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Censorship and Social Media

What you actually said was: "Teaching respect and tolerance to all has nothing political about it." As usual, it is pie in the sky nonsense.
Teaching all children was implied, including those currently in religious based schools.

For those who already understood what was meant, my apologies at needing to explain the obvious.
And when any criticism of the way these people live within their belief is smashed by the law there is no chance. You are living in a strange head place if you really believe this can happen.
We are perfectly free to criticise. It’s routinely done here without any interventions.

There is a big difference between criticism and the kind of direct action or provocation some indulge in. Of course the law then must get involved.
Teaching all children was implied, including those currently in religious based schools.

For those who already understood what was meant, my apologies at needing to explain the obvious.
No, if you had written "Teaching respect and tolerance, to all, has nothing political about it" you would have meant that.
No, it wouldn't.

All, everyone, adults and children alike.
The lack of comas makes it clear that the meaning is to show tolerance and respect to all.
I’ll leave it there for you to wallow in the big hole full of pedantry you have dug for yourself.
"Political chaos is connected with the decay of language . . . one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end." [Orwell]
Censorship. Here is a fella who continues to rail against his gagging-order.

He wasn’t gagged in any way. He remains completely free to express his opinion in his own time.

He was sacked for insisting on expressing it on his employers time. He was then banned from attending the school, fined for breaking the ban and jailed for not paying the fines.

His situation is 100% his own responsibility. If anyone behaved like that they would get, and deserve, the same result.
i vaguely recall seeing data proving that Free Speech is far more alive and well in Putin's Russia. Better than anywhere in The West.

something to do with numbers of people arrested & convicted.

Of course, people in Eastern Europe have an excellent memory of the bad old Soviet Commie days. They sure as hell do not want to replicate any of that.
I vaguely recall that anyone who dares disagree with him is murdered, even on foreign soil.

Something to do with the murder of anyone dissident.

Something like that: can't quite remember.

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