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Is the club defrauding loyal supporters?

I don't understand how season tickets bought by foreign "fans" are harder to trace. Surely they have the seat number and name of a person who bought them. Therefore they can contact them or give notice that ticket will be cancelled if they keep selling online.
Correct. I had to go throught the same process that UK based fans did when i had an ST, same as other fans i know out in Spain as well as the islands.
On another subject I put up one of my season tickets for sale on the club resale scheme for the Leicester game. When I got to my seat there was someone sitting in the seat I put up for resale but I haven't had an email from the club confirming that it was sold.
On another subject I put up one of my season tickets for sale on the club resale scheme for the Leicester game. When I got to my seat there was someone sitting in the seat I put up for resale but I haven't had an email from the club confirming that it was sold.

I'm not sure I did when I couldn't make Brentford game due to illness last season. I think I just saw I had credit and then got the money deducted from this season's ticket.

That game wasn't a sell out either but I've got a really good seat in gallery so think someone just got lucky and bought it
On another subject I put up one of my season tickets for sale on the club resale scheme for the Leicester game. When I got to my seat there was someone sitting in the seat I put up for resale but I haven't had an email from the club confirming that it was sold.
That’s my mind made up - I’ll get rid of mine on here to members or gold members if I can’t make the game. Club can do one.
The club are not defrauding season ticket holders. CPISA took up this subject with CPFC some time ago and showed them a long list of football ticket sites that had tickets for Palace matches available. The club did some work and warned some season ticket holders that if they sold their seats on ticket sites they could lose their season tickets and some now have for this season.
However some of these season tickets are known to be foreign owned so are more difficult to trace. There are even some tickets on some sites regularly available for sale in the away end!
However there are no Palace tickets for sale on Ticketmaster UK, they do not I believe sell any Premiership football tickets.
The club have have a high take up of memberships (International and Gold) therefore when tickets become available they are always in short supply.
CPISA will continue to question the club over ticketing, ticket windows and ticket allocations.

So you are saying that the club now has so many season ticket holders that want to purchase more tickets (for a game they are already going to) and Gold memberships that want to purchase tickets that most tickets have now been bought up by these additional people within 60 seconds of going on sale?

I don't believe this is the case and the club need to investigate - something is amiss as it looks like there is a script running somewhere (maybe external to ticketmaster or ticketmaster are involved) whereby all the seats are purchased automatically within seconds by an organisation (be it a corporate organisation or hospitality organisation) and then put on resale sites not connected to ticketmaster within minutes of being 'purchased' on ticketmaster. The reason people suspect ticketmaster may be involved is that tickets are 'lost' even though they are sitting in a persons basket waiting for payment confirmation. So only internal ticketmaster scripts can remove such a ticket and move it to another payer.

Palace may not be directly involved in any of this but 'defrauding' if they are involved as they are knowingly selling memberships to fans to buy tickets, that the fan will never be able to purchase.

This wasn't an issue before ticketmaster was involved - tickets were easy to come by even for the FA cup semi's and final - four tickets together - easy to purchase.

How is this affecting the fan base?

People give up trying to purchase tickets and drift away from the club. We used to go as a four (two kids, Mum and Dad) - not season ticket holders as Mrs sometimes works weekends and night games were not good for kids so gold memberships were the way for us. We haven't renewed this year as tickets became hard to buy towards the end of last season and I suspected something was strange was going on.

So last Saturday were watching a live stream of the game, 2-0 down and not such a great performance - weather was fine so I went to cut the grass - came back in when it was 1-2 (had it on the radio outside) and the kids had switched over to the Liverpool game as they said the Palace game was boring and Liverpool were losing 0-1 to Forest.

A match day experience is not just about the on pitch football but also about the community and I'm a believer in supporting your local club (even though I'm not originally from this area and Palace wasn't my first club) - It won't be long before these kids are lost to the club forever as they find other things to occupy their interest - once lost they won't return.

Palace used to be very community focussed but maybe changing to be not so anymore.
Hoovering up of tickets by corporate organisations might be only the start.
I don't understand how season tickets bought by foreign "fans" are harder to trace. Surely they have the seat number and name of a person who bought them. Therefore they can contact them or give notice that ticket will be cancelled if they keep selling online.
The club have the money for the ticket already. They have to be pushed to even investigate this area. When it comes to foreign owned ot could be by an individual or a company. However even contacting them is entirely another matter and getting a response, well who knows!
CPISA try to push to get the club to irradicate touting but it is difficult.
It would be different if the club were not receiving the income from the match tickets. Then there would be more compulsion to solve the issue.
So you are saying that the club now has so many season ticket holders that want to purchase more tickets (for a game they are already going to) and Gold memberships that want to purchase tickets that most tickets have now been bought up by these additional people within 60 seconds of going on sale?

I don't believe this is the case and the club need to investigate - something is amiss as it looks like there is a script running somewhere (maybe external to ticketmaster or ticketmaster are involved) whereby all the seats are purchased automatically within seconds by an organisation (be it a corporate organisation or hospitality organisation) and then put on resale sites not connected to ticketmaster within minutes of being 'purchased' on ticketmaster. The reason people suspect ticketmaster may be involved is that tickets are 'lost' even though they are sitting in a persons basket waiting for payment confirmation. So only internal ticketmaster scripts can remove such a ticket and move it to another payer.

Palace may not be directly involved in any of this but 'defrauding' if they are involved as they are knowingly selling memberships to fans to buy tickets, that the fan will never be able to purchase.

This wasn't an issue before ticketmaster was involved - tickets were easy to come by even for the FA cup semi's and final - four tickets together - easy to purchase.

How is this affecting the fan base?

People give up trying to purchase tickets and drift away from the club. We used to go as a four (two kids, Mum and Dad) - not season ticket holders as Mrs sometimes works weekends and night games were not good for kids so gold memberships were the way for us. We haven't renewed this year as tickets became hard to buy towards the end of last season and I suspected something was strange was going on.

So last Saturday were watching a live stream of the game, 2-0 down and not such a great performance - weather was fine so I went to cut the grass - came back in when it was 1-2 (had it on the radio outside) and the kids had switched over to the Liverpool game as they said the Palace game was boring and Liverpool were losing 0-1 to Forest.

A match day experience is not just about the on pitch football but also about the community and I'm a believer in supporting your local club (even though I'm not originally from this area and Palace wasn't my first club) - It won't be long before these kids are lost to the club forever as they find other things to occupy their interest - once lost they won't return.

Palace used to be very community focussed but maybe changing to be not so anymore.
Hoovering up of tickets by corporate organisations might be only the start.

Think this is spot on.....very good post
So you are saying that the club now has so many season ticket holders that want to purchase more tickets (for a game they are already going to) and Gold memberships that want to purchase tickets that most tickets have now been bought up by these additional people within 60 seconds of going on sale?

I don't believe this is the case and the club need to investigate - something is amiss as it looks like there is a script running somewhere (maybe external to ticketmaster or ticketmaster are involved) whereby all the seats are purchased automatically within seconds by an organisation (be it a corporate organisation or hospitality organisation) and then put on resale sites not connected to ticketmaster within minutes of being 'purchased' on ticketmaster. The reason people suspect ticketmaster may be involved is that tickets are 'lost' even though they are sitting in a persons basket waiting for payment confirmation. So only internal ticketmaster scripts can remove such a ticket and move it to another payer.

Palace may not be directly involved in any of this but 'defrauding' if they are involved as they are knowingly selling memberships to fans to buy tickets, that the fan will never be able to purchase.

This wasn't an issue before ticketmaster was involved - tickets were easy to come by even for the FA cup semi's and final - four tickets together - easy to purchase.

How is this affecting the fan base?

People give up trying to purchase tickets and drift away from the club. We used to go as a four (two kids, Mum and Dad) - not season ticket holders as Mrs sometimes works weekends and night games were not good for kids so gold memberships were the way for us. We haven't renewed this year as tickets became hard to buy towards the end of last season and I suspected something was strange was going on.

So last Saturday were watching a live stream of the game, 2-0 down and not such a great performance - weather was fine so I went to cut the grass - came back in when it was 1-2 (had it on the radio outside) and the kids had switched over to the Liverpool game as they said the Palace game was boring and Liverpool were losing 0-1 to Forest.

A match day experience is not just about the on pitch football but also about the community and I'm a believer in supporting your local club (even though I'm not originally from this area and Palace wasn't my first club) - It won't be long before these kids are lost to the club forever as they find other things to occupy their interest - once lost they won't return.

Palace used to be very community focussed but maybe changing to be not so anymore.
Hoovering up of tickets by corporate organisations might be only the start.

Agree with this, there's no way that there's so many season ticket holders wanting to but a ticket that they're sold out within seconds of going live, the only way that can happen is via automation. If the club are saying that's not the case, then they're either very naive about how these things work or they know what's happening and doing sod all about it.

And this BS about not being able to trace foreign tickets, I mean really? How can you not trace them? The club must have contact details, financial details, etc. Are we really selling tickets to mysterious foreign entities with shady details? This isn't the cold war era, we've moved on a bit since then and if someone who owns a ticket is based abroad and doesn't go to a single game, then an email saying "what gives?" would certainly be replied to if they were genuine and wanted the ticket. That just sounds like a 1980's excuse to me.

I think that there's a bit of fobbing off going on when concerns have been raised about tickets. The box office has always been crap and it just sounds like they not that bothered about doing anything.
The club have the money for the ticket already. They have to be pushed to even investigate this area. When it comes to foreign owned ot could be by an individual or a company. However even contacting them is entirely another matter and getting a response, well who knows!
CPISA try to push to get the club to irradicate touting but it is difficult.
It would be different if the club were not receiving the income from the match tickets. Then there would be more compulsion to solve the issue.
Can you define 'foreign owned' please.
I miss the old days where you could turn up in August, sit in the sun in the Arthur and have a whole block to yourself.

This does highlight the massive demand we have while being in the prem, the club really need to push on with the main stand because we're losing so much revenue at the moment. I genuinely belive for cat A games we could sell out a 40,000 seat stadium. Would they all be palace fans, no, but the increase in allocation for away fans, tourists, day trippers, casual palace/football fans would give the club much more revenue.
The club have the money for the ticket already. They have to be pushed to even investigate this area. When it comes to foreign owned ot could be by an individual or a company. However even contacting them is entirely another matter and getting a response, well who knows!
CPISA try to push to get the club to irradicate touting but it is difficult.
It would be different if the club were not receiving the income from the match tickets. Then there would be more compulsion to solve the issue.
The club make all the investment in the infrastructure & provide the on field entertainment, without which there would be no tickets to sell, and its completely true that they have already been paid for the seat (by a season ticket holder) but what's the point of going digital if its not going to be used to ensure that others, who have invested nothing more than the original value of the season ticket aren't openly selling the seat position on the open market for a profit / selling price far higher than the original value -

Several posters have complained that after logging in at the allotted time (for Tier 1 games) often no additional tickets can be purchased, I would be interested to know - just how many tickets were available to be purchased at 10.00 on that given day ( are we talking a few hundred tickets, or thousands, or ?) & how likely is it that existing season ticket holders were just consistently unlucky that others beat them to the checkout or is there something more sinister going on ?

Also - for almost all online ticketing for events, subscribers have a time limit to complete their purchase - often 10 minutes from being at the front of the queue - how can tickets be removed from baskets within that 10 minutes ? ( or whatever the allotted time is)

It shouldnt be too difficult for the club to look at the log in timeline + purchase log of that 10.00 am opening day sector ( for any given Tier 1 game) to determine if things are being appropriately administered.