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Woke is alive and well

Typical Daily Mail. Winding up the impressionable. You need to look past the headlines and the emotional phrases and look for a few facts. Like this from the police themselves:-

“One card displays the individual's force number and surname only, while the other has their force number and full name”

Simply allowing someone to decide whether to keep their first name private is hardly a big deal. As to the idea that a biological man would be permitted to strip search a woman just because they now identify as a woman fails to recognise that management and supervision protect people and would in those circumstances. I seriously doubt whether there are many police officers in this category anyway.
Typical Daily Mail. Winding up the impressionable. You need to look past the headlines and the emotional phrases and look for a few facts. Like this from the police themselves:-

“One card displays the individual's force number and surname only, while the other has their force number and full name”

Simply allowing someone to decide whether to keep their first name private is hardly a big deal. As to the idea that a biological man would be permitted to strip search a woman just because they now identify as a woman fails to recognise that management and supervision protect people and would in those circumstances. I seriously doubt whether there are many police officers in this category anyway.
Bit of a predictable first paragraph, your perogative to call me impressionable. As someone who had a warrant card for many years, My warrant card only had my number and never my name, there is no need to have any name on them, as a number is unique to that Officer, so absolutely no reason to have 2 cards. One Officer in this category is one too many in my opinion
....... your perogative to call me impressionable.

its a bit ironic. You have been accused of being impressionable. Accused By somebody who seemingly has swallowed the woke BBC narrative ...hook, line, sinker and entire fishing rod.

'Woke' is all about opinions and a fake manufactured victimhood. It is ironic how Woke lavishes attention to its chosen victims ( women, LGBTQ, BLM, Climate change dogma, refugees ) and yet seems to totally ignore real hardship groups ( the elderly, the sick, terminal illness, wheelchair or NeuroDiversity, the working poor, suicide high risk groups, alcoholism & drug addictions, road accident victims ).

And in the case of Women, LGBTQ, or BLM......we can easily identify many very wealthy & successful examples of these. So hardly the victims then ?
We often have stories about woke stuff which most of us can say doesn't directly impact us e.g. lesbian celebrity has a row with a Trans person (so what).

This article however is about real world consequences.

Equality does not exist in medicine. A family member specialises in finding osteoporosis amongst patients admitted to hospital and then ensuring they are diagnosed and treated. Guess what she focuses on the elderly, is she being ageist?

For many years research into suicides by Trans people was blocked due to fears over Transphobia and threats by activists. How many people died needlessly.

Hopefully common-sense will prevail here.
Before 1967 being homosexual was not illegal - men indulging in certain sexual acts was (women could do what they liked!)
Was it? Thanks for that.

The question still stands, mind.
Question. Seriously. In your ideal society, would homosexuality be allowed, illegal, tolerated?

Yes, it would be legal.

However, I would have never have legalised gay marriage....civil partnerships were fair, but marriage was never intended to be for same sex couples.

I'm someone who agrees with section 28 that Thatcher brought in and if I were in charge that would be re-imposed on institutions that are completely saturated with leftists....which is all of them and which Thatcher and other Conservative administrations did little to change.

Essentially attitudes towards sexuality would go back to the eighties, tolerated and protected but not promoted nor funded by state institutions.

Its promotion, alongside with anti natalist attitudes and modern feminism has damaged the birth rate to suicidal levels and thus the future creation of poverty and other problems.
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Yes, it would be legal.

However, I would have never have legalised gay marriage....civil partnerships were fair, but marriage was never intended to be for same sex couples.

I'm someone who agrees with section 28 that Thatcher brought in and if I were in charge that would be re-imposed on institutions that are completely saturated with leftists....which is all of them and which Thatcher and other Conservative administrations did little to change.

Essentially attitudes towards sexuality would go back to the eighties, tolerated and protected but not promoted nor funded by state institutions.

Its promotion, alongside with anti natalist attitudes and modern feminism has damaged the birth rate to suicidal levels and thus the future creation of poverty and other problems.
Exactly - well put. What we need is a return to basic decency and morality.
Meanwhile, back at the PC police headquarters.

" The head of the Met's Black Police Association (MBPA) has been found to have committed gross misconduct over a group chat where racist, sexist and inappropriate messages were sent and received.
Insp Charles Ehikioya was in a WhatsApp chat with former officer Carlo Francisco where the offensive messages were shared.
The officer had denied the allegations against him and said the claims were fabricated or falsely attributed to him because of his race or position as chair of the MBPA.
A panel found his conduct amounted to a breach of the standards of professional behaviour and said it was "so serious as to potentially justify dismissal". (BBC website, 10,1,25)

I came across a quote from Sunny Singh, Professor of Creative Literature, at London Metropolitan University. I think it illustrates quite well the levels of lunacy in some of our education facilities:

"Debate is an imperialist capitalist white supremacist cis heteropatriarchal technique that transforms a potential exchange of knowledge into a tool of exclusion and oppression".

(So you can't argue with this!)
I came across a quote from Sunny Singh, Professor of Creative Literature, at London Metropolitan University. I think it illustrates quite well the levels of lunacy in some of our education facilities:

"Debate is an imperialist capitalist white supremacist cis heteropatriarchal technique that transforms a potential exchange of knowledge into a tool of exclusion and oppression".

(So you can't argue with this!)
Bloke needs sacking. Well there is no need of him if he is against debate.
I came across a quote from Sunny Singh, Professor of Creative Literature, at London Metropolitan University. I think it illustrates quite well the levels of lunacy in some of our education facilities:

"Debate is an imperialist capitalist white supremacist cis heteropatriarchal technique that transforms a potential exchange of knowledge into a tool of exclusion and oppression".

(So you can't argue with this!)
Usual stuff from people who can't win a debate.

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