And Israeli's were firing/bombing on medical facilities/UN centres where hostages were being treated as they suspected HAMAS were in the facility. Which HAMAS obviously were, because they were guarding the hostages.
So the exchanges of prisoners/hostages seems to be progressing as well as we could have hoped for , so far.
What the re-building and tabled Peace Agreements involve are going to be protracted. Ultimately, someone is going to have to pay to rebuild the Palestinian townships. Israel won't/can't afford to. America (who supplied all the bombs, missiles and bullets), probably won't. I reckon pressure might be put on the oil-rich Gulf Stated to contribute and get some kind of sustainable agreement out of it.
As for Palestinians, they've paid a terrible price. How can they de-select HAMAS as their regime now, when they haven't been able to do so for many years. How can they live with secure borders, when Israeli armed 'settlers' have encroached and stolen their land over many decades. ?
First they must bury their dead.
After the hostage program is finished I just see the ceasefire ending and the killing continuing from where it left off.
Who is going to stop it?
I think you're right that if the plan was to 'de-Hamas' the Palestinians in Gaza (that's just media guff for normies) then that was never going to happen....any student of human nature knows that. No, the point is that you either get rid of the Palestinians into an Arab country (Egypt because America already fund them) or you kill them and take their land (the boil in the frog process of decades especially in the west bank).
Predicting the future is tricky but you look at the strength of the two sides and what's most likely given their motivations. The Palestinian position is quite easy to understand, there isn't going to be any change from them and they don't plan on going anywhere. For them staying in place is a victory and all they need for that is for the humanitarian aid to continue.
It's the Israeli future policy that's quite tricky.
The only real realistic opposition to current policy comes from within Israel itself and America's threat of de-funding.(Iran and Lebanon are now weakened)....I don't see that de-funding threat with the GOP in power, however Trump is more unlikely than even Biden to start a war with Iran....but does that mean he lets Netanyahu do the dirty work of wiping out about a million Gazans until they agree to leave? I kind of doubt it unless it can be done very quickly.....To do that means far more powerful destructive bombs on a mass scale and stopping humanitarian aid.
Trump likes Saudi, hates Iran....which chimes with them....So I think the attitude of the Saudis towards all this holds weight and the Saudis also dislike the Palestinians.....but not to the extent of wiping them out in least not officially.
What would suit Israel would be a large Iranian terrorist attack in America, anything that gets America into a war with Iran would suit them.....but obviously Iran know that and haven't been playing ball making it very clear they don't want a war, as they aren't stupid.
What happens? I guess we will find out.....Let's just say I don't trust any of the intelligence agencies of any side. On that front I consider Tulsi Gabbard getting confirmed Director of National Intelligence as important on that front, though she won't be the only chief in the agencies by a long shot.