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US Politics

It's over anyway. Trump has signed the document. Common sense prevails. Nothing we can do now but listen to the libtards cry more. šŸ˜Š

A victory for women everywhere. Next up is protecting women's safe spaces from men like the women's toilets and changing rooms.

Only been two weeks and it feels like winning every day! šŸ˜€ The rest of the world will soon fall in line.
No, because itā€™s both unfair and unnecessary in many circumstances. Take my own sport, where women can, and do, compete on equal terms with men. Many sports donā€™t depend on physical strength. They depend on skill. In such circumstances it gives no advantage at all to a transsexual to participate in whatever group they feel comfortable in.
I doubt that sports like darts or snooker will be affected, which are about skill and talent , not BMI or muscle mass. You are having a TDS moment again!
Gazza Beach resort.

Leaving aside the fate of the locals for one moment this is not a bad idea.

Remember Lawrence of Arabia, Peter O'Toole crosses the desert and defeats the Turks at Aqaba. I went there recently it's not the desert hell hole you expect but a pretty little beach resort in Jordan on the Red Sea. More to the point the Jordanians with Saudi money are spending billions to turn it into the a major holiday destination.

In the sixties and seventies Italy, Greece, Spain etc. spent a fortune building holiday resorts on their side of the Mediterranean. Recently North Africa and the Middle East have started to play catch up.

Turning Gazza into a major holiday destination would be a great way of providing jobs and incomes for the locals so Trump is correct when he says that, it is an undeveloped resource with great potential.

Where I part company with him is force-ably removing the Gazzans. I'm not sure what Trump's end game is here but I would like to think he is trying to point out to the locals and the neighbouring countries that there is money to be made here if they can just stop fighting each other.

Either way the 2 state solution aint working, maybe Trump is stirring it up in the hope that the Arabs devise a better solution than his rather than the current Land to the Sea.

We certainly need new thinking.
The article refers to female sports. Not mixed competition.
I know that.

If someone is now female, having been initially considered male, and either their physical attributes convey no advantage, or the sport involved isnā€™t dependent on physical attributes, why not allow them to participate?

Only prejudice stops it.
So CBS did not edit Kamala's interview and she is a genius or maybe not.

Prerecorded interviews are almost always edited. Nothing to see here but the usual tactics of the worst newspaper in the UK.
I know that.

If someone is now female, having been initially considered male, and either their physical attributes convey no advantage, or the sport involved isnā€™t dependent on physical attributes, why not allow them to participate?

Only prejudice stops it.
If currently mixed competition isn't included how is anyone being disadvantaged?

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