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The new government – good accomplishments and bad?

How our debt has been accrued is now irrelevant. It has and must be recognised and dealt with.

I don’t blame this, or the last, government for most of it. I do blame governments for not being honest about it and explaining what the consequences will be.

I met our new MP last week. The previous one, a Tory, was assisting me to solve an issue with a Ministry. The new one is Labour. Both are very impressive ladies, intelligent, quick to grasp the point and willing to help. Talking to either you would struggle to know which party they represented and they are cooperating to ensure a smooth transition locally. This is the way it ought to be. Good people working for us. They get as frustrated as we all do.
As with colour of skin or ethnic origin, why is there a need to mention that they are female? Or is it that you are surprised that women MP's could be so capable?

Leave out the word 'ladies' and the sentence will still tell us all we need to know!
How do you know, or is that you? I don't think the local Greggs to you is full of pensioners declaring they have spent the WFA on gifts for grand kids.
Nothing so common in Beckenham. They buy their saucisson en croute at Gregory's there. And have very grand kids.
How do you know, or is that you? I don't think the local Greggs to you is full of pensioners declaring they have spent the WFA on gifts for grand kids.
Okay for clarity's sake I meant in the block of flats where I live. Most of my neighbours are older than me and happily tell me what they do with their Christmas bonus.
As with colour of skin or ethnic origin, why is there a need to mention that they are female? Or is it that you are surprised that women MP's could be so capable?

Leave out the word 'ladies' and the sentence will still tell us all we need to know!
I am not the least surprised but it’s a fair point. Although it is nevertheless factual and might have been illuminating to those who are misogynistic here.

Rachel Reeves stated that she identified a £22 billion fiscal “black hole” only after the election, despite the fact that the previous government’s fiscal data was publicly available beforehand.🙁

Publicly stated and found to be inaccurate, as has now been confirmed.
You are funny Silvertop.

It is the oppositions job to make the government look useless. Labour spent 14 years doing it.
Labour should never be in government because they are charlatans. They look crap because they are.
The Tories won't have to work too hard to highlight their limitations.

If you had one word to describe socialists, it would be HYPOCRITES.
The first proper job I had the top boss was very rich. Had a town house in Westminster and a rolling pile on Mull next door to Paul MacCartney.

Always voted Labour. Considered himself a socialist.

However, back on point, the Tories are generally much better at spin and presentation. I am not saying that is a bad thing. Shows confidence, competence, stability. Calms the markets.

The Tories have PR'd themselves as the masters of a safe economy for as long as I've been alive (which puts the last regime into some context!). Saatchi was doing their PR at huge expense for ages (still does?).

Labour lack that resource and ability. Blair was supposed to have invented spin. The fact that we think that and we knew he was doing that reinforces the fact that he was not doing it very well!
The first proper job I had the top boss was very rich. Had a town house in Westminster and a rolling pile on Mull next door to Paul MacCartney.

Always voted Labour. Considered himself a socialist.

However, back on point, the Tories are generally much better at spin and presentation. I am not saying that is a bad thing. Shows confidence, competence, stability. Calms the markets.

The Tories have PR'd themselves as the masters of a safe economy for as long as I've been alive (which puts the last regime into some context!). Saatchi was doing their PR at huge expense for ages (still does?).

Labour lack that resource and ability. Blair was supposed to have invented spin. The fact that we think that and we knew he was doing that reinforces the fact that he was not doing it very well!
I'd like to agree with you, but two of the last three Tory election campaigns have been as bad as you could imagine in your worst nightmares. Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn saved them the other time.

I feel like politics in general has declined over the last few decades. The calibre of people involved is just not as it was.
Obviously, one's own age and experience also affects the perception of quality.

Political spin has become awfully transparent.
I'd like to agree with you, but two of the last three Tory election campaigns have been as bad as you could imagine in your worst nightmares. Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn saved them the other time.

I feel like politics in general has declined over the last few decades. The calibre of people involved is just not as it was.
Obviously, one's own age and experience also affects the perception of quality.

Political spin has become awfully transparent.

I have been asked about the last campaign and my opinion as to how it could have been improved.
My response was that any campaign would have made no difference whatsoever as by that juncture the Conservative 'Brand' was severely damaged and the electorate in general had turned their backs on our party and were in no mood to do any U-Turn.
I have been asked about the last campaign and my opinion as to how it could have been improved.
My response was that any campaign would have made no difference whatsoever as by that juncture the Conservative 'Brand' was severely damaged and the electorate in general had turned their backs on our party and were in no mood to do any U-Turn.
I'm sure you are right about that. However, I do feel like the campaign didn't help.
They didn't attack Labour where they were vulnerable.

Also, accepting the electorate's predictable disenchantment with a long standing government, especially with the COVID factor, much of their reduction of votes was caused by their move to the left when much of their potential supporters wanted the opposite. That allowed the rise of Reform.
Whilst some hated the Tories since day one, largely the general public stayed at least half in favour of them for years. Then they became unpopular largely everywhere.
Starmer has managed to make his party largely unpopular everywhere already. Surely a record accomplishment?
Plus, they've managed to destroy any working class credentials they may have had with all their donations and expenses. People expect it from the Tories, but Labour are supposed to represent the people.
This lot represent themselves and their small cohort of lobbyists and shady donors. They're partying away at expense of doing any kind of job in government.
They have been excellent in alienating nearly all except the Train drivers.
In some ways they don't have to worry as their main opposition barely exists. And they're really showing it too. Unbridled greed and abject failure combined with complete lack of any purpose.
As far as I can tell, even the BBC have had enough of them already. But, no doubt, the spin doctors will be mooting a rise in the TV licence fee. The BBC can then fall into line behind the Guardian, fawning at the antics of what look like a few ex party goers from the nineties who now organise high price key parties. Perhaps explaining the disregard for old people who keep on telling them to keep the noise down.
Whilst some hated the Tories since day one, largely the general public stayed at least half in favour of them for years. Then they became unpopular largely everywhere.
Starmer has managed to make his party largely unpopular everywhere already. Surely a record accomplishment?
Plus, they've managed to destroy any working class credentials they may have had with all their donations and expenses. People expect it from the Tories, but Labour are supposed to represent the people.
This lot represent themselves and their small cohort of lobbyists and shady donors. They're partying away at expense of doing any kind of job in government.
They have been excellent in alienating nearly all except the Train drivers.
In some ways they don't have to worry as their main opposition barely exists. And they're really showing it too. Unbridled greed and abject failure combined with complete lack of any purpose.
As far as I can tell, even the BBC have had enough of them already. But, no doubt, the spin doctors will be mooting a rise in the TV licence fee. The BBC can then fall into line behind the Guardian, fawning at the antics of what look like a few ex party goers from the nineties who now organise high price key parties. Perhaps explaining the disregard for old people who keep on telling them to keep the noise down.

I really cannot think of any previous Government, elected with such a substantial majority that has glugged down the drain with such rapidity.

Even with such a large majority, winning just 34% of the vote leaves Governments vulnerable to changes in public opinion, and changes are already under way.Sir John Curtice has asserted that the writing is already on the wall for Labour's floundering government.
As with colour of skin or ethnic origin, why is there a need to mention that they are female? Or is it that you are surprised that women MP's could be so capable?

Leave out the word 'ladies' and the sentence will still tell us all we need to know!
Reeves droned on about being the first female Chancellor
I really cannot think of any previous Government, elected with such a substantial majority that has glugged down the drain with such rapidity.

Even with such a large majority, winning just 34% of the vote leaves Governments vulnerable to changes in public opinion, and changes are already under way.Sir John Curtice has asserted that the writing is already on the wall for Labour's floundering government.
The atmosphere that's been created is peculiar to the extent that it's hard to think of a potential policy which seems unfeasible - Alcohol banned? Conscription for the unemployed ? Life imprisonment for blasphemy? VAR to be forced to make sense?
The atmosphere that's been created is peculiar to the extent that it's hard to think of a potential policy which seems unfeasible - Alcohol banned? Conscription for the unemployed ? Life imprisonment for blasphemy? VAR to be forced to make sense?
I agree, two - three years of it. Then a nurses' pay rise and some tax cuts then back again.

Cancelling Christmas was one I thought of yesterday. Too white Christian and only slightly gay.
Reeves droned on about being the first female Chancellor
Rachel Reeves has made a big deal out of being the first female Chancellor. It’s slightly odd for a woman born the year Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister to suggest her elevation shows “our daughters and our granddaughters that they need place no ceiling on their ambitions”.