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The Politics of 'Climate-change'

south pole
is it all just......

a) a catastrophic Existential challenge to humanity. The real deal. Up there with Noah's flood.

b) spin, hot air, and an ideological power-grab....with future Covid-lockdown-style 'climate emergencies'

c) pseudo science, propaganda and man's never ending need for a doomsday scenario just over the horizon.

d) other ( please insert )

Climate change is happening. Scientific fact.

In politics it's an excuse to raise taxes but do nothing worthwhile. An excuse to morph the manufacturing industry to generate jobs and raise people's expenditure.

The ridiculous nature of policy:
Shall we fine Los Angeles for breaching air quality standards and emissions with their wild fires ?
Do the missiles and tanks of Russia and Ukraine run on bio-fuels so they are better for the environment ?

We're all going to die, but more likely from nuclear warfare than anything else.
Difficult to deny it is happening and that it poses a huge problem to people / the world. However, it can only be resolved by a concerted global effort, not by the actions of the UK government. So in my view our government needs to bang the drum for global action, but strenuously avoid impoverishing the nation in pursuit of net zero policies. Sadly the really key thing will be that we as a nation are wealthy enough to mitigate the impacts of climate change on our population, as we will be powerless to prevent China, India, Russia and the USA from continuing down the same track of environmental damage and further climate change.
Drill baby Drill!
Agreed. I am not a climate change denier however just like Y2K and Brexit a lot gets blamed on climate change e.g. fires and floods even though the locals point out that the authorities have failed to maintain flood defences or cleared dead wood through controlled burning etc.

CC is a get out of gaol card used by some to cover their own incompetency.

Until the major polluters actually do something why should the rest of us wear the hair shirt just so do nothing politicians can feel better.
Agreed. I am not a climate change denier however just like Y2K and Brexit a lot gets blamed on climate change e.g. fires and floods even though the locals point out that the authorities have failed to maintain flood defences or cleared dead wood through controlled burning etc.

CC is a get out of gaol card used by some to cover their own incompetency.

Until the major polluters actually do something why should the rest of us wear the hair shirt just so do nothing politicians can feel better.
Of course disasters happen as a consequence of things other than climate change. They always have. Climate change just changes the dynamics and unpredictability which demands we change what we do in response.

So doing more, rather than less, of the things that caused the change makes it worse, not better. If governments take a short term approach designed to make them popular it will not be dealt with. Which is why the developed world has been taking the lead. Failing to do so is both irresponsible and a disaster.

Why should we wear the hair shirt? Because if we don’t our great grandchildren may not be here to wear shirts.
Of course disasters happen as a consequence of things other than climate change. They always have. Climate change just changes the dynamics and unpredictability which demands we change what we do in response.

So doing more, rather than less, of the things that caused the change makes it worse, not better. If governments take a short term approach designed to make them popular it will not be dealt with. Which is why the developed world has been taking the lead. Failing to do so is both irresponsible and a disaster.

Why should we wear the hair shirt? Because if we don’t our great grandchildren may not be here to wear shirts.
Maybe if we didn’t build on flood plains which Mother Earth determined or cleared woodland with fire breaks, or accepted that weather is hot and cold there would be less of the CC to moan about. The earth is alive and very well and has a cycle which we are in atm. It is a bit older than any records we can put on the table.
Why should we wear the hair shirt? Because if we don’t our great grandchildren may not be here to wear shirts.
more flawed logic. Especially when you consider that many climate-recordbreakers happened in the era of your great Grandparents.
I do recall many alarmists telling us in 1995 that by today London would have a climate like Mogadishu.

more flawed logic. Especially when you consider that many climate-recordbreakers happened in the era of your great Grandparents.
I do recall many alarmists telling us in 1995 that by today London would have a climate like Mogadishu.

News report had to mention today that Europe had higher temperatures than usual but Britain and Ireland didn't. Presumably, it's The Day after Tomorrow for us and The Man who Fell to Earth for the rest of them: according to catastrophists.
All the word's resources are finite, and because of human politics we're in a race to get the best for ourselves.
Which country would sacrifice their current standard of living for the sake of the planet, when their neighbours are partying hard ?
China , USA, Russia are going through coal and oil faster than ever, in order to maintain their manufacturing capacity at the top of the pile.
Others (smaller and insignificant by comparison), like the UK are using CC as an excuse to heavily tax their population. with no real net benefit for the planet.(except perhaps a piece of moral high ground)
Port Talbot is dead as of August 2024. No steel or ancillary works. China and USA's steel production is just fine.


  • port talbot dead.webp
    port talbot dead.webp
    143.5 KB · Views: 5
Climate change is happening. Scientific fact.

In politics it's an excuse to raise taxes but do nothing worthwhile. An excuse to morph the manufacturing industry to generate jobs and raise people's expenditure.

The ridiculous nature of policy:
Shall we fine Los Angeles for breaching air quality standards and emissions with their wild fires ?
Do the missiles and tanks of Russia and Ukraine run on bio-fuels so they are better for the environment ?

We're all going to die, but more likely from nuclear warfare than anything else.
Well that cheered me up sunshine!
News report had to mention today that Europe had higher temperatures than usual but Britain and Ireland didn't. Presumably, it's The Day after Tomorrow for us and The Man who Fell to Earth for the rest of them: according to catastrophists.
It was apparently the hottest January ever recorded, for reasons not yet fully understood and will be studied in the coming months. Climate change being at the root is undeniable but why the big change now and exactly what mechanisms triggered it is puzzling scientists.

No doubt the climate change deniers will carry on pretending this is all a fantasy and just part of a natural cycle that has happened since the world was born. It isn’t! Natural cycles are real enough but take many centuries to ebb and flow, during which time we adapt and relocate. Man made climate change is separate to them, is occurring very quickly and won’t naturally be reversed.

Drill baby drill is not the answer. It’s suicidal.
Drill baby drill is not the answer. It’s suicidal.

is it as suicidal as all you Lefties who revel in the infertility of nations ? Italy, South Korea, Spain.

yis seem to love abortions for the very young and euthanasia for the very old ? suicidal Wisbech ? so who is the death cult ? the Left or the Right ?

you can forget about climate change when whole towns & villages in rural Spain & italy are abandoned.

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is it as suicidal as all you Lefties who revel in the infertility of nations ? Italy, South Korea, Spain.

yis seem to love abortions for the very young and euthanasia for the very old ? suicidal Wisbech ? so who is the death cult ? the Left or the Right ?

you can forget about climate change when whole towns & villages in rural Spain & italy are abandoned.

These are completely separate and unrelated issues.

We aren’t going to reverse the trend to smaller families. Should we even attempt to the consequences would be so unpopular in the short to medium term as to doom it to failure. It would necessitate an increase in immigration until the children reached working age.

Nor are we going to reverse our increased life expectancy.

We can, must and will postpone retirement by some margin, which will be really unpopular but is a necessity, but it won’t bridge the gap.

Nor will automation or AI. Both will help but they can never replace human hands in many circumstances.

The only answer is increased immigration, for which the economic and social imperative is only now beginning to be explained.

Climate change will continue unless we collectively do something about it, However we respond to the fact that those working are shrinking in number, whilst those not are increasing, that’s still going to happen.
These are completely separate and unrelated issues.

We aren’t going to reverse the trend to smaller families. Should we even attempt to the consequences would be so unpopular in the short to medium term as to doom it to failure. It would necessitate an increase in immigration until the children reached working age.

Nor are we going to reverse our increased life expectancy.

We can, must and will postpone retirement by some margin, which will be really unpopular but is a necessity, but it won’t bridge the gap.

Nor will automation or AI. Both will help but they can never replace human hands in many circumstances.

The only answer is increased immigration, for which the economic and social imperative is only now beginning to be explained.

Climate change will continue unless we collectively do something about it, However we respond to the fact that those working are shrinking in number, whilst those not are increasing, that’s still going to happen.
Postpone retirement? Until what age? 70?, 75? How are manual labourers supposed to cope? 50 years of work take a toll on the body. Ask anyone who's been a scaffolder, plasterer or carpet layer.
A 70+ year old fireman carrying people out of a building?
Postpone retirement? Until what age? 70?, 75? How are manual labourers supposed to cope? 50 years of work take a toll on the body. Ask anyone who's been a scaffolder, plasterer or carpet layer.
A 70+ year old fireman carrying people out of a building?
Obviously depends on how fit they are but there are non manual jobs available in every area, where experience and knowledge is very valuable.

Second or third careers will become normal. The active semi retired caring for the very elderly will too. How many older people can now be seen working in supermarkets. I have an ex Policeman friend who is now delivering groceries.

This is inevitable and must not be seen as anything different from the past. How long did our grandparents enjoy for their retirement on average? 10 years? How many now? 15? 20?
Obviously depends on how fit they are but there are non manual jobs available in every area, where experience and knowledge is very valuable.

Second or third careers will become normal. The active semi retired caring for the very elderly will too. How many older people can now be seen working in supermarkets. I have an ex Policeman friend who is now delivering groceries.

This is inevitable and must not be seen as anything different from the past. How long did our grandparents enjoy for their retirement on average? 10 years? How many now? 15? 20?
Too generous. Work until you're 75 and on your last day you get a steel bolt through the back of the head. Let's scrap pensions altogether and anyone who can't support themselves should be exterminated. Anyone who can support themselves after that age should be taxed until they can't and then shot.

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