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The Politics of 'Climate-change'

and to control the people.

I predict 'climate lockdowns'.........akin to the covid lockdowns. The former sounds ridiculous, but so did the Latter until they actually happened.
Yes I also predict it.
If anything the last few years have taught me is that anything can happen.

It will all lead into Digital ID if your carbon emissions are low, fully vaxxed, acceptable social media posts etc...you will be allowed out of your house to purchase a loaf of bread.
But maybe events in November 2025 have postponed all this. 🤪
Climate change is another political tool. Like warfare, terrorism, Covid, street stabbings, they are all being used as methods of control. CCTV, security checks, mobile phone tracking, for your security and protection. They want to control you. All of you.
You will drive electric cars, you will have heat pumps for your houses. That way they have more financial control over you. You are being railroaded into assimilation. There will be no deviation. Except for the Ruling Classes and Elites. It will all be double-plus good.
Climate change is another political tool. Like warfare, terrorism, Covid, street stabbings, they are all being used as methods of control. CCTV, security checks, mobile phone tracking, for your security and protection. They want to control you. All of you.
You will drive electric cars, you will have heat pumps for your houses. That way they have more financial control over you. You are being railroaded into assimilation. There will be no deviation. Except for the Ruling Classes and Elites. It will all be double-plus good.
Is there no conspiracy theory you, and those who have been conned like you, are prepared to believe? No matter how illogical or preposterous?

I first encountered this phenomenon over 20 years ago when I got to know a group of American ex pats in the Philippines. All friendly, hospitable, generous guys but they all bought in to the idea that 9/11 was staged by the US government. The planes weren’t real. The Towers were brought down by strategically placed explosives. As someone who watched the whole event evolve live on TV I knew it was nonsense but they had detailed structural calculations which “proved” the Towers could survive an aircraft strike.

They got these ideas from the early days of internet chat rooms. Who planted them can only be guessed at, but they weren’t friends of the USA.

It’s just got worse and worse. As you so amply demonstrate.
If it is that urgent why don’t hmg give us free stuff to help instead of forcing change many can’t or will never afford.
Encouragement through subsidies and education will manage the necessary changes. They cannot just be turned on overnight. The infrastructure needs to be built first.

Ultimately some of the poorest will be given things. I am sure of that.
When something stops being a theory and transitions into a fact, yes they do.
err, just not true.

You are just exposing more of your misunderstandings about basic science.
First it was Covid,...now it's Climate change

Don't let that deter you. you still have some entertainment value to your posts
Yes cows burp methane. But you as a scientist surely would understand the difference in long and short term carbon cycles?? Cows don't drink oil to produce that methane do they?

According to your logic, because scientists are paid, they can't be trusted. Therefore what they publish is made up nonsense.

Do you disagree with the findings in the Vostok cores?

I was explaining that they claim cows are a big issue when they are not because I do understand the gas released by them is not the same as fossil fuel.

You should re read what I put it is explained about scientists and being a person who has published plus been a peer reviewer multi times over a 40+ year period I know full well how it works.

What about Vostok cores? do you need something explaining if so post up the fully released document and I can break it down for you.

Firstly the claim that the climate change we are experiencing is natural is complete bs.

So is the idea that it exists solely to instil fear and raise taxes.

Your reference to the article on why energy prices are rising is pretty much in the same category. Rising energy prices are the result of market conditions, the cause of which is primarily the war in Ukraine but not helped by the uncertainty caused by Trump.

Is it? provide the data please it's a fact one of the words you like to use incorrectly that climate change is natural.

Do we contribute yes but the claims we are the cause is untrue no data backs this up.

You are one of the types of people who wants authority figure to look after you and everything they say is valid it's not as I said before you was put in your place during covid and still kept trying to fight your position. (It's more complex then just fear and raising tax but it's a form of control)

Last bit is partial truth and has ignored how energy companies are still making large profits (It has missed out on how for decades we knew about issues to do with our energy yet chose to ignore it signing contracts with people like Russia when at times we had the funds to do something about the issue ourselves)

Even Boris before he was forced out spoke about the plan yet none of it has been followed through on.

This country has a record for increased prices not based on what the wholesale rates are and then they don't bring them back inline petrol is a clear example of this.
err, just not true.

You are just exposing more of your misunderstandings about basic science.
First it was Covid,...now it's Climate change

Don't let that deter you. you still have some entertainment value to your posts
If you are entertained by those who knock down misinformation then carry on. People can learn from entertainment.

There are many things that scientific consensus regard as facts. Ones where alternative hypotheses no longer exist. Man made climate change being one. There are other things where the current hypothesis remains the most likely explanation, until a better one is discovered.

That some refuse to acknowledge this might be unfortunate but it doesn’t stop it being true.

Covid exists. The unproven aspect remains its origin. Lockdowns existed. Whether they were wise, or not, are matters of opinion. Not facts.
Is it? provide the data please it's a fact one of the words you like to use incorrectly that climate change is natural.

Do we contribute yes but the claims we are the cause is untrue no data backs this up.

You are one of the types of people who wants authority figure to look after you and everything they say is valid it's not as I said before you was put in your place during covid and still kept trying to fight your position. (It's more complex then just fear and raising tax but it's a form of control)

Last bit is partial truth and has ignored how energy companies are still making large profits (It has missed out on how for decades we knew about issues to do with our energy yet chose to ignore it signing contracts with people like Russia when at times we had the funds to do something about the issue ourselves)

Even Boris before he was forced out spoke about the plan yet none of it has been followed through on.

This country has a record for increased prices not based on what the wholesale rates are and then they don't bring them back inline petrol is a clear example of this.
I provided the links a while ago. Provided by people we all can trust. If you don’t then there’s little point in trying to discuss anything with you. No individual has “the data”. It’s not our responsibility. It’s that of the thousands of experts who work on our behalf. They summarise it for us.

Note the second paragraph!

Nobody “put me in my place” over Covid! What arrogant nonsense. There was a lot of ridiculous denials and wrong information being posted here that I countered and apparently still need to.

You can criticise the way energy companies continue to make money from carbon based fuels. I do too. This though is solely down to their need to satisfy stockholders. Unless we, as a global society, change than then they will continue to extract oil and gas rather than invest in renewables.

So we need to incentivise them to do so through taxation and subsidies.

You can also criticise government responses for being too short term. I do too. Especially what is currently being done in the USA.

This whole issue needs to be removed from global politics and elevated to be an existential issue facing the survival of mankind. We took some steps to recognise the need to do this but the backward steps of the idiot in the WH threaten us all.
I provided the links a while ago. Provided by people we all can trust. If you don’t then there’s little point in trying to discuss anything with you. No individual has “the data”. It’s not our responsibility. It’s that of the thousands of experts who work on our behalf. They summarise it for us.

Note the second paragraph!

Nobody “put me in my place” over Covid! What arrogant nonsense. There was a lot of ridiculous denials and wrong information being posted here that I countered and apparently still need to.

You can criticise the way energy companies continue to make money from carbon based fuels. I do too. This though is solely down to their need to satisfy stockholders. Unless we, as a global society, change than then they will continue to extract oil and gas rather than invest in renewables.

So we need to incentivise them to do so through taxation and subsidies.

You can also criticise government responses for being too short term. I do too. Especially what is currently being done in the USA.

This whole issue needs to be removed from global politics and elevated to be an existential issue facing the survival of mankind. We took some steps to recognise the need to do this but the backward steps of the idiot in the WH threaten us all.
Ding ding ding. Trump alert.
The government is in the process of approving the second runway at Gatwick which potentially means an extra 100,000 flights a year. Maybe you should try to convince them rather than us.
Had we made the effort to convert to renewable sources of fuel decades ago then it wouldn't matter.

As I said, were f***ed

As long as the gulf stream doesn't stop we are relatively protected this far to the northern hemisphere or have I got that wrong? It'll get like a rainy Spain.

Also, I think you're too down on technology being able to modify this. There are significant CO2 technologies that can be taken that could reduce warming....according to Grok by one or two degrees for just one of them.
I think it's too early to say it's over.
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