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The bbc, again.

Protests in London are 10 a penny these days.

Being a cultured chap I do enjoy a trip tho the theatre and as I get older much prefer a Saturday matinee )so I can go down the pub after.)

Pretty much every weekend there is a march or protest for something or someone.

Reports vary from this one being 'thousands,'up to 30,000 or in one report 100,000 supporters and I would say it was a larger than usual deno. It was also very well organised but despite that there were a few idiots who were full of lager and vitriol.

There were certainly news reporters there but didn't see the news last night so do not know what was reported
Hehe. Yeah. How many have attended each march will vary, as we know.

I know that the CND marches of the 80's in London was absolutely massive: 100's of thousands yet the police estimate? 100, 000.

When anything 'country' related like pro-hunting or the recent tractor protests over inheritance is concerned, the estimated numbers will be higher than in reality.

A real sign of this country being in the grip of lefties, I reckon.
On Match of the Day last night Theo Walcott was praising JPM then had to add how he'd "look good in red".
My first reaction wasn't a Willoesque "Cease this prating piffle you preposterously pompadoured popinjay"
It was "Do one you dickbrained manlet".
On Match of the Day last night Theo Walcott was praising JPM then had to add how he'd "look good in red".
My first reaction wasn't a Willoesque "Cease this prating piffle you preposterously pompadoured popinjay"
It was "Do one you dickbrained manlet".
Top alliteration right there
Protests in London yesterday but not deemed newsworthy by the BBC

Ignor it it might go away

Didn't see this in the news either - must be a left wing conspiracy

They are acting like a state funded....and near coercion publicly funded opposition to the Trump government.
As everyone with more than 10% of a brain opposes the Trump government it’s hardly surprising. The BBC are trying very hard to report things objectively but when there is near universal condemnation from observers it’s impossible to keep that hidden.
As everyone with more than 10% of a brain opposes the Trump government it’s hardly surprising. The BBC are trying very hard to report things objectively but when there is near universal condemnation from observers it’s impossible to keep that hidden.
Impartiality at its height. Sounds more like telling people what they want to hear. AKA populism.
Oh the BBC are awful aren’t they? They never do anything useful and only produce “woke” or “leftish” garbage.

This thread is another that follows the propaganda fed to the right by the Kremlin.

Try reading this to understand some of the actual work done by the best broadcaster in the world:-

As everyone with more than 10% of a brain opposes the Trump government
So you are anti democratic ? therefore authoritarian and almost totalitarian. Get a leader anointed by the pope of woke ? Trump and Brexit won the vote. Get over it. You lost.

The BBC only exist to proselytize , to manufacture consent, to keep us all down in our place. Working hard, paying taxes, and not questioning the direction of our nations.
Oh the BBC are awful aren’t they? They never do anything useful and only produce “woke” or “leftish” garbage.

This thread is another that follows the propaganda fed to the right by the Kremlin.

Try reading this to understand some of the actual work done by the best broadcaster in the world:-

So you are anti democratic ? therefore authoritarian and almost totalitarian. Get a leader anointed by the pope of woke ? Trump and Brexit won the vote. Get over it. You lost.

The BBC only exist to proselytize , to manufacture consent, to keep us all down in our place. Working hard, paying taxes, and not questioning the direction of our nations.
Don’t be silly!

Winning any vote doesn’t convey the right to act just as you please. You are bound by the law and the constitution, which in the USA delegates specific powers to specific branches of government. There is no King.

There is a widely believed misconception about Brexit being the result of a vote. It wasn’t. It happened because Parliament enacted Article 50. The referendum result was only ever advisory as referendums have no legal force in the British system.

The BBC exist to inform. Without fear, favour or bias. They approach everything objectively being bound by their charter to do so. Only those with huge personal biases of their own fail to accept that. Questioning the direction of our nations is not impacted at all. This site being the proof of that! Further proof being available every day on the BBC.
Back to basics then, let the BBC stand on it's own commercial feet. The taxpayer can fund some kind of emergency channel for times of disaster, and it can be debated if the BBC needs to be a sports broadcaster. The popular programs will easily transfer to commercial stations and platforms.

The idea being floated of having to pay a tax to watch non BBC content says it all.

If a BBC defender can make a good arguement for why someone who does not want BBC content has to fund it I will be all ears
If a BBC defender can make a good arguement for why someone who does not want BBC content has to fund it I will be all ears

many times in history, those who are subjugated are forced to pay for an indoctrination they had already rejected.
- Irish Catholics during the Famine were forced to pay tithes to a prod church they never attended.

- Aztec, Inca, Maya..........all forced into a kind of Catholicism that none of them wanted.

- 1066.......William replaced the English Church with his own Norman Church.....whether you liked it or not.

the common denominator : subjugation

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