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US Politics

I’m not sure the profiles of illegals getting rounded up for deportation right now are worried about picking US crops.

You are an immigrant yourself?

Invariably the people who are most vociferous when it comes to deporting foreigners are those who migrated themselves and regard the country they migrated to as their own.

I expect the native indians invited the white men to help them as 'advisors' (Vietnam).

You are an immigrant yourself?

Invariably the people who are most vociferous when it comes to deporting foreigners are those who migrated themselves and regard the country they migrated to as their own.

I expect the native indians invited the white men to help them as 'advisors' (Vietnam).

I am a legal immigrant who completed extensive background checks, work sponsorship, biometrics, US history exams, 5 years taxes and then swore an oath.

There is a difference in my mind between legal immigrant status and illegal entry.
You are an immigrant yourself?

Invariably the people who are most vociferous when it comes to deporting foreigners are those who migrated themselves and regard the country they migrated to as their own.

I expect the native indians invited the white men to help them as 'advisors' (Vietnam).

What a load of bollocks and an outrageous slur on a legal migrant. Have you not left this awful country yet?
You are an immigrant yourself?

Invariably the people who are most vociferous when it comes to deporting foreigners are those who migrated themselves and regard the country they migrated to as their own.

I expect the native indians invited the white men to help them as 'advisors' (Vietnam).

There’s no i in legal !
It’s complete and utter bullshite.

Just because a citizen says something doesn’t mean it’s true, especially when all they are doing is repeating something they have read on the internet that matches their pov. Describing untruths as misinformation or disinformation depends on the motivation of who first says it. Who can be from anywhere these days.

Trump is again making political gestures of the worst kind. We need more moderation on the internet to ensure that dangerous lies are not presented as truths and people incited to violence as a consequence. Just look at the events on Jan 6th 2021 to see evidence for that.

Trump freeing the 1600 rioters was bad enough. Encouraging them and those who encouraged them to continue to spread untruths is worse.

It’s playing our futures straight into the hands of Russia, China and Iran. All of whom can, and do, plant seeds of disaffection into cyber space where the gullible pick it up and treat it as true.

This is very dangerous.
You are an immigrant yourself?

Invariably the people who are most vociferous when it comes to deporting foreigners are those who migrated themselves and regard the country they migrated to as their own.

I expect the native indians invited the white men to help them as 'advisors' (Vietnam).

Usual non-sensical rubbish
Time for me to switch off politics threads for a while. All these threads are going nowhere now....

I'll stick to Palace comments and why Eze has lost his mojo, but still, he is pivotal to our successes going forward.
Your input is worth reading, you are on the spot rather than spouting from a position of deranged stupidity.

Try the ignore button
It’s complete and utter bullshite.

Just because a citizen says something doesn’t mean it’s true, especially when all they are doing is repeating something they have read on the internet that matches their pov. Describing untruths as misinformation or disinformation depends on the motivation of who first says it. Who can be from anywhere these days.

Trump is again making political gestures of the worst kind. We need more moderation on the internet to ensure that dangerous lies are not presented as truths and people incited to violence as a consequence. Just look at the events on Jan 6th 2021 to see evidence for that.

Trump freeing the 1600 rioters was bad enough. Encouraging them and those who encouraged them to continue to spread untruths is worse.

It’s playing our futures straight into the hands of Russia, China and Iran. All of whom can, and do, plant seeds of disaffection into cyber space where the gullible pick it up and treat it as true.

This is very dangerous.
your keep melting down With your TDS is most amusing 😂
your keep melting down With your TDS is most amusing 😂
Dismissing objective criticism that’s forcibly expressed by using silly, childish terminology is what Trump himself does in his attempts to deflect.

That others parrot it is sad, but unfortunately rather commonplace.

You can do better than that. Try dealing with some of the criticism, rather than simply using pathetic, inaccurate terminology again.

Trump is a serious threat. Treat him seriously. As I do.
Anyways those looney leftys had their 4 years in the sun. It's time to get back to common sense and what I've seen in the past week fills me with confidence.

It won't be long before the same happens in the UK people are fed up and we will end up with a farage type character as PM sooner or later.
Dismissing objective criticism that’s forcibly expressed by using silly, childish terminology is what Trump himself does in his attempts to deflect.

That others parrot it is sad, but unfortunately rather commonplace.

You can do better than that. Try dealing with some of the criticism, rather than simply using pathetic, inaccurate terminology again.

Trump is a serious threat. Treat him seriously. As I do.
That as you say often is your opinion and I think I am entitled to mine. When you are proven correct which again is going to be an opinion I may agree. Until then TDS rules in your head!
That as you say often is your opinion and I think I am entitled to mine. When you are proven correct which again is going to be an opinion I may agree. Until then TDS rules in your head!
You are better than this!

Defending Trump has never been sensible but defending him now is beginning to look bonkers. Accusing those who criticise him of suffering some kind of mental incapacity is what Trump himself does. A more accurate use of the TDS pejorative is found in the Wiki description of its use:-

“CNN Political analyst John Avlon uses the term in a more generalized sense inclusive of positive emotions as well as hatred towards Trump, so that for example, TDS accounts for denialism about Trump's defeat in the 2020 election, as a "political diagnosis" of people who "simply can't accept the fact that he lost the election". This new definition derogatorily describing the nature of Trump supporters rather than his deriders has been picked up by others and widely used.”

You can read the Wiki here:-

I trust our own government, along with others in Europe and the rest of the western world minus the increasingly loony USA won’t be deflected from their path to get control of misinformation and disinformation on the internet by insisting on effective moderation by all platforms. Comply or be blocked must be the message.

Free exchange of ideas is a a precious commodity which must be protected.

It must not though be confused with allowing the unrestricted circulation of blatant lies and incitement by malign sources who wish to see our countries disrupted and ultimately destroyed.

We face having to do this for the next 4 years without the USA but it must still be done.

Trump has excelled himself today with yet another appalling announcement. He has suspended all new foreign aid and cancelled current projects. This will cause chaos in parts of the world where help is vital. People will die as a result. Now aid will only be given if it can be seen to deliver a direct benefit to the USA.

This is not leadership. It’s selfishness on fire. The UK cannot detach from the USA but it really must find a way of showing its distaste.

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