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The new government – good accomplishments and bad?

Starmer is only interested in passing legislation. The majority he has is so large, with a significant amount of MP's who are literally incapable of pissing without being told to by the Whips, that he could pass a law ordering the murder of every first born child and it would sail through.

And killing old people, who are still predominantly white, is again all wins for him. He wants us back in the EU. We left because of the elderly voting. Its win win for him.

With zero hyperbole to this either. Starmer does not care about the fate of people who will not vote in the way he wants them to. All politicians are to some extent sociopaths but Starmer is in a league of his own.
I see what you’re saying, and the way you put it I wouldn’t be surprised if he ordered the murder of every white first born child. But this doesn’t make sense for a few reasons.

As per Richard Tice’s point in the house, there are constituencies, many up north, that have thousands of oldies that are in the bracket that now won’t get the WFA but don’t receive enough to pay for heating whenever it’s needed. They are likely Labour voters, even if they voted leave. And their sons, daughters and grandchildren are likely Labour voters.

During Covid Starmer wanted harder and longer lockdowns to save granny. And that was after Brexit, costing hundreds of billions of pounds for younger and future generations. But that I suppose was an opportunity in opposition, living up to the sociopath label perhaps. He’s planning to inflict more pain he’d oppose in opposition so maybe it is.

I appreciate there’s another 5 years to go, but there might not be, and even if there is, I’m not so sure this will be forgotten. And for what? Not even saving £2 billion.

There are social media posts claiming that instead of the WFA, how much we’re spending off our shores and on immigrants in hotels etc. Some of them include increasing pay for union members, some don’t. Starmer has a problem with the latter rather than the former.

He’s going to have to have a pretty good first term for this to be forgotten. A lot of his MP’s think it’s a bad decision and you have halfwits and liars for MP’s saying there’d be a run on the pound because it’s in a precarious position or they were warned by the city that the markets would collapse if they didn’t take £1.4 billion off pensioners. It’s all nonsense treating everyone like fools. Something the country had enough of.
Imagine advocating for ridiculous lockdowns to save the elderly and then taking away their winter fuel payments.

The WFA does need to be changed, means tested to income for less well off OAPs and those on seriously low incomes, but it's the way they've done it. No consultation, no risk assessment, just axed it and claiming pension credit is the answer. From speaking to diehard labourites in the North West , Starmer is now a name synonymous with Thatcher.
The WFA does need to be changed, means tested to income for less well off OAPs and those on seriously low incomes, but it's the way they've done it. No consultation, no risk assessment, just axed it and claiming pension credit is the answer. From speaking to diehard labourites in the North West , Starmer is now a name synonymous with Thatcher.
The cut off is too low. And they called the tories out of touch.
The WFA does need to be changed, means tested to income for less well off OAPs and those on seriously low incomes, but it's the way they've done it. No consultation, no risk assessment, just axed it and claiming pension credit is the answer. From speaking to diehard labourites in the North West , Starmer is now a name synonymous with Thatcher.
How could you means test 10 million for less than £1.5 billion. It would take an admin team of 100s with all of the extra software and ancillary IT.
I suppose it would help fill those prison spaces made available today for the old geriatrics who fill out the forms wrong and commit fraud. Two years minimum 😂
How could you means test 10 million for less than £1.5 billion. It would take an admin team of 100s with all of the extra software and ancillary IT.
I suppose it would help fill those prison spaces made available today for the old geriatrics who fill out the forms wrong and commit fraud. Two years minimum 😂
Yeah this has been known for years, until Starmer turns up and thinks he has the answer, only he totally fooks it up, turning more people against him within 2 months. You couldn’t make it up. Not only that - his MP’s tell some embarrassing lies that not doing it will crash the economy and the currency. What a joke.
Yeah this has been known for years, until Starmer turns up and thinks he has the answer, only he totally fooks it up, turning more people against him within 2 months. You couldn’t make it up. Or only that but his MP’s tell some embarrassing lies that not doing it will crash the economy and the currency. What a joke.
I have never been so anti hmg. Even when Blair, brown or kinnock were in power
If there are protests about this WFA how are these protesters going to be labelled.
2TK has already played his trump card with the first lot gone to jail as far right.
The police are randomly nicking anyone who looks at them the wrong way.
This is seriously turning into a worldwide embarrassment and looking closer and closer like a real life V for Vendetta moment.
8 weeks in it is getting a bit scary.
Why don't people understand this winter fuel payment withdrawal is 100% the fault of the previous government.

The 89 gazillion black hole left the Govt with no alternative but to implement this policy.

There are an estimated 800,000 people who could claim pension credit but have not done so. It wouldn't take to many of these to act for this policy not only to be wrong on many levels but would also end up costing money.

The optics are terrible, but more terrible is the probability there will be deaths this winter that would not otherwise have occurred as pensioners in poverty do not turn on heating, a probelm MP's don't have with their second homes.

Ideological madness, the tenure of this Govt is going to be miserable.
Sorry HK but I disagree.
Labour have to make tough choices. They haven’t. They’ve picked on the most vulnerable (and yes that isn’t all pensioners I know), at the same time doffing their caps to their union pals by immediately giving inflation plus pay rises (some of which are backdated) costing more. Much much more. Saying no would have been making a tough decision.
This lot will end up being classed as the worst Government in living memory at the end of their tenure - and previous rubbish takes a lot of beating.
These first few weeks will absolutely not be forgotten.
Labour's hope is that the people that they help will always vote for them and that they outnumber the rest of us.
Just watch the State grow to ensure that happens!
This lot will end up being classed as the worst Government in living memory at the end of their tenure - and previous rubbish takes a lot of beating.
These first few weeks will absolutely not be forgotten.
Labour's hope is that the people that they help will always vote for them and that they outnumber the rest of us.
Just watch the State grow to ensure that happens!
Just watch immigration grow more like.
Meanwhile Rachel Reeves has claimed £3700 in heating expenses for her MP home, if you voted labour I hope you are happy, a party that sends billions abroad, or gives huge pay rises, but Starmer said it" i am here for workers" clearly vulnerable pensioners are expendable and a nuisance to Labour. Labour MPs just voting to save their own jobs rather than listen to the electorate.
Why don't people understand this winter fuel payment withdrawal is 100% the fault of the previous government.

The 89 gazillion black hole left the Govt with no alternative but to implement this policy.

There are an estimated 800,000 people who could claim pension credit but have not done so. It wouldn't take to many of these to act for this policy not only to be wrong on many levels but would also end up costing money.

The optics are terrible, but more terrible is the probability there will be deaths this winter that would not otherwise have occurred as pensioners in poverty do not turn on heating, a probelm MP's don't have with their second homes.

Ideological madness, the tenure of this Govt is going to be miserable.
Have you ever seen the forms and proofs that you have to submit to apply for this? It's no wonder a lot of people don't bother..........
Meanwhile Rachel Reeves has claimed £3700 in heating expenses for her MP home, if you voted labour I hope you are happy, a party that sends billions abroad, or gives huge pay rises, but Starmer said it" i am here for workers" clearly vulnerable pensioners are expendable and a nuisance to Labour. Labour MPs just voting to save their own jobs rather than listen to the electorate.

Don't do as I do...
