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Things you seldom see nowadays.

Blue Tits -due to a lack of food,bad wet Springtime. Blackbirds in the South East only due to a virus. A very bad year for wild life. Don't tidy up snail shells as birds eat them especially when they have young.Several species of butterfly have not been reported as seen this year.
Video shops
Mincers which clamp to the table
Horses as used by Coal Men / Rag & Bone men / Knife sharpeners
Cigarette coupons
Match boxes
Bicycle clips
Lyons tearooms
School caps
Old cars
Toys in cereal boxes
Money spiders
Ice cream between two wafers
Playing conkers
Double Diamond
Toast Toppers
Blue Tits -due to a lack of food,bad wet Springtime. Blackbirds in the South East only due to a virus. A very bad year for wild life. Don't tidy up snail shells as birds eat them especially when they have young.Several species of butterfly have not been reported as seen this year.
I guess its regional, but my garden is very busy with blue tits, robins, the slightly bigger brown ones (wrens?)
Also blackbirds, crows & magpies.
very pleasing to see.
Bread that isn't sourdough in a cafe
Tourist brochures for cheap holidays in Spain
Bus conductors
Third class train tickets
Vinyl roofs on cars
Car stereos
Video/ CD players
Cameras - except on phones
That is very good news ,I normally have lots but they have all gone.Very sad.
ive loaded my gardens bushes, small trees with wooden bird boxes & various seeds for small birds.
they seem to come back every year.
next door has a huge rhodedendron hedge , they nest in also.
If you dont makes sudden movements, especially the robins, will come very close to you.
usually after some gardening, lawn mowing, the blackbirds are quick off the mark for bugs, snails.👍
waxed paper packaging on bread
thin cut bread
tom thumb cigars
love bites
white families in tv adverts
dogs casually shagging in the street
tonibell ice cream van
When I see an all white family in an advert now - I find it jarring. However, there are families that are ridiculous in adverts - like an Asian woman with a black man, with a white, mixed race and Japanese kid. You think to yourself, how did they manage that - plus deep down you know most Asian people are not that fond of black people and vice versa.
I watched one of these places in the sun programmes where a Sikh girl had apparently married a black man. Yeah right, was my reaction.
Aged gentlemen sniffing 'Snuff'.
Gentlemen puffing on a pipe.
Soda siphons on the bar at 'Public Houses'
Bar tenders drinking behind the bar.
Customers offering to buy bar staff a drink.
'Light & Bitter' and 'Watneys Red'
Optics for spirits
Football rosettes
String vests
'Green Shield' stamps
Police 'Panda' cars.
'Drip Dry shirts'
People combing their hair.
Goblin teasmades
toasted sandwich makers
evening newspapers
public services
milk bottles
keep off the grass signs

The 'Evening Standard classified' with the football results !
Apropos "milk bottles!", I recall the gold,silver,blue tops etc and of course one does not see 'Milk Floats' any more.
Transistor radios
The Television repair person
The Football Pools collectors
Rag and bone man.
Sacks of coal.
The chap in a white coat and tray arriving in a Public House selling fish (Cockels etc).
'Slam door' trains
Talcum powder