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According to you, "there is no explanation why or how the supposed movement of Jews from this territories occurred."
Let's take Iraq as one example... Jews had lived in Iraq for over 2,500 years and made up about 25 per cent of the population of Baghdad.
In 1941, anti-Jewish riots killed hundreds of Jews and in 1948 the Iraqi government took away their rights, stripped them of their citizenship and confiscated their property as part of anti-Jewish laws.
Around 120,000 Jews lost their homes, assets and had to be airlifted to the safety of Israel. That's what you call ethnic cleansing.
Correct, in that animation there was no such evidence presented.
You don't provide a citation for your Iraq example, so let's take it at face value. On the face of it, it would certainly appear to be that way.
So it's clear you know that forced displacement of 120,000 people is ethnic cleansing.
So it follows that you accept the Nakba of 1948 was also an ethnic cleansing as 750,000 Palestinians lost their homes.
And since Oct 7th 2023, 1.9m have been forcibly displaced: Population and internal displacement since 7 October 2023 | Gaza Strip | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory

Nakba - Wikipedia
P.S. It would appear you are referring to the Farhud of 1941? I've only read the wikipedia article as really it doesn't appear to be too strongly relevant to the current genocide. While there are contentions over your framing in the limited portrayal of events you provide, there was certainly violence against the Jews in the backdrop of WW2.
Historian Moshe Gat writes, "On his first visit to Baghdad, Enzo Sereni noted that '[...] The Jews have adapted to the new situation with the British occupation, which has again given them the possibility of free movement after months of detention and fear.' It is not surprising, in light of the economic boom and the security granted by the government, that Jews who left Iraq immediately after the riots, later returned [...] Their dream of integration into Iraqi society had been dealt a severe blow by the farhud but as the years passed self-confidence was restored, since the state continued to protect the Jewish community and they continued to prosper."

Farhud - Wikipedia
P.P.S. Interesting note on Operation Ezra and Nehemiah in 1951:
"Most of the $4 million cost of the operation was financed by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee."
It seems there is a combination of planned mass migration, which is consistent with the quoted aim of Truman (from the references I provided), which may well have been fuelled by events in previous years.
So, I need more information to really conclude if all those who migrated to Israel were 'ethnically cleansed' or were part of the planned mass migration as devised under the Truman administration.
Operation Ezra and Nehemiah - Wikipedia
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