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War in Ukraine

The Orwellian never-ending Wars.

Does anybody really believe that the end of the Ukraine War, win, lose or draw.....that that will be the end of wars for a little while ? Dream on.

Ukraine War will finish. And five minutes later another War to fill the MSM news. Any predictors where ? i reckon Putin will target Morocco. To flood the Western EU from due South. Little rubber speedboats of refugeess. Travelling up and down the Western Seaboard. From Lisbon to Britanny. And onwards to our friend in Cornwall, and the rest of the Celtic fringe.
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Looks like the Kursk offensive was a very bad idea. The Ukrainians sent the best they had and seem to have lost most of their Himars and air defence. By concentrating so much into a small region to cover the Kursk line they would have increased Russian detection rates.

The Russians have already started their own counter offensive to take it back and Ukraine just don't have enough to hold them back. Kursk will be taken back within weeks. In the meantime Russia have moved significantly forward on the eastern front and could have most of the Donbas wrapped up if they take Pokrovsk before Christmas.

The Ukrainians are constantly asking for western intervention and equipment exactly because they in effect lost this war months ago. They can be propped up a little past Christmas but I can't see them making next summer.

All the nonsense written on this thread by people telling me that Ukraine/Nato were going to beat Russia (as if this is even makes a safer world). That Russia was running out of (insert noun). That sanctions were going to destroy the Russian economy (sanctions have never worked and have hurt us just as much as them). These were all lies and/or examples of people drinking 'intelligence' kool aid pushed through the media to justify this spending, just as so many did during the neo con Gulf wars (and I was one of them).

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me......As the awful Bush once said.
Talking about ‘winning’ and Russia didn’t fire nuclear missiles each time we supplied equipment we were warned not to by putin, on Laura Kuennsburg’s show on bbc. Lammy, Piers Morgan, someone else. Winning? Hmmm.
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This is an interesting development....

IMF to visit Russia

Perhaps not as eye-grabbing as the reports on the fighting but an interesting reaction from the Western nations to it. Given we are told Russia is on its knees economically and how much sanctions are hurting it then surely official confirmation of that by the IMF would be welcome? LOL.
According to Ukrainian media: More than 270 thousand weapons have disappeared or been stolen in Ukraine. Let it be noted that when Congress started this they did so voting against a Republican bill requiring an audit.

Totally not going to be sold on the black market then.

Flooding corrupt countries with deadly weapons is such a good idea.
Not directly about the war in Ukraine but Georgia has now officially banned LGBT propaganda, same-sex marriage, and gender reassignment surgery.

Common sense....a rare quality in today's politicians.....is being spoken in Italy by the leader of their 'Democratic Party of Italy' party.

Not all boomers in charge seem resolved to blow up the world on their way out then.

I'd just like to say by the way that this charge that having a position which is against Nato's 'expansion to the east' policy since 1991 means you're a 'Putin apologist' is insane. This policy has opposed by many high up within Nato at the time, so the suggestion that to oppose an expansion into Ukraine is nonsense and frustrating.

It has made clear many times how this could lead to war, both as a general policy back in 1991 and in the early 2000s over Ukraine. Yet this has been memory holed by those seemingly determined to have war with a nuclear state.

