This is simply untrue.
Whilst natural cycles clearly exist they occur over very long timescales lasting many centuries. Often thousands of years. During which we also naturally adjust, or at least have always done so historically.
Man made climate change has happened on a much shorter timescale, happening since the Industrial Revolution. It’s no longer a matter of opinion. It’s a scientifically proven fact. Denying it is no better than denying the holocaust.
To suggest the data is made up is an insult to those responsible for producing it. One of whom I knew 25 years ago. She was one of the most impressive people I ever met. Driven by a desire to find the truth and not at all by money. To suggest she would fabricate data is risible. She knew 25 years ago it was real and was devoting her life to trying to understand where, what and when the consequences would be. I know she would be appalled at the ignorance which continues to be displayed.
The planet will obviously survive, but we may not.