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And another one! I do not believe for one moment he does not speak Polish. Even if he doesn’t tough s***

Surely a fella like that would have an easier time in a Polish prison than a UK jail ? less likely to get bullied for his identity/religion ?
I expect there are lots of judges who have contribute articles to Migration Watch. 😀
If they have served as a specialist barrister and have something of value to add to the debate I expect they might. Barristers serve their clients. Whether they agree with or admire them is irrelevant. Even scuzzballs are entitled to legal representation.
How very predictable! Some of her rulings are disgraceful and it’s very odd that you do not consider her personal opinions have influenced her decision making ( thinking about it, not odd at all,). perhaps if the Zimbabwean paedophile moved to Truro you may have a different opinion!
If that is true and not simply what’s been asserted in the right wing press then she is going to be in big trouble with the Lord Chancellor’s office. Is she?
If that is true and not simply what’s been asserted in the right wing press then she is going to be in big trouble with the Lord Chancellor’s office. Is she?
Of course she won’t, I wonder why?So are you saying you don’t believe what is written in the article? Right wing press article…must be fabricated?
I have much personal experience of appeal judges and their decisions. Unfortunately I cannot go into too much detail but, one example ( of many) whilst working as a Visa Officer, I visited a village ( with a colleague, an official interpreter and driver). We gleened the information necessary and I proceeded to write my report in support of my decision to refuse. The appeal, held in the UK, was won because the judge decided that we had all been untruthful and did not believe we had even visited the village. Did he stuck to the rules or did he decide it on his own opinion?
Possibly worth looking at his GCSE attainments - does he have a grade in Polish?
For many years I worked with a chap, who was born and raised in the UK, by Polish parents. He was fluent in Polish as it was spoken in his home when growing up. He often said it was “ what we do” and it certainly worked to his advantage, being able to get lucrative work as an interpreter
Barristers serve their clients. Whether they agree with or admire them is irrelevant. Even scuzzballs are entitled to legal representation.

sometimes the barrister is a greater scuzzball than the other bloke.

Immigration. I remember a New Year celebration along the Thames. With all the fireworks. The TV presenter was walking and talking through the crowd. With a microphone- 20 minutes and moving from group to group. Spoke to dozens of mini groups. Pretty much EVERYBODY she spoke to was foreign.

So do we even believe the official statistics anymore ?
Of course she won’t, I wonder why?So are you saying you don’t believe what is written in the article? Right wing press article…must be fabricated?
I have much personal experience of appeal judges and their decisions. Unfortunately I cannot go into too much detail but, one example ( of many) whilst working as a Visa Officer, I visited a village ( with a colleague, an official interpreter and driver). We gleened the information necessary and I proceeded to write my report in support of my decision to refuse. The appeal, held in the UK, was won because the judge decided that we had all been untruthful and did not believe we had even visited the village. Did he stuck to the rules or did he decide it on his own opinion?
He stuck to the rules. If he had doubts then he had doubts and could not in law ignore them. It might be frustrating because you know the truth, but the judge doesn’t. They must decide it and can and do get it wrong. As I know myself only too well.
He stuck to the rules. If he had doubts then he had doubts and could not in law ignore them. It might be frustrating because you know the truth, but the judge doesn’t. They must decide it and can and do get it wrong. As I know myself only too well.

Well actually he didn’t! All refusal statements have to quote which paragraphs under the Rules, the refusal is based. It will be checked by Senior Officers before being approved. The decision was based on his opinion. Still doesn’t seem any point discussing this with you, as you obviously believe you are right ( again)
Well actually he didn’t! All refusal statements have to quote which paragraphs under the Rules, the refusal is based. It will be checked by Senior Officers before being approved. The decision was based on his opinion. Still doesn’t seem any point discussing this with you, as you obviously believe you are right ( again)
Then you are suggesting the Senior Officers were complicit. How likely is that? Did you see the refusal statement or are you assuming they failed to quote which rule was being applied? I don’t know but I don’t believe conspiracy theories, only evidence.
As I have said, the level of immigration is the issue. It isn’t ’inevitable’ as you know who insists. And with regard to ‘nasty criminal anti-social invasion type immigration’ is concerned, apparently it is up to us to learn and understand them and teach them our culture. I obviously disagree. We have never had this problem before now.
I have never said the level is inevitable! That depends on unknown variables. What’s inevitable is that on current birth rate and life expectancy trends some immigration is inevitable. Not illegal although whilst there is a demand and limited ways of controlling it some is also probable.

Unless we learn to accept reality and stop tilting at windmills people like you are never going to be happy. We need to change direction and concentrate on making sure everyone who lives in the UK accepts and respects our values and culture.
Across Europe people are voting for anti immigration parties and so far the response of the left has mainly been to finger point and claim they are racists.

If mainstream politicians continue to ignore this problem then this trend will continue. The sensible thing is to recognise that it is a genuine issue with the electorate and it doesn't make voters racist to be concerned about it.

Real issues need sensible solutions.
They do but none are being proposed by these right wing parties you seem to approve of.

Unless you find ways of increasing birth rates, extending retirement dates, shortening life spans rather than increasing them and improving economic prospects in the third world all that’s said is hot air.

Sensible solutions require realism about the reasons for why people come and the tasks they perform. Not just complaining about the social issues which follow.
Then you are suggesting the Senior Officers were complicit. How likely is that? Did you see the refusal statement or are you assuming they failed to quote which rule was being applied? I don’t know but I don’t believe conspiracy theories, only evidence.
Not at all, why do you think the Senior Officers were complicit? They agreed with my decision, I wrote the statement.Its you that is making assumptions not me. Are you intimating that my version is a conspiracy theory? Bizarre given that I have seen all the facts and evidence. You really do live in some kind of Utopia, where anyone in authority cannot be wrong
They do but none are being proposed by these right wing parties you seem to approve of.

Unless you find ways of increasing birth rates, extending retirement dates, shortening life spans rather than increasing them and improving economic prospects in the third world all that’s said is hot air.

Sensible solutions require realism about the reasons for why people come and the tasks they perform. Not just complaining about the social issues which follow.
Wisbech, I am not convinced by the ultimate need to keep growing the population. Currently the net migration effect is to increase the UK population by the equivalent of more than the population of Newcastle every year. I don't accept that this is required, though I do acknowledge that a significant proportion of immigration is to fill necessary jobs. But it is not logical that we need to keep increasing the population in order to service the population. Certainly we need to do more to make the existing population more productive on average, and to me that includes extending retirement age, making it more difficult to live reasonably without working (but of course we need to support those who genuinely can't), and preventing immigration by those who don't make a positive economic contribution. We also need to have some sort of control to ensure that those coming here are broadly sympathetic to the values of the country which made it such an attractive destination in the first place, which to my mind are freedom of thought and speech, tolerance, and democracy.
I am not convinced by the ultimate need to keep growing the population.

Agree there is not a need to keep growing the population. We need a growth of skills within the population we have.
Exactly the pro immigration lobby are ignoring that the majority who come have low skills just at the time AI and new technologies are starting to destroy low skill jobs.

We will be moving into an era of high unemployment, the last thing we need to do is import more problems. What we need to address is those people who live here and don't work, far too many of them.
Not at all, why do you think the Senior Officers were complicit? They agreed with my decision, I wrote the statement.Its you that is making assumptions not me. Are you intimating that my version is a conspiracy theory? Bizarre given that I have seen all the facts and evidence. You really do live in some kind of Utopia, where anyone in authority cannot be wrong
Because you said, in response to my suggestion that if he had doubts then he would be sticking to the rules, that he didn’t because all refusals need to checked by senior officers. That implied it was his decision to override your recommendation that was checked by your senior officers.

As I said before if he had doubts, for whatever reason, then he is duty bound to be cognitive of them. The opinion of the officers, however strongly believed, is secondary.

That’s not a Judge inserting personal opinions. It’s following the law. You may be 100% certain because of the evidence you have but if the Judge has doubts then he cannot ignore them. You have failed to convince him.

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