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What’s a defunct shop or brand you miss the most?

Kennedys a shop with lovely sausages and really good cheese.
There was a chain of butchers down here in Kent called J.C.Rook & Sons that did it's own sausages, pies, pasties etc.

They went pop a couple years ago.

I used to love their Cornish pasties and Gala pie. They always seemed quite busy whenever I went into one of their shops.

Such a shame as they employed a couple of hundred people too.
I recall visiting 'Pratt's' in Streatham.
There used to be a charming gentleman employed by the establishment to operate the lift.
There's still a Kennedy's in Streatham - it's moved from its original site. And as we Streathamites say: "whatever happened to Pratt's, they made such lovely hats." Great customer service - it being a 'mutual' incentivised the staff to attract customers without the hard sell.
I recall 'Bejam' in London Road, Norbury.
I think they used to issue 'Pink Stamps' which was an alternative to 'Green Shield' Stamps.
Green Shield stamps provided most of our fixtures and fittings and what didn't come from there was courtesy of Kensitas coupons. It was a happy day when Green Shield changed to stamps worth X10 because you only had to stick 4 down the edge of the page rather than 40 over the whole thing.
I miss Wilko's as loved working there for 14 years. Also met my fiancee there.

I did miss my local HMV for a few years but it reopened a couple of years ago.
I miss Wilko's as loved working there for 14 years. Also met my fiancee there.

I did miss my local HMV for a few years but it reopened a couple of years ago.

Wilkinson's was a well stocked shop but who knew they provided fiancés as well?
An HMV opened near me quite recently and made me feel very old when I went in and hardly recognised, anything they were selling. Seemed to be mostly related to computer gaming merchandise.
Wilkinson's was a well stocked shop but who knew they provided fiancés as well?
An HMV opened near me quite recently and made me feel very old when I went in and hardly recognised, anything they were selling. Seemed to be mostly related to computer gaming merchandise.
Yes, but at least they stock a lot more vinyl albums nowadays compared with a few years ago.

We had coffee for breakfast this morning and remarked about how you don't get the wonderful aroma of coffee being roasted in shops today, which is surprising as there is a lot of coffee snobbery about. I think it was J Lyons that used to roast the beans in George Street. We also remember the Coffee Importers shop in Tunbridge Wells roasting beans and filling the street with the smell which tempted folk in to buy their wares.
'Kennards' and 'Grants' in Croydon.
I was nearly called Grant bcos my parents were having dinner there one evening when they decided to have their third child who turned out to be me. Thankfully they chose another name which protocol forbids me to reveal. As far as brands go I personally miss Kattomeat, it's all Whiskas and Felix now, it's not the cat food itself I miss you'll understand, never touch the stuff, it's the adverts with that lovely white cat Arthur, and that nice man doing the voice over, I don't know who it was but I think he narrated some old English 70s cartoons as well.

Holmesdale Online Shop
