The vast majorities in both cases are as described.
Europe is the only region projected to see a decline in its total population between 2010 and 2050. Although Christians will continue to be the largest
The Muslim population in the Middle East-North Africa region is expected to grow by more than a third (37%) in the next 20 years. It is projected to grow
Why do you care about building churches in 100% muslim countries?
If your elected government is funding genocide with your country's resources, then yeah... it has something to do with you.
How many Palestinian refugees has Israel taken in?
Ok, so you accept Britain is helping, but you remove yourself from any responsibility for Britains actions. It's understandable to feel powerless and to feel like nothing you can do would make any difference. But to say the actions of the British government have have nothing to do with you in what is supposed to be a representative democracy where we can vote for our government... now who's on drugs?
Helping genocide a little bit is ok then. Gotcha. Maybe lower the drug intake.
Not familiar with 'blank slate'. Can you elaborate?
Where i'd disagree is that the 'right' is not at all shy of trying to 'fix' human nature. Religion is all about changing human nature. Communism at least would attempt to fix people of their desire for religion.
So yeah, I'd argue that it's human nature to try 'fix' the behaviour of others. It's not a left vs right thing in the slightest.
I'd perhaps reframe the argument from 'fix' to 'educate'. Which is of course, a fundamental necessity for the continuation of society.
Otherwise you imply we're all just slave to our impulses. It most certainly can be argued for some.
I understand the appeal of isolationism. It is just ideology. Of course, if the world were a more harmonious place, then the dream of isolation, free from the dramas of geopolitical games and tribal feuds over land and resources would be that much more feasible.
The reality is upping your medication might be the only way to get closer to that.