Look up any research funding stream and you'll find this. It is, as you say, whereas previously expected but not explicitly required, now entirely necessary. And believe you me, no one will even take you on for research unless you address this - funding or not.
A funny story from my university is where a lecturer (quite high in his field but in reality not that good, and a drunk) compiled a collection of research papers into a published volume on slavery and it's consequences. When reviewers realised there were no contributions from people of colour or mixed race, he was taken to the cleaners. However, in Ireland, have a permanent position and they can never get rid of you. The guy's a tool but not even the worst there. Another female one shouts around the place, has written one book 30 years ago, and is basically always wrong. But again she will retire in the knowledge she has misinformed students for twenty years. I've had my run ins with her.
I've left academia recently enough (during COVID), I'm a Tudor Historian who worked with people like Starkey. Which makes me think I should give a true appraisal of Wolf Hall. However, it's clearly going to be clichéd tripe to me and I didn't want to bore people - like I am now. Mantel was nothing really but wrote a popular book and is now supposedly an expert. It's the new way to be a top historian, in reality it's not that new. Entertaining people is often more important than real historical research.
Reminds me of when I said I'd reconcile the Early Modern History of England and Ireland - did I f***! Good for funding though. I had all of the top scholarships and research grants. Time of my life really.
You need the buzz words to get funding basically. You can pretty much follow a template and chuck a load of nonsense you won't do into it. Then you're on the gravy train until the four years runs out.