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Textor buying Everton? / Bids to buy Palace outright

I've enjoyed a few of your posts recently and this sits atop the lot for me IP4Eagle.

Appreciate that, cheers..... it's funny as I've been a forum stalker for literally years but there's been some weird tech gremlin which meant beyond a random 2 weeks when I could post, I've never been able to logon. Admin couldn't see a reason and even clearing caches and doing allsorts none of the accounts I made could login, until the relaunch - so here I am catching up on lost time, lol.

It does seem quite extraordinary that he was prepared to buy 40% of Palace but only have 25% voting rights along with the other shareholders; on face value that seems somewhat incredulous although it perhaps begs the question of whether he felt he was given private assurances at the time re ultimately taking overall control?
Irrespective, his money did of course lead to the significant re-build a few year back and contributed to the value of players Palace now have. Net net, however, it definitely feels like a parting of the ways is the best solution and he certainly doesn't inspire confidence in his financial abilities given the Lyon scenario, what he would be taking on at Everton and what he bought into at Palace. All very surprising from an American businessman with links to the Du Pont empire.

What is also surprising from his statement was that he WAS offered the chance to buy Palace outright but decided against and opted for the current deal and has subsequently regretted that decision
I think the confusion over which club he is buying is due to a lag in the news filtering out.

My guess is the obvious one.

1. Textor tried to buy Palace outright a few months ago and was turned down.
2. Because he wants complete control he has then turned his attention to Everton and will sell his Palace shares.

Yes, I hadn't fully understood the timeline because of the way the news was released
Ok this explains a lot including comments made by Parish.

Textor wants out or a controlling stake and the other owners will not sell to him.

So we are cashing in on players to the tune of nearly £100m with little sight of reinvestment to repay his loans to the club to allow him to exit and buy Everton and when push comes to shove we lose out.

Such is our bizarre and daft ownership structure.
Ok this explains a lot including comments made by Parish.

Textor wants out or a controlling stake and the other owners will not sell to him.

So we are cashing in on players to the tune of nearly £100m with little sight of reinvestment to repay his loans to the club to allow him to exit and buy Everton and when push comes to shove we lose out.

Such is our bizarre and daft ownership structure.
That sound plausible, either that or Harris and Blitzer have forgotten their promise to fund the new stadium.
Ok this explains a lot including comments made by Parish.

Textor wants out or a controlling stake and the other owners will not sell to him.

So we are cashing in on players to the tune of nearly £100m with little sight of reinvestment to repay his loans to the club to allow him to exit and buy Everton and when push comes to shove we lose out.

Such is our bizarre and daft ownership structure.
Textor is just a front man for Eagle Holdings of which he has a small stake. Has he loaned any money to Palace or bought shares in the club, nobody knows the truth. If he wants out, he and Eagle Holdings will need to find a buyer of their shares, who are approved by the board and Premier League.
Textor is starting to be a massive distraction from what we should be focusing on which is this is this current premiership campaign, along with strengthening the team. Instead we have got this self indulgent prat flip flopping all over the place….
Textor is starting to be a massive distraction from what we should be focusing on which is this is this current premiership campaign, along with strengthening the team. Instead we have got this self indulgent prat flip flopping all over the place….

A group of ex players were asked about turmoil in the boardroom and if it affected the players. They basically said not, they couldn't care less (as long as they got paid, no doubt).

It is a distraction for us fans but should not excuse manager and players performance.
A group of ex players were asked about turmoil in the boardroom and if it affected the players. They basically said not, they couldn't care less (as long as they got paid, no doubt).

It is a distraction for us fans but should not excuse manager and players performance.
That sounds logical, but if we are selling players to finance dealings to do with Textor then it would most certainly effect the players and what is happening out on the pitch.
If that were the case, Guehi would have gone last week.

Parish is a shrewd businessman and I’d imagine team finances and business structure are kept completely separate.

Though not in Lyon, where they’ve put the majority of their squad up for sale to raise funds.

That’s the difference between a club part owned by Textor and a club run by Textor.

Our longer term shareholders won’t let this get out of control.
Yes agree. Which has made we wonder whether the current sale of players is for the company to buy back Textors shares, thus eliminating the need to find a new investor.
Good point. SP was very cool about the Textor situation when interviewed but early on when there were rumours about all sorts of players leaving , I wondered whether there was some underlying situation that was driving seemingly strange decisions.
That sounds logical, but if we are selling players to finance dealings to do with Textor then it would most certainly effect the players and what is happening out on the pitch.
It is already affecting what we see out on the pitch and is an unwelcome distraction impeding progress of the club. Still no new stand and there has been a real drop off in team performance.
Unfortunately, we lost one significant player, nevertheless, it should have been relatively easy to replace him and move forward.

This article suggests Textor could swap his Palace shares with the Friedkin Group who have lent £200m to Everton.
Not sure if they’d even want that.
I’d much prefer an investor that actually wants a part of Palace.

I just hope someone with integrity pops up to buy them from him. But I suspect his asking price is pretty unrealistic.
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This article suggests Textor could swap his Palace shares with the Friedkin Group who have lent £200m to Everton.
Not sure even they’d even want that.
I’d much prefer an investor that actually wants a part of Palace.

I just hope someone with integrity pops up to buy them from him. But I suspect his asking price is pretty unrealistic.
Hopefully the board will squash this.
Is it me but Textor seems to have put himself in an impossible position, he obviously isn't stupid but i cannot see anyway for him to resolve the situation, nobody is going to pay a fair price for 45% of his shares, the only possible ones to by would be the other three, and they don't have to because together they own the club, and if they did buy it would be for a pittance, if he had 20billion still nobody would buy the 45%, i hope he hasn't made any assurance's to Everton, otherwise he could be in real trouble.
"We have 14 groups interested in Palace who are very qualified and we have five that went to the next level and now we have two who have made good bids while there is also the possibility that our partners might still want it as they love the club as much as I do. We're into the final week or two of knowing who the buyer will be."

Plus some shiz about the Everton gig being akin to being made president
