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War in Ukraine

Would love to see the meltdown on here if this was Bill Gates or George Soros or one of your other bogeymen that was now part of government saying we should rejoin the EU or become a part of France or something.

The double standards you lot display would be funny if it wasn’t so serious that someone like him is in a position as powerful as he is.
Obviously I know they won't use the nukes....

I'm just trying to get into the mind of those who think Putin is evil. I also linked an article by the trustworthy BBC that said Putin would use nuclear weapons.
It didn’t though say that! It said it could be construed as a threat to do so. By whom and in what circumstances weren’t specified. You prove that’s possible but not that the BBC agrees .
The thing is I believe the minerals deal is the security guarantee. Putin is not going start bombing or invade US assets. It would put an end to the war.

Just my opinion anyway.

They would just avoid those sites most of which are in areas they already control
anyway. I suspect that’s already been carved up between Trump and Putin. Putin has promised to respect the contract in exchange for Trump dumping Ukraine. Trump loves a “deal” doesn’t he! To him that’s how the world works,
Would love to see the meltdown on here if this was Bill Gates or George Soros or one of your other bogeymen that was now part of government saying we should rejoin the EU or become a part of France or something.

The double standards you lot display would be funny if it wasn’t so serious that someone like him is in a position as powerful as he is.

There's no double standard, we are simply giving the left back some of their own medicine.

Sure Soros and Gates weren't on Twitter talking about policy....Well actually Gates was..... but they have been at the heart of funding Democrat causes for decades.....Soros even gave us black Wednesday and none of you lot even cared because he batted for open borders.

Your implication that they didn't have the ear of administrations is fantasy land.
There's no double standard, we are simply giving the left back some of their own medicine.

Sure Soros and Gates weren't on Twitter talking about policy....Well actually Gates was..... but they have been at the heart of funding Democrat causes for decades.....Soros even gave us black Wednesday and none of you lot even cared because he batted for open borders.

Your implication that they didn't have the ear of administrations is fantasy land.

Hahahahahahahaha. Oh my. Hypocrisy off the charts.

The mental gymnastics you lot display to try and reconcile your own flawed positions is quite astounding.
This has been a good week for Sir Keir and he is really putting in a shift.

Regardless of the outcome he deserves credit and other leaders are in London and listening.

I don't follow him on quite a few issues but credit where it's due.


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