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War in Ukraine

Well, you do because it's others posts you're commenting on.
Are people living in dictatorships happy and well provided for? Probably news to most of them. The clue is in the name.
Not when I commenting on my own comment!

How many people have you known who live in a dictatorship? Have you ever even visited one?

When that’s all you know, you know your boundaries and not to argue then you accept because it’s the way it is. All the indoctrinated end like that.
Not when I commenting on my own comment!

How many people have you known who live in a dictatorship? Have you ever even visited one?

When that’s all you know, you know your boundaries and not to argue then you accept because it’s the way it is. All the indoctrinated end like that.
Yes I have visited one or two.
The indoctrinated end like that is one of the daftest statements ever made on here.
Yes I have visited one or two.
The indoctrinated end like that is one of the daftest statements ever made on here.
Disagree. Many religious or highly political people are so indoctrinated by their family, friends or culture that they are unable to employ critical thinking. When that happens they often just accept their state unquestionably and believe whatever they have been told.
Disagree. Many religious or highly political people are so indoctrinated by their family, friends or culture that they are unable to employ critical thinking. When that happens they often just accept their state unquestionably and believe whatever they have been told.
Great. If there are any newly formed dictatorships just tell everyone there to hang on and they'll get used to it.
I had never before had any need to find the Ukrainian constitution. Here it is:-

The responsibilities of the President come towards the end and it would take a lawyer to determine which clause trumps another. They must both enact the decisions of the parliament and revoke them. I assume though always by request. What’s clear though is that the President is the Head of State, responsible for foreign affairs, but that the Parliament not only make the laws but can remove the President via impeachment, requiring a super majority to do so.

Which they did. Meaning an overwhelming majority wanted rid of him.

Is it any wonder sanctions were threatened? If a President refuses to enact the will of the people as expressed through their representatives then their friends help.

Of course the eastern units used their own arms to start with but no army fights without resupply and Moscow resupplied. How else could they continue?

The Minsk agreements? There were two, neither respected by Putin. Russia were involved from day 1 in the eastern states, provoking, supplying and then getting directly involved. No doubt you will claim this is all just western spin and only Putin tells the truth:-

As stated, the US were pumping billions into Ukraine to pull it away from Russian in direct interference. As the Nuland leak revealed the US were up to their neck in political manipulation and involvement in Ukraine towards the same aim.

And here is you talking about the same events as if they were organic.

I'm tired of your waffle.

As for the Minsk agreements, didn't Merkel state that they were used to rearm Ukraine, and wasn't Ukraine criticised by the UN for firing and shelling and breaking Minsk.....Maybe Russia did too, however, that's all very dodgey.

The bottom line is that we should have never have been in Ukraine and that if we hadn't have been obsessively pushing east looking to isolate Russia from its own slavic border country, then this war wouldn't have happened.
I look forward to the posts on here backing Donald Trump after he has stated that Ukraine started the war. All their fault. I despair.

BTW Eaglesdare I was taught that the way you deal with bullies is by confronting them.
You can virtue signal all you like over what's right and what's wrong. This is reality. It's not black and white. Lives are on the line.

You don't go up to a sleeping bear and poke it with it stick. If you f*** around be prepared to find out. It's as simple as that.
You can virtue signal all you like over what's right and what's wrong. This is reality. It's not black and white. Lives are on the line.

You don't go up to a sleeping bear and poke it with it stick. If you f*** around be prepared to find out. It's as simple as that.

If you want to continue with the bear analogy, you also wouldn't bend over and let it pummel you anally either, as Trump appears willing to do.
If you want to continue with the bear analogy, you also wouldn't bend over and let it pummel you anally either, as Trump appears willing to do.

Yeah, Trump is really going to be doing badly out of making deals with energy and mineral giant Russia.

Oh the crying he must be doing.

But us, we have the power of the virtue signal and that'll sure keep our energy bills low.

But oh hang on.....We must ensure that we like the people running the Donbas in Ukraine....Oh my god, lets send our lads to die so those who don't like Russia can feel good....
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Yeah, Trump really going to be doing badly out of making deals with energy and mineral giant Russia.

Oh the crying he must be doing.

But us, we have the power of the virtue signal and that'll sure keep our energy bills low.

But oh hang on.....We must ensure that we like the people running the Donbas in Ukraine....Oh my god, lets send our lads to die so those who don't like Russia can feel good....
This thread has become surreal.
we should have never have been in Ukraine and that if we hadn't have been obsessively pushing east looking to isolate Russia from its own slavic border country, then this war wouldn't have happened.

is the correct answer. NATO have been globetrotting and planting flags ever since WWII. And the rest of the World is sick and tired of the shyteshow.
is the correct answer. NATO have been globetrotting and planting flags ever since WWII. And the rest of the World is sick and tired of the shyteshow.

NATO worked well when it stuck to its original premise of its words....North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

We aren't meant to be in Eastern Europe in border countries five hours drive to Moscow spending five billion to turn them.....then wondering why they start a war and acting all startled and shocked.

Some people just love a war, just as long as it isn't them getting droned in a trench.
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Great. If there are any newly formed dictatorships just tell everyone there to hang on and they'll get used to it.
I certainly won’t encourage them and those used to freedom won’t accept it easily. It’s only those who know nothing else I am describing. Not for the first time you have either missed, or decided to ignore, the central point in your determination to be a pendant.
As stated, the US were pumping billions into Ukraine to pull it away from Russian in direct interference. As the Nuland leak revealed the US were up to their neck in political manipulation and involvement in Ukraine towards the same aim.

And here is you talking about the same events as if they were organic.

I'm tired of your waffle.

As for the Minsk agreements, didn't Merkel state that they were used to rearm Ukraine, and wasn't Ukraine criticised by the UN for firing and shelling and breaking Minsk.....Maybe Russia did too, however, that's all very dodgey.

The bottom line is that we should have never have been in Ukraine and that if we hadn't have been obsessively pushing east looking to isolate Russia from its own slavic border country, then this war wouldn't have happened.
You posts read like you are writing propaganda scripts for Putin the way they twist everything that happened and put the blame on the west. Providing support to a friendly sovereign nation is not interference. It’s looking after them and your own interests.

I grew tired of your diatribes years ago but as they are still appearing they still get countered.

You confirm your sympathy for Putin when you describe Ukraine as it being Russia’s “slavic border country”. That term is very revealing of your approach to many things.

Russia is Ukraine’s “slavic border country” too. It though didn’t invade its neighbour.
I certainly won’t encourage them and those used to freedom won’t accept it easily. It’s only those who know nothing else I am describing. Not for the first time you have either missed, or decided to ignore, the central point in your determination to be a pendant.
Don't start using personal phrases like pendant on this thread or the mods will locket.

Sorry for being pendantic
You posts read like you are writing propaganda scripts for Putin the way they twist everything that happened and put the blame on the west. Providing support to a friendly sovereign nation is not interference. It’s looking after them and your own interests.

I grew tired of your diatribes years ago but as they are still appearing they still get countered.

You confirm your sympathy for Putin when you describe Ukraine as it being Russia’s “slavic border country”. That term is very revealing of your approach to many things.

Russia is Ukraine’s “slavic border country” too. It though didn’t invade its neighbour.

You're the guy who supported going into this war so you get to own the failure.

I told you near the start of it, but no, just as with the Trump stuff you never see the error of your ways.

As I've said I don't give a damn about Putin and I don't give a damn about Zelensky. What I give a damn about is not being ruled by an unfunny collection of keystone cops who make a relegation manager look like Alex Ferguson.

Not my fault you can't play chess mate.
I certainly won’t encourage them and those used to freedom won’t accept it easily. It’s only those who know nothing else I am describing. Not for the first time you have either missed, or decided to ignore, the central point in your determination to be a pendant.
A pendant? Too much hanging around for me.
By your reckoning anyone born under apartheid was fine with it then.

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