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Five stabbed at ASDA beddington.

Having seen this product seeing made, albeit in Dorset rather than Cornwall, it pays to be wary. There didn't seem to be any barrier to inclusion in the initial stages - if it wriggled, crawled, scuttled or flew it went in with the most dubious looking windfall apples and a few twigs.
I had some of the Normandy equivalent, from a bottle that had to be opened with pliers, and needed to sit down quickly. I went down more easily than it did. It was like treacle.
O.T. but you really should try it mulled - with a little ground cinnamon, a few cloves and a vanilla stick - beats mulled wine hands down every time............
I see you still revert to your tactic of losing an argument and just resorting to personal insults. Plus ça change.

A fact is something that is known, without doubt. Something that is a likelihood, even a strong one, is not a fact, until it is known without doubt.

You are not dealing in any facts.
How do you verify that a fact is known without doubt.
How do you verify that a fact is known without doubt.
you construct a test to attempt to disprove it. If such a test is impossible to construct then your 'fact' is not scientific - but merely rumour, supposition, hearsay or superstition. As demonstrated by Karl Popper.

Anybody taking bets on the Beddington stabber being declared 'mentally ill' but with a total dearth of previous paperwork or evidence to that effect ? Its either that ( shocking ) or worse....known to be nuts and the authorities ignored all the red flags ( as per Southport ).
We of course await the facts of the identity of the assailant, in the meantime my thoughts are with those subjected to such a horrific assault and those who were not injured but must have been traumatised by the incident. Thankfully nobody lost their lives. I wish all the injured a full and swift recovery.
If this is the reality then the police should release the detail which could jeopardise a trial and get a case actually thrown out. Prove the point that it could happen because 2TK and kharnt would love nothing more that to say ‘told you so’.
Then going forward the ‘far right’, that’s us the public, would understand why it’s a closed shop on details.
And lose their jobs as a consequence?

There’s no need. The law is already clearly established. That some either don’t understand it, or refuse to accept it, is regrettable and calls for better explanation, not a change. Most of the public, that’s us, do understand it. Only the far right, or the seriously dense, seem not to.
I am nearby and heard the sirens, fire engines etc. and knew there was something up, then saw it online.

My neighbour was at the front, I thought she was going down there, I said 'hang on, there's been a serious incident near the retail park'.

'Well I'm sorry, but I can't help that, I must go to Sainsburys'.

🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
Having seen this product seeing made, albeit in Dorset rather than Cornwall, it pays to be wary. There didn't seem to be any barrier to inclusion in the initial stages - if it wriggled, crawled, scuttled or flew it went in with the most dubious looking windfall apples and a few twigs.
I had some of the Normandy equivalent, from a bottle that had to be opened with pliers, and needed to sit down quickly. I went down more easily than it did. It was like treacle.
Not much scrumpy made in Cornwall. Not much drunk here either. However if you want some proper real ale then this is the place. Can still get a hop filled ale for £3.50 a pint.
Yeah it's the right wingers who are the problem.
They don't go around:
Stabbing people
Raping people
Murdering young girls
Driving into people at Christmas markets.
Setting off bombs

It's the hurty words and home truths which are a problem 🤷🏻‍♂️ they are literally calling for pro active steps to stop all this.
Terrorism is the problem. Whatever motivates it is secondary. You can believe what ever you like but it’s only actions that matter.

Some with right wing beliefs do translate their beliefs into actions:-

Some people it's a complete mystery how they made it to adulthood 🙂
Yeah it's the right wingers who are the problem.
They don't go around:
Stabbing people
Raping people
Murdering young girls
Driving into people at Christmas markets.
Setting off bombs
i predict that....

a) the Beddington Stabber will be put into the Media Memory-hole, along with all the hundreds of other violent atrocities on our streets.

b) if a white right-wing fella commits any of the crimes you mention, he will get more long-term Media publicity than the combination of the killers of Stephen Lawrence, Donald Trump and Princess Diana.
I am nearby and heard the sirens, fire engines etc. and knew there was something up, then saw it online.

My neighbour was at the front, I thought she was going down there, I said 'hang on, there's been a serious incident near the retail park'.

'Well I'm sorry, but I can't help that, I must go to Sainsburys'.

🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
Well if you gotta go, you’ve gotta go
Truth is, if this were a white English attack then the photo, name and address would already be all over the news.
If this were a far right attack, the country would be in mourning.
So this is just the normal, everyday perpetrator it always is. But apparently I'm just racist to think that. Despite it being always the same, like groundhog day. I'm starting to not get angry or shocked by it. Just being accepted now as common place by many I guess.
It's not an acceptable situation but when it's all the time people are just numb to it.
I noted there was no reporting on the Germany stabbings more or less on international news more or less. I guess they couldn't have that and Axel scum from Southport or people might wonder at the politics of it all.

People are right that Reform isn't enough. AFD type party required.

I'd like to hear an argument against loads more stop and search. And I'd like to hear it from Khan.
Truth is, if this were a white English attack then the photo, name and address would already be all over the news.
If this were a far right attack, the country would be in mourning.
So this is just the normal, everyday perpetrator it always is. But apparently I'm just racist to think that. Despite it being always the same, like groundhog day. I'm starting to not get angry or shocked by it. Just being accepted now as common place by many I guess.
It's not an acceptable situation but when it's all the time people are just numb to it.
I noted there was no reporting on the Germany stabbings more or less on international news more or less. I guess they couldn't have that and Axel scum from Southport or people might wonder at the politics of it all.

People are right that Reform isn't enough. AFD type party required.

I'd like to hear an argument against loads more stop and search. And I'd like to hear it from Khan.
Remember the old SPG? (basically the police rugby team in vans)
when they showed up you usually buttoned it & moved on / or they dealt with the situation.
'' No prisoners ''
you construct a test to attempt to disprove it. If such a test is impossible to construct then your 'fact' is not scientific - but merely rumour, supposition, hearsay or superstition. As demonstrated by Karl Popper.

Anybody taking bets on the Beddington stabber being declared 'mentally ill' but with a total dearth of previous paperwork or evidence to that effect ? Its either that ( shocking ) or worse....known to be nuts and the authorities ignored all the red flags ( as per Southport ).
So, are you saying all truths are scientific truths? Can that claim be verified scientifically? It can't, so it follows that there is a least one 'truth' that isn't true.
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