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Poll from 'Good Morning' that....whatever the chorus of the establish are saying about Musk.....the public, at least here, demonstrate that he shouldn't butt out of having his say on what happens here.

I agree, he's having a real effect on the horrors that our establishment have covered up and ignored for decades.
That polling needs further investigation. I don’t believe it. It’s totally counterintuitive and doesn’t match anything I have heard. Other than here of course.
That's my point.

So don't come at me holding your nose up about dictators when.....not only does the state do plenty of underhand stuff, but works and supports dictators all over the world. You only appear to be morally offended when the suggestion that one might touch your own world....even a benevolent one.

We all were just locked up for two sodding years because a bunch of bedwetters decided it had to happen.

Hell, our intelligence directed media have been calling IS (and it's obvious where their funding comes from) 'rebels' all of a sudden in Syria. These bastards murdered thousands of our lads....the military, the most loyal within society....and continue to plot to murder on our streets today.

Fecking 'Rebels'.
Oh, I see. You're going to call me out for not supporting dictators. It's me that's the problem.

You take the biscuit with your 'pragmatic' support of dictators.

No doubt your quasi-catholic squeaky-clean self reminds me of the stance of the Catholic church in Chile, supporting Pinochet and his torture squads. It was right they said, to torture because the people they are torturing are enemies of the state. So they blessed the torturers.

Well, to the 'pragmatist', all this is ok and anyone who agues against it is an enemy of the state themselves.

For all your pragmatism, I'd never learn to be in cohoots with the likes of what you propose. Spiritually bereft.

Musk: has previously come across during interviews as a hard-nosed, but not unreasonable businessman.
That may, or may not be the case. However, those who tend to seek power tend to have very selfish motives and are not out for "the greater good". Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
At the lower end, take a look at our own politicians who for years fleeced Government coffers for unregulated 'expenses'. And there are better examples of corruption across all the governments of the globe.
And alongside political influence/lobbying for cash you can just join the dots to ultimately see how people with money control everything.
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America has a history of rich and powerful people trying to dominate politics from Andrew Carnegie to J P Morgan and the Getty family etc.

Musk has just joined the queue, the only difference is that he is more vocal and visible, they tended to do stuff in smokey backroom deals and the public didn't know the fix was in.

Either way it's nothing good for the public as they are motivated by self interest.

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