I was asked if I would fight for Britain today.
Essentially I think of all the white British lads from Luton and Leicester who went to fight in Europe and how they would have felt if you told them that in leas than 80 years their homes and cities would be occupied by Muslims mainly from the subcontinent and non Europeans from elsewhere and that even the English would be a minority in their towns and cities and what they would think about it.....Do you think they would have felt betrayed and have refused to go?
I certainly think most of them world.....In fact I think they would be so astonished that they wouldn't believe it.
We are ruled by a class and an ideology that concerns itself more with the borders of foreign countries than its own and increasingly looks down with disgust at its own heritage and history.
Only the woke, social liberals and left should go fight for this country.
Soy boy.