I provided the links a while ago. Provided by people we all can trust. If you don’t then there’s little point in trying to discuss anything with you. No individual has “the data”. It’s not our responsibility. It’s that of the thousands of experts who work on our behalf. They summarise it for us.
Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 800,000 years, there have been eight cycles of ice ages and warmer periods, with the end of
Note the second paragraph!
The science on the human contribution to modern warming is quite clear. Humans emissions and activities have caused around 100% of the warming observed.
Scientists have amassed an overwhelming amount of evidence that humans are the main cause of climate change. Here are 9 ways the evidence stacks up.
Nobody “put me in my place” over Covid! What arrogant nonsense. There was a lot of ridiculous denials and wrong information being posted here that I countered and apparently still need to.
You can criticise the way energy companies continue to make money from carbon based fuels. I do too. This though is solely down to their need to satisfy stockholders. Unless we, as a global society, change than then they will continue to extract oil and gas rather than invest in renewables.
So we need to incentivise them to do so through taxation and subsidies.
You can also criticise government responses for being too short term. I do too. Especially what is currently being done in the USA.
This whole issue needs to be removed from global politics and elevated to be an existential issue facing the survival of mankind. We took some steps to recognise the need to do this but the backward steps of the idiot in the WH threaten us all.