Childish name calling doesn't make your posts look any better.
The best means of caring for the land, protecting the environment and promoting vibrant rural communities is to put policies in place that keep more farmers on the land and
provide pathways that give young farmers and under-served groups access to land. The commodification of farmland by corporate investors undercuts these goals, driving consolidation in the food system.
Jim Goodman, National Family Farm Coalition Board President.
We could:
- Restrict corporations (other than where the beneficial owners are all actively engaged in farming), multilayered subsidiaries, pension funds and investment funds from purchasing or leasing agricultural land. These types of corporations would be allowed to continue owning farmland they already own, but these corporate owners would not have future access to any farm subsidies, credits or grants. They should not be used to underwrite speculative corporate farmland investments.
- Strengthen laws and law enforcement to regulate corporations, both domestic and foreign, involved in farmland ownership.