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What’s a defunct shop or brand you miss the most?

Kennedys a shop with lovely sausages and really good cheese.
There was a chain of butchers down here in Kent called J.C.Rook & Sons that did it's own sausages, pies, pasties etc.

They went pop a couple years ago.

I used to love their Cornish pasties and Gala pie. They always seemed quite busy whenever I went into one of their shops.

Such a shame as they employed a couple of hundred people too.
I recall visiting 'Pratt's' in Streatham.
There used to be a charming gentleman employed by the establishment to operate the lift.
There's still a Kennedy's in Streatham - it's moved from its original site. And as we Streathamites say: "whatever happened to Pratt's, they made such lovely hats." Great customer service - it being a 'mutual' incentivised the staff to attract customers without the hard sell.

Holmesdale Online Shop
